New Name for a New Age ?
In our Media-Driven Age, common words lose their meaning; and many words tend to hold no meaning at all. Words are used now, only to shape "feelings". This technique, called "dissembling" , is extremely useful for all kinds of activities. Advertising is the most obvious use; and also the most lucrative. Your life can depend on your ability to detect dissemblance and discover the risk to your finances, your health, or your personal safety. (Pay very close attention to the "warnings" given, at high speed, at the end of the drug ads).
Just about every industry has used some kind of "deception" in its advertising. The practice is as old as the "snake-oil" salesmen from the days of the Covered Wagon. Pretty pictures, "pretty" people, and other devices are used to aid the "dissembler".
Politics is the "gold mine" for most dissemblers. The most successful ones, have always been those (usually white and male) office seekers are best at employing the technique. Television, in the early days, gave politicians huge problems, until they learned what to "say" and how to "say" it. Their pitches, today, are indicative of how stupid, racist, gullible, etc., they think their audience is.
The last time the world was in economic difficulty at our current levels, "spell-binders" were the most successful dissemblers. How do you know who is dissembling? Check out what they "say", and, how soon they change their story. Watch also what they do! You'll find that the disparity is often shockingly obvious. It all proves what that politician really thinks of your ability to be fooled.
Senator Cruz is a new phenomenon -- a politician who puts words in the mouths of other politicians, while preserving an option to take opposing stances. You have to admit that a politician who can manipulate other politicians, like dummies, is something unique! And extremely dangerous.
Technology, today, has driven advertising and politics together in our Media. It is very important to listen and observe a "talking-head" very closely. It won't take long to determine any hidden motivations. More often, the "talking-heads" produce (rapidly?) books for sale, and then give a "sales pitch" disguised as "News".
The Repoobs are seeking strong, white-male-dominated, STATE Government, and weak, or tax-collection-only FEDERAL government. They resist power-sharing with anyone who is non-white. Even the totally blind should be able to see this by now!
Stay Vigilant! Don't believe the Limbaughs, Cantors, Boehners and CRUZ: DISSEMBLERS!
Copyright © 2013: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC
The Repoobs are seeking strong, white-male-dominated, STATE Government, and weak, or tax-collection-only FEDERAL government. They resist power-sharing with anyone who is non-white. Even the totally blind should be able to see this by now!
Stay Vigilant! Don't believe the Limbaughs, Cantors, Boehners and CRUZ: DISSEMBLERS!
Copyright © 2013: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC