Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It's Hard to "CHEAT" an "HONEST" (and smart person)

Is "John Wayne" still RELEVANT??
Our President spoke last night to a cynical, scared, and weary public about the Atrocity in Syria.
Responses to his speech reveal a nation full of fear, cynicism, racial hatred, and political intrigue.  The global community reflects the same sentiments.  The citizenry expected "John Wayne"; while, simultaneously fearing that image, in black-face!  Their confused reactions to this entire global challenge are evolving.
The "John Wayne" role; played by Reagan, and Cheney/Bush, and LBJ; is what they have become used to.  Their responses to President Obama's speech last night, reflect a willingness to "paint" this President with the action of those past Presidents.  Their wrath has been transferred, accordingly, to President Obama.   "Diplomacy" is something both unfamiliar, and distrusted by the public.  The "politicians" are having a field day as a result. 
That should come as no surprise to anyone who has been awake during the past two years.  The facts that this President is religiously "hated" by elements of this country; and that the citizenry feel they were "cheated" by the last President, are very much in evidence.
Shockingly, the citizens of a nation with the most powerful military on the planet, are scared to death to authorize the use of that military!  What's up with that??  Race, inherently, which has be-deviled all actions of this public since this President appeared. He has set about repairing the damage of the Con Men who "screwed" this country after taking power in 2000; and this is one of the ways they "scrwed" us.  It is in the DNA of this nation to "blame" non-whites for deeds committed by whites. (O'Mara proved that in Florida).  That factor is also well known and understood outside this country.  That element of this nation will never trust this President with the exercise of military power.  This amounts to a psychological disarmament by a portion of the population.  It is self-inflicted, and provides an opening to our enemies.
Second, there is a wide streak of "chicken-hawk" in the average citizen.  The Cheney/Bush regime proved conclusively that the public was perfectly content to "go shopping" while letting fewer than 1% of the population do all the sacrificing, fighting, and dying in our wars; since World War II.
Third, it is also in the DNA of our citizenry to distrust politicians!  What's different today is that most citizens do not see how they can "profit" from this President in the way they expected to "get ahead" under Cheney/Bush.
Nevertheless, we have to "stand-up" and "draw a line" at this use of Chemical Weapons: proliferation and use of Biological and Nuclear Weapons will be much harder to combat.  Getting something for nothing is no longer in the cards; I'm afraid.
Stay Vigilant!  The challenges ahead require that we "change" our ways!   The weasels are out!
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