My grandmother (the lady who would have "chastised" Oprah) taught us to NOT BELIEVE what white Christians teach their children; that non-white people are "dirty". She impressed us with the power of soap and water and needle and thread. This old practice of white Christians (invented by Catholicism, and perpetuated by Martin Luther's Protestantism) was translated into the practice of governments (local to national; and nationwide) to discriminate by color and class in their distribution of services paid from the taxes collected from their citizens. Taxation, without discrimination; Services with egregious discrimination! Small towns don't pave roads or pick up garbage equally on all "sides of the tracks". Cities, small and large, routinely discriminate in their distribution of public services; favoring those who are white and more wealthy.
The residents of these ghettos, barrios, etc., have tolerated this situation for centuries and its long past time for them to rebel!! They should hit the streets against grime and garbage as much as they rebel against being "dis-respected" by government officials. They might be shocked to find that crime, of all sorts, will decline. The dirty Cops and other corrupt officials will be deprived of their "playgrounds".
Papa Bush shifted the flow routes for drugs from over-water to over-land. The common point of entry today is our border with Mexico. The preferred route is the straightest path to Chicago. Last night, there was a mass shooting in a Chicago ghetto. Non-white citizens should stop listening to the white "talking head" and move immediately to "clean up" their streets and surroundings. Notice that, even though white kids distribute drugs in the suburbs, the Cops treat them with leniency or completely ignore them (except for those few black or brown "participants" who live there). Mayors take note!! Who knows, this might also reduce the threat of other kinds of Terrorism!
I've travelled a bit outside this country and I've noticed that places that are more steadfast in pursuing cleanliness in the public spaces (Vancouver, B.C., for example) are "safer" than those places where raw sewage is casually tolerated, within spitting distance of the houses of the rich.
Stay Vigilant! Clean up your thinking, clean up your "beliefs".
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