A (domestic) "CRUZ" Missile?
There is something both new, and ominous, taking place in this country. I lived in Texas in 2003 (second time I "resided" in that state). While there, I became aware of a bizarre move by the Texas Republicans to overthrow the political structure in that state through radical redistricting. Tom Delay, Majority Leader of the House of Representatives, got involved; and used Federal levers to win a state fight against the Texas Democrats in their Legislature. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_Texas_redistricting
A few days ago, Dirty Money prevailed; and denied the "will of the people" in Colorado, by way of a targeted Recall of two state senators; as punishment for their votes to provide gun control. A month back, North Carolina was "bought" and turned against the "will of the people" in that state. We all know that the House of Representatives continues to refuse to acknowledge the "will of the people" of the United States, as expressed by their vote in the 2012 election. Their mantra: No jobs! No Pay Raise!
"The People", in our Democracy are steadily losing their Democracy in ways that are new, and legal.
Can WE stop this trend. Can this national movement, funded by Dirty Money, and led by "Think Tanks" in Washington, D.C. "succeed" by terrorizing our elected representatives; thereby forcing them to vote the way these guys want (think ALEC)??
Texas has now provided Senator Ted Cruz to head these operations. There is little doubt that he, and others on the Right, have begun their "takeover" of what is left of the Republican Party. Liberals in our Media look at their actions (voting repeatedly to repeal Obamacare, for instance) with derision and humor. This is no laughing matter! What we're witnessing is the demise of Democracy (as we've known it) in this country. They are demonstrating that a well-funded, dedicated minority of citizens, can "take over" parts (and ultimately all?) of this country.
Unless we act to stop them!. Fist step: VOTE in every election -- don't let these people catch you "napping". Second step: FUND the side you want to prevail ($1 each in a country of more than 300,000,000, people will over- power Dirty Money). Third: Tell Your Friends, and make sure they VOTE. Read about the way the German People lost their Democracy, at the ballot box, during the 1930's! Haven't we had enough of these "Money Boys"?
Stay Vigilant! Surely, you can miss a few games of sports to save your country ??
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