" wars and rumors of wars, ..."
The year I was born, Hitler and Mussolini were rampaging in Europe; benefitting from years of isolationism in the United States. At the start of my adult life, President Kennedy faced an inherited "crisis", and, we can all be thankful that he found his way "out".
The season returns; this time in the Middle East, and, like President Kennedy, President Obama faces a "crisis", long in the making. Russia, in the form of Nikita Khrushchev, was Kennedy's foe. Russia is one among many side players in this crisis; all of them smell a weakened United States; due largely to the activities of unpatriotic factions within our nation. These factions figure they can continue their attack on this President, no matter which course he pursues. The public, beset by the Media and trained by the likes of Cheney, Bush (W), and Rumsfeld to pursue petty personal goals, is cowering and confused.
Is this the run-up to World War III, or will President Obama find a "Way Out"? The issue in this crisis, like that for President Kennedy was "weapons of mass destruction". Unlike the fake claims made by the Cheney/Bush crowd as they strengthened Iran and further destabilized the Middle East by launching a war in Iraq; the weapons faced by Presidents Kennedy and Obama are real!
Just as President Kennedy had to "Act" (military action -- no bombing -- no "boots" on the ground); this President has to "Act" to halt the spread and further use of these weapons. Hopefully he can find a way to do so without massive bloodshed.
C-SPAN hosted Edward Djerejian http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Djerejian this morning, a former Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, who provided key insights into the Assad Family and the inner workings of the regime; from the time of the father, to its current leader. My age, Djerejian served in foreign affairs under eight presidents, from Kennedy to Clinton. Google the tape of that part of today's program.
The citizens of this nation, before they are pushed into some "mob think" by our Media "talking heads", would do well to hear what Djerejian has to say. We should certainly not be swayed by the chorus of political panty waists who are vying for President Obama's job!
Stay Vigilant! Inform yourselves; Pray!
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