(..and, where is he hiding)?
NOW we know ...; we can breathe a collective sigh of relief. Boehner is not spineless, or crazy, or devious, or weak. Congress is not lazy, crazy, evil, feckless, thieving, or craven with fear. The Citizenry can stop wandering around, mumbling to themselves, slowly going crazy with the lies, and the false equivalencies emanating from our media. It was HASTERT!, all along, not Norquist, not Ryan, not Cantor, it was Hastert, and his "Hastert Rule" , that has driven the Republican Party to the brink of destruction and our nation to the brink of total economic collapse. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hastert
Just who in Hell was this guy?; who could do all of that? John Dennis "Denny" Hastert was the Speaker of the House of Representatives who immediately preceded John Boehner. He presided over the House between the years of 1999 and 2007. He was the compromise, "go-between" Republican choice replacing Newt Gingrich, and preceding John Boehner. Following a failed attempt to impeach the (then) President of the United States, House Republican's were "feeling their oats" and, they were beset by the likes of Tom Delay and Dick Armey, who bumped each other off in their squabble for the power of the Speaker's position.
Acting as Delay's "tool", Hastert assumed a low profile and allowed the "malfeasants" within the Republican Party to run amok, and Cheney/Bush to do whatever they chose to do in the Executive Branch of our government. Chief among their "achievements" was a collapse of our national economy; the likes of which had not been seen in our lifetimes. The rest of the "achievements" comprise a long list an are almost as malodorous.
Back to "Denny". This genius devised a "rule" that allowed all of this malfeasance to take place. His "rule" held that only a majority of the Republican majority should rule over matters of the House. All other Representatives of the people of this nation are ignored. There you have it. It was "Dennis-the-tool" who imprisoned Boehner; destroying his ability to do his job. Hastert (in- absensia) also threatened (in 2011) to prevent this proud nation from paying its bills. That threat now resurfaces; disguised as Senator Ted Cruz.
So, there you have it. To return this nation, its politics, and its governance, to sanity; we simply have to find Hastert and make him "break his spell" over Boehner.
Stay Vigilant! All-points-bulletin for "Denny" ??
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