"Outfoxin' the Buzzards and the Orioles"
Another gift from our first Black President? We get to revisit that "genius" alluded to by Harriet Beecher Stowe in her famous work from the mid-1800s. Tribes from different regions of Africa, thrown together in a totally strange land; developed, over 500 years, a totally different and new way of thought and reason. A type that many whites still don't "get".
Boxed in by the Buzzards abroad (Putin/Assad), and the Orioles at home (Congress), the cracker-mind-set (that is prominent in our institutions, domestic politics, and our print/visual media) became convinced that they "had him" this time! Ooops! One week later, and they're all singing a different tune. From "certain death" of his Presidency, to, now, a mix of carping about style, and conflicting responses to Putin's PR in the NY Times; the media and the Congress are in a dither.
What is the view, now, from the Cat-Bird Seat? First, "Putin/Assad" have had to shift, radically, their public responses to what is happening, and has happened, in Syria. The Congress is "all over the map" in their responses to President Obama's achievements in the matter. The "Haters" are more isolated and exposed. The "solidarity" of, what passes for, the Republican Party in Congress has been cracked. Their "superiority" visage has become distorted.
What was almost certain to bring global warfare a week ago, has become global support for protracted, peaceful, international conferencing on Syria and the disposal of its poisonous gas arsenal. Congress, set to pillory the President over Syria, is now beating a hasty retreat to their "old songs" about Benghazi, Obamacare, shutting down the government, etc. The "panty waists" dreaming of replacing the first Black President in 2016; are strangely incoherent and subdued.
Maybe Congress can return to sanity? Is that too much to hope for?
Stay Vigilant! This President may be on the verge of Waging Peace, at home and abroad?
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