Saturday, September 7, 2013

SYRIA: an "Action" PROCESS ??

Are We Becoming One (global) "Ship of Fools" ??
People, all over the world, are struggling to "sort-out" this Syria mess.  The Media is all over the place, as the proponents for different "actors" in this evolution of world power  "spin" their positions, in such a way that they do not lose the "grip" they have thus far achieved  on us.
First, there are the global Big Money "actors" (read: Central Bankers). Then come the rest: (throw-backs to the bad guys of the 1930s; the anti-labor factions; the racists; the Neo-Cons; the anti-taxation faction; the "austerity" faction; and, the 1% versus everyone else).  Overlay this with the fact that the past ten years have revealed a world of very callous, selfish, and fearful people; who are prepared to run and hide from just about everything and everyone: and, you get the picture I see. 
To those who are "trigger-happy"; "Action", in regard to Chemical Weapons, automatically means old-style, heavy tonnage weaponry of past wars.  The psychological and cyber warfare post- 9/11, and the War on Terror, are being shuffled to the side in the Media, as the various factions jockey and "spin" for power and position.  The best way to lose a war is to misperceive the enemy!
All of this takes place as the planet teeters on the brink of falling back into a 1930s-style economic collapse.  (Greece is still "out there").
At this juncture, post-Cold War, there are still Nuclear Weapons, in varying measures, in the hands of   about ten nations on this planet. There are also those other "weapons of mass destruction"; Biological and Chemical weapons.  This NBC threat needs to be seen as one that everyone should be concerned with!  Proliferation remains alive and well. 
As technology advances, the uses of these weapons shift as those seeking power (domestically and on the world stage) reach for new tactics to prevail.  Our President is right in insisting at home and abroad that some "Line" (choose your own color) has to be drawn -- and damned fast!  It seems to be clear only to those who oppose doing anything, that DOING NOTHING is an option!  That is the whine of cowards.  We saw plenty of that during the Cheney/Bush years ("just go shopping"; let others do the fighting and dying).
"Action" must have some military element to be credible.  The road forward to a secure planet must be devised through an "Action" process that contains all elements (diplomatic, financial, political and military) civil societies can devise.  WE MUST GET THIS RIGHT!!
Stay Vigilant!  Don't be "herded" by talking heads and craven politicians.
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