Tuesday, September 17, 2013


time to "Fix" Nixon/Reagan ??
The "Trauma-Lady" was "right-on" yesterday, when she spoke from the heart to all of us about the "Evil" in our country that we must all come together to "fix".  After yet another, in and explosion of mass-killings with guns; this time in Washington, D.C. at the Naval Yard, the "Trauma Lady" has seen enough!
Its long past time that we all did, what we all know we need to do, about this (check the stats on mass killings since 1990)!
Its time to "pull our heads out" and solve this at the ballot box in 2014!  Thanks to Nixon and his "Southern Strategy" compounded by "Reaganomics"; we've had forty years of polluted politics that has waltzed this nation to the brink of "Brown Shirt" Europe in the 1930s!  Fortunately for us, we have only one place to go to get rid of: crooked Banking and Wall Street shenanigans; a crooked Tax Code; Gun-Runners; Religious Nuts; Batista Cubans,;Lawn Jockey Blacks; Middle-East "bomb-throwers",; and White Supremacists!  All of these elements have been scraped into what used to be the Republican Party and operates as the Tea Party -- a group of anarchists who have taken over our House of Representatives and brought our national government to such a weakened state that we are attracting the likes of Putin and Assad into our domestic politics!
If we drive these vermin back into the holes they crawled out of, we might: make our streets safe again; get sane immigration reform; get quality, world-class education for all of our children; stop the school-to-prison industry that feeds on our black and brown male children; put our men back to work and keep them from illicit activities in order to feed their families; return sanity to our personal relationships and our daily routines; make enough money to support ourselves; and halt the march of Corporations to enslave everyone who is not rich enough to resist!  That all sounds good to me.  How about you?  Keeping what we have is NOT and option!
How to do it?  Reverse the Nixon Curse!  The Black Caucus and the Hispanic Caucus should desert the Democrat Party immediately and form the "Fix-It" Party.  Sane Whites from what used to be the Republican Party and the Democrat Party are welcome to join.  If we all show up at the Polls in 2014 and vote everyone out of office  running as a Democrat or Republican (the smart ones will desert both the extreme Right and extreme Left), we will "work wonders" and bring back the country we all long for.  The anti-abortionists have failed for decades to find a way to force more white babies.
Stay Vigilant!  Write your Congress-Person.  Tell Your Friends!
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