Friday, September 6, 2013

OBAMA: (political) HOUDINI??

The Face(s) of his Enemies
Another gem from my administrivia:
     Not everybody who heaps crap onto you is your enemy;
             Not everybody who takes crap off of you is your friend!
This week,  our first black President is learning (worldwide) who his real friends and enemies are.  He is now working the crowds at the G-20 in Russia; hosted by the dreaded Putin.  Assuming there are no dummies in the bunch, we will see how all of the posturing on Syria  shakes out.  It is announced that Obama will speak to all of us at home regarding Syria, in a televised address this coming Tuesday night.  You can make your own guesses as to whom his real enemies are in the Middle East.
Characteristic of his total time on the world stage (starting with the Democrat Primary fight in 2008), this genius has periodically dug himself into a hole, only to be pounced upon by those who (for a whole list of reasons) underestimate him.  He has pulled off his magic and prevailed -- through two national elections!  Trying to un-Bush the weak minds of the masses here at home (in the midst of Media crap-stirring, full bore) may be his slickest feat of all -- if it works.  The stakes are higher this time than at any time before.  If he lets those citizens who have been "mind-effed" by Cheney/Bush to revert to type, then he (and our country) loses, big time!
Take a moment to ponder our State Department, and its new head, John Kerry.  He is certainly a major change from Hillary Clinton (gender, for sure); but, he might turn out to be the first Secretary of State since George C. Marshall to make that travesty of an organization work for a better future for our country.
All of those members of our Congress (and their constituents) poised to cast a NO vote, should read that part of our isolationist history; suffered under FDR before Pearl Harbor.  Most of these members turn out to be the spoiled babies of spoiled Baby-Boom parents!  They have only exploited their good fortunes, and have never seriously served their country.  That kind of citizen guarantees hard times in our future!  We are reaping the consequences of putting too many of that kind of person in power during the Cheney/Bush era.
Stay Vigilant!  Don't let those who would "paint" Obama with "Bush" WIN!
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