"Placin' yer' BETS" ?
Events, both here and abroad, are rapidly evolving in the "proxy wars" taking place in the Middle East. President Obama has shrewdly drawn out his domestic opposition, making it clear what his enemies at home are up to. He has shifted the venue from Syria to international venues like Geneva and New York (Geneva Conventions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_Conventions, and the U.N.).
A recent Poll, aside from showing that Obama has dedicated enemies at home, also shows that Syria falls low on the list of concerns of the U.S. public. The "economy" tops the list! What our "local-yokels" don't seem to realize is that the "economy" has to be "fixed" at the global level -- not the domestic level!. His performance at the G-20 reveals that Putin "gets" that. We, obviously, don't realize that the yokels who blew up our national economy are still doubling-down on their goal of destroying our economy; for everyone except their rich patrons. President Obama, with the help of the Fed Chairman, Bernanke, has done a remarkable job of reconstructing our economy, post-2008; in spite of the actions of his domestic enemies. The rest has to be done on the world stage.
Aside from their addiction to "John Wayne" fictions, there are more historic and more sinister motivations driving those who wield both dirty money and media imagery to destroy Democracy as we have known it. Our Media have welcomed both Assad and Putin; permitting them to engage in lobbying our Congress and "mind-effing" our public. The End of the Cold War has brought structural changes to Capitalism that are not known or understood by our politicians or our general public.
Lets review where we stand today. Obama has succeeded in getting both Russia and Syria to "fess-up" to having and using Chemical Weapons. He has persuaded Russia to declare their support for removing those weapons from Syria. He has shifted the focus from Syria to the International Stage -- from a Civil War, to Global (economic and military) concerns. The question of "intervening in a civil war" (for now) has gone away. Putin has had to admit lying to all of us. Putin has had to back off his unquestioned support of anythig Assad decided to do. Both Putin and Russia have had to back away from their claim that they are simply "fighting Terrorists". Iran has lost a "proxy" for its issues. We now know that the Syrian Debacle started with innocent high school students writing graffiti opposing Assad in public. Assad's over-reaction to that protest sparked larger protests that grew into proxy wars for the region and for the world.
If I were to score this fight, so far, I would score Obama 8, and Putin 1, or 2 (out of 10)! In addition, Obama has turned his home-based "Conservatives" and the dirty-money backers into a bunch of stupid snakes "chewin their tails" and spouting nonsense. Putin, and his fellow BRIC nations have had to work on their own counter to global financial forces.
Stay Vigilant! Did you catch what "Dirty Money" did to the people of Colorado yesterday? Keep an eye on Zimmerman and Omara who appear to be "joined at the hip" post trial.
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