The "Gravy Train" De-Rails??
During The War, in the 1940s, we kids would fight over the Sunday Comics. Daddy Warbucks was right up there with ToJo in our fascinations. The story of Daddy Warbucks, who appeared in the original comic strips in 1924, is worth reading.
Since the end of the War, the United States has played the role of some kind of "Daddy Warbucks"; to all of Europe; to Japan; to Israel; and, now we are expected to "protect" any child in the Middle East who has the misfortune to be born poor and raised outside a powerful clique. But that is what the "Military-Industrial-Complex" was intended for, I suspect.
But, NO MORE! The first black President spoke of a Red Line for "Action", if chemical weapons were used by Assad in Syria. Obviously he meant it; because Assad called his bluff, and is about to find he wasn't bluffing!
Over the same period since World War II, our National Security Structure (circa 1948), became seriously deformed. The Defense Department hogged the budgets and our imaginations and the State Department shrank to relative irrelevance. That's a very dangerous thing, because wars are the result of a collapse in diplomacy. It is still true that all wars end, only when diplomacy returns.
Post Cold War, this country, and the world, desperately need a return to an approach to world crises wherein Diplomacy takes the lead; backed up by Defense. Since everyone in the world (it seems) hitched a free ride on our "Defense" gravy-train; almost no nation, rich or poor, seriously took on the responsibility for its own Defense (except for Russia and the Soviet Union; who were really on OFFENSE).
Fast forward to this Media Age, when empty-headed "Know-Nothings" in visual, print, and audio media, mold the mass mind with the most stupendous MUSHROOMs imaginable! (Check out how mushrooms are grown, and you will understand why we can't just call it "propaganda" anymore).
Maybe Obama's "Action"; taken because his Red Line of Chemical Weapons atrocity was breached; will lead to a re-balance of diplomacy and defense. All of those free-loaders have mouths and brains, and, presumably, can take part? It's cheaper, and the freeloaders get to salve their consciences, if they have them.
Stay Vigilant! Your "Politicians" need to read this!
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