Saturday, February 28, 2015

BLACKS:: Why "MONEY (Goes To) MONEY" (mostly to Whites)

Old Sayin', still TRUE!

Question: (for Blacks in the U.S., and all Non-whites):  How many, filthy-rich, (top 1%), Black or Brown Drug Dealers do you know?  How may filthy-rich Bankers do you know?  Wanna bet those white Bankers don't wind up laundering every bit of that Drug Money??  How does this happen?
Money, unlike water (and crap) "runs up-hill"!  It contains a  many-filtered system that defies gravity.

White skin is a primary filter in the system.  That's why virtually every dollar of money that enters a black community on Friday night, is GONE, by Monday morning.  The Black Church snares the last crumb on Sunday morning!  We know what eventually happens to low-level, non-white drug dealers.  That industry has pioneered ways of disposing of the boides that our Capone's could only dream of!

So long as that remains true, Black and Brown people, the world over, will continue to wail and pray in the streets,  and try to melt the hearts of the Crackers who continue their struggle to maintain  control everything.

There is another system for Politics, where CRAP defies gravity!   John Boehner and Netanyahu can't quite get the "hang" of it, though!

They both keep "steppin' on it" and coming up "short"??  Even the blind can now see that Netanyahu has made a decades-long practice of underminig the American People, while benefitting from our Defense Spending, and State Department largesse!  He has progressed to a point where Jews in this country are turning against each other!  Nothing seems to slow Netanyahu down, however.  One could safely predict from the fact that Netanyahu loved Falwell, and that crowd, that he would HATE Obama on sight!

Stay Vigilant!  On this last day of February; the month, each year,  when White Media pretends to care about the quality of the Black  and  Brown Images it projects during the other eleven months, remember;  its the economics, the money, that should be your first focus -- if you REALLY want to get free of the "2/5 TAX" saddled upon us by the Founders of this country!

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Thursday, February 26, 2015

"See" the FUTURE: "BE" the FUTURE??

(please ..) Porridge, HOT;  (please..) Porridge COLD
(Never! ..) Porridge; In-the-Pot; 9-Days Old??

No one can KNOW the future!  We only think we "know" the PAST!  With modern technologies that have produced Master Distorters like Hollywood and Digital Media, we can now live forever in some Virtual Reality; in which Past and Future are merged.  We can ALL SENSE our FUTURE -- if we try!

Conservatives LOVE the PAST (their version, of course).  Liberals live in some hazy dream-world, in which their most cherished fantasies come true.  Some people have learned how to be both Liberal and Conservative; in different times of their lives (Mad Ronnie, for example).  Conservatives, however, are the most sharply focused on the PAST; and spend their monies and efforts to make sure it is always with us!  Especially the EVIL parts of our past: Tyrannies, Wars, Murders, Religious Extremism, and, their version of Tribal Supremacy (overseen by the males of the tribe).

In 2015, the Conservatives in the United States, at State and Federal levels, are going berserk!!

The PAST they love so well is hemming them in to tight corners they can't quite negotiate.  Having failed, consistently, in their efforts for 6 years to TRAP President Obama, they flail on ... grinding this country, ever so slowly, toward ruin.

Stay Vigilant!  Some LIKE it HOT; Some LIKE it COLD; we'r all STUCK with this!: In-the-pot, 9 Days -- (more like 35 years) OLD!!

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

BLACKS: "ECONOMICS" for "Non-Whites"??

Things ARE Changing

Don't run to the streets -- run to someone who understands "Economics" for Blacks!  Your future, and the future of your children, depends much more on that, than it does on marching and praying in the streets!!  I'm sure that virtually 100% of the Blacks in the U.S. are unaware of the victory the Doha, Qatar, Arabs "scored" over the Europeans in moving the date for the World Cup "Summer" Games, to the "European Winter"!!

THAT is economic clout 'in yo face'!!

Does the average Black understand why the decision of the old Slave Masters to "breed" their slaves, rather than import them; still has great significance on their lives today?  The NBA and NFL are busy raking the bucks, because of that practice!  Our school systems, ghettos, prisons; ALL are pieces of that economic puzzle.  If you open your eyes, you might see that 500 years of Conquistador and Papacy-driven socio-economic order in the Americas, and elsewhere, is coming to an end.  Are we getting ready to take advantage of this?
Instead of making a ruckus, youngsters of color should learn as much economics, as fast as they can.
They have the "numbers" -- they need to get some "smarts"!!  The three Middle Class girls who left London to join ISIS in Syria, are a horrible example of how ignorance, very often the life blood of religions, can turn back the hands of time.

A good place to start would be for non-white parents to read to their children from Peter Zeihan's Accidental Superpower  Even children as young as ten years old can readily understand the book (especially when it is read to them by an adequately educated adult).  They would NOT be anxious or depressed for their future; and some ignorant religious leader will not so easily lead them astray.

Stay Vigilant!  Let's stop feeding the exploitation schemes of the past!  Remember, "the rich get richer, when the poor get babies!"

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

BLACK VOTING ... "Southern Style"

Something "smells"??

Blacks have to do their own Investigative Reporting!!  Relying on whites, or others, to do it for them, is not working in their best interests.  Take Black Voting, for example.  Fifty years after the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Supreme Court killed it, and dared Congress to do anything about it!  The Crackers who control the Court knew that this, "Southern-Fried", Congress would not lift a finger to "fix" the problem!

Let's take a look across the Sewer States and see what has happened for Blacks since they got the right to vote, after "Selma".  Without looking too closely, it becomes clear that those Blacks living outside the South did much better than those blacks stuck in the old Sewer!  Blacks in places like Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, have not fared well at all!   Now, North Carolina is falling back into the historic Sewer of racial misery.  

South Carolina, long recorded as the epicenter of Right-Wing bonifides for all things racial in Republican politics, produced a strong black Representative in the House, Clyburn; and a "eunuch" in the Senate, carefully selected by white Republicans.  It would be interesting to see what  "advances" the poorest blacks in that state have gained, after 50 years of "Voting Rights".

Then, there's Mississippi.  Nina Simone had them pegged decades ago, it seems!  Voting Rights came and went, with almost no change to the plight of blacks in that state.  White Mississippians are now claiming credit for the Delta Blues -- and getting that credit --and MONEY!

Finally, consider "Lousy-Weesie", (Louisiana)!  Not content to let Giuliani have all the fun of being a bigot at Obama's expense, their amazingly limited Governor (Jindal), cut himself in for part of that!
With Presidential hopes, himself, Jindal, (real name: Piyush; he has assumed the "white" name of "Bobby") appears to be striving for the mantle held by David Duke.  Race and Louisiana politics have presented an enigma in U.S. Politics that has produced everything from Katrina to the Gulf Oil Spill.
They propably hold the record for Governors who have been sent to jail.

Stay Vigilant!   Who really benefitted from Voting Rights over the past 50 years?  I was told recently by a white woman from Texas, that her father still votes the ballots of all blacks who work for him.  They have to feed their families, I guess!  Both Louisiana and South Carolina have selected "old-world-Indians" for their Governors.  Is there some message there? 

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Monday, February 23, 2015

"DIALOG" (by-way-of) "HOLLYWOOD" ??


Who can now doubt the POWER of Hollywood to "bend" minds; the world over?  After watching last night's Oscars, it becomes clear how carefully, and racially, "crafted"  the show was!   Little doubt, it was to blunt recent criticism of the "Academy"  (Shelly Winters  told us, long ago, what they were really all about)!!

Possibly, more powerful than all of the world's religions, combined, when viewed in terms of their ability to set and maintain a desired "midn-set";  Hollywood, in this 100th-year of Birth of a Nation, deserves the "Oscar" of ALL "Oscars"!  I thought a black, female, CEO for the "Academy";  was a special touch.  Last night's extravaganza had a message for blacks, gays, women, and anybody else who might feel, for some reason, "left-out".  I was amazed, a little over ten years ago, when I sat in a theater in Guadalajara and witnessed the feat of Hollywood, via a cartoonized version of the History of Mexico, deliver blatant LIES to Mexicans, about their own history; and get their applause!!  Could this be why the entire planet evidences "sh*t-for-brains"; in 2015??

As for those "teary-eyed" blacks in the audience last night:  they should be "boo-hooing"!!  If there is a Heaven; and Martin (and Malcolm) are both there; I'm sure they're "pissing" on our record, since the time they were both assassinated in the 1960s!  God, him or herself, is probably weeping with them!
More Marching?  More Praying?  Those things are worn out by now!  Martin and Malcolm showed us the GOALS -- we have to constantly refine and adapt our METHODS!!

In the meantime, "Guilianiisms" grow more malignant; and white-supremancy grows more secure.-- in politics and in our nation's Institutions!  Birth of a Nation paid off handsomely for whites in this country!  It seems to be adapted elsewhere (Ukraine?)

Stay Vigilant!  "Milking" Martin; to enhance individual careers is disgusting!  "Milking" the Holocaust has had questionable benefits; -- we should not follow that pattern. 

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

RACE; and the (old/NEW) COLD WAR ??

While We "Laugh" ...

Take a little time off from your various "entertainments" and look around you.  Governor Kasich of Ohio, sounding almost "sane", was on the T.V., chiding Jeb, and the other Hard Right Nuts banging away at 2016, to "knock-it-off"!!  This past week shows how deeply ingrained "Giulianism" has become in what few brains Hard Right Republicans have.  If you listen "really closely" to what Kasich said, and didn't say, there's a bit of hope that some kind of "rational" white Party might arise on the Right that can GOVERN??  The situation is hopeless, with Mitch and Boehner!  Boehner is heading down a "Rabbit Hole, with Netanyahu!

Remember, during the COLD WAR, both Russia and the U.S.(and its Allies) spent inordinate sums propagandizing 3rd World Non-whites to join to their  Sphere of Influence.  Somalia, and the Horn of Africa was a particularly "hot" area of contest.  It totally destroyed the bit of government there.  What grew in that place after the Wall Fell, was 3rd World Piracy, committed against 1st World Shipping.
That has since grown into Boko Horam.  Every Western initiative has turned malignant and grown beyond its control.

J. Edgar Hoover saw every non-white political leader as a "Communist".  The Sit-In Students were considered to be "Communists", as I remember.  With that part of the old COLD WAR "won" by Mad Ronnie; we're now in some new space that is scaring Crap out of all Western Governments and populations.  The operative word among the Rabid Right today is "Socialism".  Today's global equivalent to the Sit-In kids of the 1950s and 60s, are non-white youth, the world over, who are without Jobs, but NOT without EDUCATION.  Post-Cold-War Capitalism has failed, throughout the world, to create jobs.  Kids outside the U.S.,; much more adept at using Social Media for their own purposes that the silly, narcissistic kids here, are explosively connecting and forming new organizations; some are shockingly violent.

President Obama "Get's It" and is doing what he can! (given the hobbling effect the Republicans have on all aspects of government in this country; STATE and FEDERAL!).   Kasich is right: these A-holes among the Republicans had better find some way to GOVERN!!

Stay Vigilant!  I guess racism and White Supremacy have some sweet or addictive taste for Whites!
Why else would "Giulianism" persist among them?  Their Racist Institutions; built over the past decades, are now running on auto-pilot.

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Saturday, February 21, 2015

BLACK(s) and ITALIAN(s); "Italians" AND "Blacks" ...

From Ferraro to Giuliani (thro' in Bloomberg?)

It looks like our Repoobs are "locked and loaded" on RACE in their "Amerika"!!  From Ferraro (Liberal, white(?), female) to Giuliani ("Republican Conservative", white(?) male); we have at least two, prominent Italian-Americans, both of whom have, publically,  racially-slurred President Obama. Coincidence?  Hardly!!

 Our Ethnic Whites, who are just now getting their "turn in the spotlight" of national politics,  are having a Field Day, spouting their traditional attitudes toward Blacks, all other Non-Whites, (and Jews?), in this country.  Last off the boat in the immigrant wave that nearly doubled our population in 10 years, Italians ranked just above "Negros" in the Bogardus Social Distance Measures of the 1920s.  They have been struggling to rise, ever since.  Louis Armstrong experienced Italian Mobsters "muscling" him for his paycheck.  Louis had to "check himself in" to jail, to escape them.

J Edgar Hoover, made his career from fighting armed and violent crime in this country; ultimately succumbing to the financial charms of those Mobsters.  Both the Italians and Hoover basked in a fake "Patriotism" which included their suspicions and hatred of persons of color.

Blacks have to STOP treating all whites in this country alike!! They're NOT!  They certainly differ in their approach to White Supremacy.  The most sophisticated are the Jews, who invented Comic Books in the 1930s, showing Black Villians, to endear themselves to whites!  Jews, Irish, Mexicans, Hispanics, Italians, Latinos; any and all groups of citizens in the United States, who are historically viewed by whites as "not-quite-white-enough"; each, have their characteristic ways of discriminating against persons of color.  Hopefully THIS Generation of Youth (all colors), GET IT!!  Otherwise, the CRAP will keep on spinning until it takes down the country.  Putin has let us know (so has Netanyahu) that this will be their path to "Divide and Conquer"!!  White America (both Continents) have a lot more to worry about, long term, than ISUS.  This has been a GLOBAL problem since 1500 AD!!

The psychological "lock" that keeps Blacks in this country busy,  perpetuating this poison, lies bruied in their confusion over the identity of JESUS.  Too many Blacks still believe that Jesus was a "European-white" male.  Until they wake up and stop worshipping that IDOL, nothing much can change.

Stay Vigilant!  We can't blame the Slaves for succumbing to their "teachin's under the Lash"!!  We should be a bit smarter by now, don't-cha' think??  This crap started in the Americas, by a  Papacy that supported the expulsion of Jews and Moors from Spain!

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Friday, February 20, 2015


Whose "End-Times" Are These??

My oldest brother, like my father, could be considered  "a religious Nut" -- that is, he believes every word in the Bible to written by God!  I'm more like my mother, who had a college degree (1929); while my father, finished no more than 6th grade.  My mother was "religious, to a fault", however!  I spent more days in my first 6 years in Church, than most people I have met in my life-time,did!  When I remind my brother that the "Brits" had the Bible re-written; in 1611, it doesn't "faze" him!
This is the "Year of the Sheep" in Chinese culture!  How fitting!   I guess it makes Pope-Too's JOB easier.

Anyone heard from Ratzinger lately?  I am from Missouri, after all.  So far, nobody has shown me anything that will make me a blind believer.

Now the Romans of Old; those Guys could be taken literally.  What they didn't understand  -- they killed.  When the wanted entertainment; killing was their "content".  As we approach the Ides of March, KILLING, is on our minds.  From ISUS, to Putin; from Boko Horam to Netanayahu; there are dead bodies everywhere!!, and,  many more to come, it appears.  If you go back to the Ides of March of 2014, and read these BLOGS, you will be astounded by the roles played by Putin and Netanyahu in wanton killing.  It has accelerated the out-of-control killing in the Middle East, we see today.  If you inspect the map of the Middle East closely, you will find that Netanyahu and Putin, along with Assad, control events in the adjoining lands on the Eastern end of the Mediterranean. Egypt is joining that group.  Bible Nuts "freak out" by these events!

To them, Armageddon is FINALLY at hand -- they have been waiting, in vain, for it, for SO-long!!
Perversely, they're happier than pigs in slops.

Jeb Bush is taking control of this wing of our national politics.  He will "play them" like "2-dolla Ho's", while taking their money!

Stay Vigilant!  If this nation "goes down", it will be the Religious Extremism that accomplishes that end.  Our Founders are being roundly ignored, when it comes to the dangers of mixing religion and politics.

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

JEB: "Conflate's" RACE (with immigration)??

TEX-MEX?, or New Jim Crow?

Just when we think TEXAS and their Repoobs can't get any worse, Jeb Bush steps in!
Claiming that the United States is better than Europe, because our Racism is not "National";
he explains that the Racism, so prevalent in the United States and its Institutions, is less onerous because it lacks National Borders, the way it does throughout Europe.  Is this really a difference without a distinction?  OR, is it the face of Jim Crow 2015; with "Mexicans" as the "New N*ggers"!1
Sam Houston said it long ago; an Hispanic is nothing but a "N*gger, mixed with an Indian (ours, of course).  White Texans really do hate Mexicans, I guess.  Bernard DeVoto was "right on" as he recounted the role of Texas in President Polk's designs on Mexico, and the role Texas played, with hopes of splitting the new state into four slave states.  See: 1846, Year of Decision, Bernard DeVoto,
"W", and his crowd (many of whom are now flocking to Jeb), hoped to pit Hispanics against Blacks in the 2000 election.  "W" got a surprising "bump" in Hispanic voters that way.  In the "11th Hour", a TEXAS Judge, cut off those Mexicans who planned to apply for President Obama's Immigration Policy.  It's now in "limbo" in the Courts. 

Leave it to the Bushies to dig all up this up for a run for the Presidency in 2016.  This just might get Jeb past the Cracker Primaries ( Republican, that is)!  If the rest of us play along, (expecially those "Pud'n-Headed Blacks" they have hired), we DESERVE the rotten results that will ensue!  The Repoobs want to jettison their "compassion" on immigration -- no more family ties!  They want new "Coolies", instead.  When will White Citizens wake up and put a stop to these Sewers flowing on the Hard Right??  NOTE: this policy also draws bright lines between the CUBANs and all the rest of our "Hispanics/Latinos".  Master Marco gets a break, I guess.

Stay Vigilant!  Prove to yourself, and to the watching world, that the rest of the citizens in the United States are NOT as "brain-dead", and "Un-educated" as the Hard Right believes we are!

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Is "Mass" ENTREPRENEURSHIP "Possible"??

"Bring US your GOOD Ideas"

DuBois told us  (a hundred years ago) that there was a "talented tenth" among Blacks in this country.
Peter Drucker told us (about 30 years ago) that only 1 in 10 workers were net "producers" in any organization; the remaining 90% were "on-lookers, or minor-contributors".    Drucker also observed that most employers "had no clue" who their "real producers" were, in most companies, then.  How was pay distributed?  By hook and by crook; naturally.  

Today, when there are no jobs, with careers attached, (as we've been taught to expect); we are NOW told that everyone can be an "entrepreneur".  DON'T THINK SO!  Anyone can get a "good idea" once in a while, but, until that idea is refined carefully, and "watered" with patience, and the right amount of money, it will RARELY produce wealth for anyone;  andk almost certainly not!  the originator of the idea).  Very often, those who refine, and fund, the idea are the ONLY ones that derive any wealth from it..  Zuckerberg is the "Exception that Proves the Rule" ??  Most of us lack the tenacity, and good fortune, to be able to hang on to the bitter end.  Stealing the ideas, and wealth, of others is what REALLY made this nation as powerful as it is!

Drucker also taught that MONEY would not know a good idea if it crawled up its "backside"!!  True, then; True, NOW!  Money has power, though ..  moreso now than ever before.  Money has the power to, out-right, "steal" ideas!!  Minorities and the Poor are especially targeted.  Patent Rights are often a "poker game, with table-stakes", for most people.  The under-funded rarely have a chance!

Stay Vigilant!  "Vet" those who lend you money to fund your idea!

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The "Blacker" tha' BERRY ...

... tha' "Sweeter" the JUICE!

I can still hear her "cackle", as she spit her tabakky juice, on that sunny mid-day afternoon in Bristow, Oklahoma, in 1965. My children's Great-great-Aunt (on their mother's side) was telling me stories of the days she and her family rolled up in to Oklahoma out of Texas in a covered wagon.  Well into her 90's, she must have travelled by covered wagon with her family after 1870, when Texas was re-admitted to the Union after the Civil War.  Texas fought under the Confederate Flag.

It was the part of the story that told of her several husbands, that the leaned down, (I was sitting on the edge of what would pass as a porch on her "shotgun" house), and in response to my question about the color of her last husband, said: "honey, ain't you heard? ... the "blacker" the berry, the sweeter the juice!"  Light-skinned enough to pass for white like many in her family, she and her brother stayed on the "black side".  Grown tired of her earlier, light-skinned, husbands, she got rid of them.  She finally found joy with a black one --her last one.  I asked if she divorced the last one too, and she said "No, as we got older, we built a wall down the middle of the house -- he had his side, and I had mine."

I often wonder what she would say about the way white America treated their first black President.
I'm sure she would conclude that white folk are beyond hope!  Their hatreds are "to the bone".
Not all of them are as radical as the Republicans, but they still VOTE for the worst among them!
As Justice Ginsburg said in her recent interview, "our legislators don't want the system to work"!!

We should stop wasting our time trying to save the whites from themselves, and concentrate on our behaviors that limit our abilities to survive and prosper.  The technologies today (especially the Internet) provide an "open door" to escape the multi-faceted, institution-driven, racism that plagues our nation today.  The steps taken recently by Little Leagues International against the Jackie Robinson League tells us all we need to know how whites, hiding their racism in "safe deposit" -- locked inside institutions they control; spring forth to teach their kids, our kids, and all kids, about the immutability of race and white control.

It ain't about the whites, its really been about US, all along.  We must accept the challenge, in this Black History Month, for self-inspection, evaluation, internal judgement, and self-improvement! That's what we need to do; as we close this sorry chapter of  ugly white response to Obama.  The whole world has been shown what a determined wall of racial animus can do.  The country and the entire world are worse off as a result.  The Republicans have won their  pyric victory!
White Supremacy has struck once again, this time from Little League Baseball.  Public Education, Law Enforcement, and the very Rule of Law, itself, are long-standing victims of this belief-rooted-in-religion! 

Stay Vigilant!  Now that we can't continue lying to ourselves, let's use new tools to build a better world for people of all skin shades.  Whites; Christians; have proven themselves to be incapable of that!  They were non-responsive to wholesale slaughter of their own primary-grade children!

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Monday, February 16, 2015


THE "Short-Circuit"??

If your brain is defective,
can short-circuit the brain's processing powers

Perverting the protections of "Free Speech"; purveyors of images (cartoons, movies, etc.) are using it to attack persons and religions they don't like.  Is there some mis-fire, here, though?  Strangely, Christians are targeting Muslims with their images, yet, Jews are dying in the melee!  Netanyahu, never failing to sieze  an opportunity to gain advantage from the suffering of others, now insists that all Jews leave Europe and move to Israel!  Palestinians will have to brace themselves for more of their lands to be stolen, I guess! 

Danish officials have issued statements that are amazingly bereft of any understanding of the pain and terror that are imbedded in the "assimilition" rules for non-whites who attempt to "fit-in" to white-dominated societies.   Claiming  "Civilization" as their defense; there is no "give", no second thoughts, no hint that they might be involved in some "crime" against humanity?

"Advanced" societies, around this terrified planet, are littered with grotesque personages who have contorted their persons, their religions, their families, their bodies, and their cultures to "fit-in"!  Shame on Europeans, the world-over, for continuing this.  If they want to "solve" the problems associated with rising terror in our world communities; they have to start with a close examination of their ideas of "Supremacy".  The Republican Party is in a death-spiral because they can't break-off from their Cracker Needs to dominate everyone!

Stay Vigilant!  We know better!  We CAN have a better, safer, world.  We simply have to STOP this religion-driven CRAP we love so much.  We must remove the Criminals from our Police Forces!

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Sunday, February 15, 2015


It Ain't Just the 2nd Amendment!!

Ah, Senator Graham!! South Carolina, of course!  He was in the Media this morning; banging away at how much the Republicans hate Obama and blame him for anything their pea-brains can concoct!  The Junior Half of the Katzenjammer Twins (with; "ain't-gonna-nevah-change"-McCain), now, claims that we must put unlimited "American" boots on the ground in the Middle East -- to make him "feel better"!

We all know how the Mass, 6th-grade-educated public in the United States "interpret" our 2nd Amendment.  It is mostly responsible for the fact that we propably have more guns than Bibles in the possession of the the "great white un-washed" in our Sewer States.  The European public, judging from Media reporting from Denmark, seems to have a similar problem with our 1st Amendment.  Mindful of the fact that our dominant racial and religious beliefs and practices were brought to the Americas, by boat, from Europe, that should not surprise us.  I was taught, in graduate school in the 1970(s), that our Bill of Rights, if put to a popular vote, would be VOTED DOWN by the average citizen.  I have wtinessed steady corroboration of that study since; here in the U.S.  Now, I'm learning that the average European Cracker may be even worse-off, in their understanding of the U.S. Constitution.

Freedom of Speech, has never meant total freedom for the CONTENT of speech!  There has always been the "Yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater" limitation!  Somehow that's too subtle for the Cracker Mind to grasp; as, also, is the wording by our Founders of our 2nd Amendment.

Stay Vigilant!  I'm sure there's more to learn as this travesty unravels.  How do you spell Dysfunction in U.S. Politics??  R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N!!  They have, thus far, shown that they are INCAPABLE of GOVERNING -- even with Majorities in Both Houses of Congress!!  Are you sure we EVER want another Repoob elected to national office??  Remember, Graham, a retired AF JAG, was a LAWYER in the Military Justice System!  He entered the Air Force the year I retired, so I know the "preparations" that awaited his arrival. 

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Saturday, February 14, 2015


Will Our HISTORY "Destroy" Us??

No one "in their right mind" would consider the Chapel Hill Murderer of the three young Muslims
in North Carolina to be working for ISIS!  Yet, as more mature heads among our elected leaders remind us (and the MEDIA muffles their message); our violent reactions to them "plays into their hands"!  Those of  us who remember 9/11, also remember Bin Laden's Message; stating that their attack was designed to weaken us so we would colllapse from within!  So far, Ferguson, NYPPD, and now, Chapel Hill, N.C. are proving that expectation to be correct!

As news from Denmark wafts in today, there seems to be, yet another, provocation by Muslim Extremists, that keeps "Charley" alive in Paris.  The forces that drive our actions and reactions are drawn from our separate past teachings and leanings.  So far, those have NOT proven to be noble, nor mature! As a result, there is a widespread feeling that the "bad guys" are "winning"!  This is a MEDIA-based conflict, and the "winner" will probably be the side that uses the MEDIA best.

Then, there's Citizens United!!   Since we were inflicted with this ruling by our Supreme Court in 2010; MONEY has shifted its very definition; in a direction that immensely enhances POWER!
SCOTUS Ruling MAJORITY:  Scalia, Thomas (not Part IV), Roberts,  Alito, Ginsburg, Breyer, Kennedy, Sotomayor (Part IV only),  Stevens,   ALL Concurred; at least in part.   Thomas dissented to Part IV, and Sotomayor concurred,only with Part IV!  EVERYONE can, by now, see negative effects from that ruling.

The power of money, the power of those who have money, how money is being spent, and the changing definition of money; ALL have come under intense scrutiny since 2010.  Those tradionalists who relied only on firepower, before 2010; shifted to firepower and money.  Those who relied solely on money, now add: religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, and determination to defeat the will to resist.  They modify their calculations; as they continue to expand their grab for Power.  Money, clearly has changed its "value" in the mix; and, may have determined a final outcome to be one of MONEY overall.!!  Without doubt, there will be little or NO CHANCE to acquire POWER without HUGE SUMS of MONEY!!

This post-2010 trend is operating on a Global Scale; AND a Local Scale; simultaneously, as money flows in huge sums from "mysterious" sources!  Those who relied on Rule of Law must accept defeat, as Law is "bought and sold" on multiple levels, both domestically and internationally.  We cannot be sure whose payroll our elected  Leaders are on!  DEMOCRACY may have been dealt its death-knell.  In the meantime, RELIGIONS assume greater prominence in the Power Equation.

Stay Vigilant!  These are scary times.  Nothing blindly believed before 2010 can re relied upon as we proceed through the 21st Century.

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Friday, February 13, 2015


The Symbolism is Unmistakeable!!

We have to STOP hiding from the TRUTH, folks!  The "goon" who murdered, "Execution-Style", three young Muslims in Chapel Hill, NC, recently, followed Zimmerman's example, and "turned himself in" to sympathetic local Cops.  The Cops rushed to "cover him" with public Media Releases about "parking disputes" in an apartment complex.  The Management of the Apartments are "Silent" on the matter.  Most of us have lived in apartments; we're familiar with parking disputes (and many other reasons for disputes in that type of living space); we've NEVER heard of Execution-Style murders, as a result!.  This "smells" like the public Media release by local Cops of the theft of a box of cigars in Ferguson?

We can't continue to blindly let Police Departments cover up the fact that they are NO LONGER "protecting" ANYBODY!!

The "conquistador"; time-worn method of settling disputes with fire-power was put on steroids by hack politicians, like the Bush(es); the latest one, JEB, is responsible for signing 'Stand Your Ground' into Law.  He is now the front-runner for ESTABLISHED Repoobs, in 2016.  

Stay Vigilant!  Wherever this Thugggery is popping up, in Chapel Hill or Moscow, the name of the game is the same!!  Get your own way; with a gun!  The Global Economy will not survive this!  "Thug-Champions", like the Katzenjammers in our Senate, have to be shown to be bankrupt in their ideas and policies for managing a global economy.  Self-Policing by "Professions" and Private Companies, and Paid-For Policing by governments are overdue for organized; public; demand for complete overhaul!!  Nothing is working, anymore.  People have to come together with a single message for putting an end to this.  "Triangulation";  like that of Master Marco, will only lead to more death and destruction!

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

"To MOVE Mountains"

Those of Us Who "Know"

Despite the lies of  Politicians, those of us who were there, know, that we literally had to "move mountains" to win the Cold War.  Some, today, say it was not WON; it was only put on pause by our politicians (beginning with Mad Ronnie). Our Media reports that it may be starting up again.! Heaven knows, whatever Putin, Assad, Netanyahu, and the new Egyptian "leaders" are up to, COULD be a re-start of something that sure FEELS like Cold War!  

Those of us who worked on the technologies and the RDT&E that was necessary to keep up with and get ahead of the Russians; know the immensity of  efforts required to bring our world to today's relative safety from nuclear holocaust.   U.S. Taxpayer paid for it all!  The technologies that were developed, drive our economy today.
Aside from "Moving Mountains" (an entire range of mountains shaking like jello in a bowl); we had to "conquer" Space.  All of that, and SDI, were accomplished before Reagan went to Reykjavik to meet Gorbachev.

This petty political caper that Boehner and Netanyahu are foisting upon us,  is highly disturbing  to those among us who Know what it was like to live under a constant nuclear threat.  Why in HELL would sane men (even politicians) work to bring any of that back??

For those of you who don't know, or think it doesn't matter that much; I assure you, THIS goes beyond anything Mitch and John have dreamed up so far, in their years-long quest to sow doubt, suspicion, and loathing for President Obama.  This goes beyond the historic North/South Divide that has cursed this country since its founding.  This is much more serious than Wallace, or any other Sewer State Politician's maneuvering to REBEL against our Federal Government.  This is GLOBAL, and for the first time in my long life, ruptures our historic agreement to keep any disagreements on Foreign Policy within our country's boundaries!

Stay Vigilant!  This no Joke, Folks.  For the Young, who think all news must be entertaining before you can take it seriously; Trust Me; THIS IS DIFFERENT!!   THIS IS DANGEROUS!!

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

R today's "BEGGARS" mostly "RICH" (people)???

A Christian "Sting"??

We know from the Bible, that JESUS fought the "Money-Lenders" and assisted the "Beggars" (the "Poor" of that time).  Were he to return to Earth in 2015, he would be "shocked"!!  We have, wall-to-wall, Foundations, Charitable Trusts, Humanitarian Groups, etc.; all of whom promise to help some "less fortunate" people with the money.  Some promise to help "less fortunate" animals, or "the Environment".  The trick is; that they use MEDIA to BEG funds from those who are "less fortunate" than the Beggars!  CUTE!, Huh??  

Why can't everybody "cash-in" on this gig?  Well, you have to be Rich already, or a "Celebrity", or some other type of "Media-Darling" to Participate!  This entire phenomenon centers on the Media.

Remember the gigantic earthquake in Haiti?  Two Ex-Presidents were "selected" to raise funds to help the Haitians.  Ex-Presidents, beginning with Ronald Reagan, have become Beggars, mostly from Foreign Governments to "pad" their retirement.  J.C. didn't, however.  He decided to build houses for the "less fortunate".  He does have a Foundation, I think.

The trouble is that a TRUSTING Public, together with a CORRUPT Media, are the main ingredients of the "Process".  The Media, key in setting up the Public, is DERELICT in forcing the BEGGARS to ACCOUNT for the funds that are raised.  The Silence on this Subject is Deafening!!

In the not too distant past, these arrangements were Scams to help Rich families hide their Trust Monies from the TAX MAN.  Today, HEDGE Boys get their money directly from killing legitimate businesses, or,  the Banks, or Pension Funds, or large Corporations.  The Rich own enough politicians to not have to worry aboout Taxes anymore.  

Why is all of this happening?  MONEY;  in huge sums is the ultimate source of POWER today.  It corrupts all other, more traditional, Power-weilders, like Judges, Legal Systems, Elected "leaders",  and Lobbyists,  After the Ferguson "Legal" maneuvering, NOBODY is safe in their person or property anymore.

If we demanded that MEDIA pursue TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY from these organizations that are "exploding" in numbers, we might find ways to re-build our crumbling infrastructure??

Stay Vigilant!  Funny, with all of these "concentrations of power and wealth, in the name of the "less fortunate"; NOTHING seems to get any better!

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Monday, February 9, 2015

From "MAMMY" to "GRAMMY" ??

"They" May NEVER Stop!!

I thought I would be writing about Barak and Angela today, but the LEGEND blew that away!
Seem's like, last night, Black Entertainers had an "epiphany"; after being "stiffed" yet again, by the Grammies!  Hooray for the Legend!!  This has been coming for more than a century!
(By the Way:  if you didn't get to witness this morning's News Conference with Merkel and Obama; please catch it!  Anybody; who cannot understand why Putin, Netanyahu, and Assad may now be the most dangerous men on our planet; must listen carefully to what Barak and Angela had to say.)  The wedding of armed might with "nativist and religious" extremism, has to be conquered!

From the Twenties, when Al Jolson grew rich performing "Mammy" in blackface, to the "Invasion" of the "Mop-heads" from London (Liverpool, really); Black Music has been perpetually "Raped"; to build white industries, businesses, and careers for theieves of "intellectual properties".  When Richard Wayne Penniman ("Little Richard") came into my life, and changed it forever (I was 14),  Late-night Radio -- the "internet" for black youth in the early Fifties -- (carried, by ground waves)  beamed to us; from far-away places like Nashville, Memphis, TN, and Del Rio, TX,, the "RACE MUSIC banned from "decent", white, airwaves!!

In his 1984 book, The Life and Times of LITTLE RICHARD The Quasar of Rock  ; four white youth, described to be, not unlike our "poor trash" in the U.S. at the time, was reported to have been so poor that Richard fed them and allowed them to sleep on the floor in his hotel room.  I don't have to tell you what happened after their Manager, Epstein, got the group "introduced" to the U.S. (twice)!!
RACE MUSIC became a white version of our Rock 'n Roll; with only white faces and a pitiful beat!  Black performers kept  producing their products, well into the Seventies, and  through Motown.  Then that music died as a source of income, and inspiration, for a Black Community, that was rapidly being destroyed by "Integration".

In his book; 1846, Year of Decision,  Bernard DeVoto cites Black Music in the U.S. as ranking among the "best in the world".  It still is; but you wouldn't know that from all the money and the BLACK institutions, and Black communities all of that talent has built!  They Don' Exist!  Why??   Because just about all of the money went to Whites, Jews, and Arabs; until the Beatles invaded.  Then,  the money went world-wide!  Maybe, just maybe, this will change, after last night??  The quality of Black Music was determined by Black Communities and Processes (The Apollo Theater) that selected the best performers

Stay Vigilant!  A Rape, of Many Centuries in length, may be coming to an end!  A People, held in slavery and institutionalized "Darkness", may finally be "awakening"??  To succeed, this generation must FIRST prove they can acquire and hold their WEALTH; and STOP giving that away!

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Sunday, February 8, 2015


If YOU can't SEE You; then ,YOU Don't EXIST??
If you don't EXIST, you can't SURVIVE!
If you don't think that SEEING yourself in MEDIA is important; then you don't care if there is a new Cold War with Russia brewing, or, that white people with MONEY are pushing-aside anybody who gets in their way!  The "National Networks", and popular Cable Channels  cater "primarily" to their public!

Driven by ratings, TV and Cable channels will do just about ANYTHHING to get the best "numbers".  The current row over Brian Williams, shows that we have to be skeptical about EVERYTHING MEDIA does.  "Truth" disappeared from "News" when Nixon/Kissinger left leading Government.  To Gossip, we now have to add "backbiting" "jealousy" and "trash-talk about peers"
as common ingredients mixed with what is shoved at us by the networks as "News".  Nobody in that industry is unaffected by the garbage that only becomes more egrigious with time!
ALJazeera-America, is the only Channel that seems to readily cross color lines in their coverage of News Events.  This week, they're doing a special report on the Gullah Culture in the Sea Islands that dot our Eastern Coastline.

It is critical for ALL people who wish to be viable participants in our national economy to seek accurate reflection of themselves and their communities in MEDIA.  Money will flow in the direction of those whom MEDIA reflects best -- for jobs, for your ability to keep your house, your community's growth, your safety, and your General Welfare (as called for in our Constiuttion).  Media is overwhelmingly our prime  purveyor of hatred, suspicion, prejudices, and general confusion.  Approximately three-quarters of the world's population is mostly absent from or world view, insofar; as their Health, and Wealth are concerned.  EXCEPT for the cancerous growth of FOUNDATIONS begging for MONEY in their name.   White Media concentrates on those subjects of interest only to White and Rich people.  MEDIA is also the prime force against  the Integration and Pluralism that they all say we need.

Stay Vigilant!  The Hard Right, at home and abroad, is interested in War and Confusion mixed with Hatred and Suspicion .  This the method employed by the likes of Putin and Netanyahu as they grab territory that does not belong to them.  Media provides the megaphone by which they constantly attack and denigrate our President, and gain political power.  Ask Jeb Bush, where he "stands" on Guns (stand-your-ground); Immigration: and Infrastructure!
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Saturday, February 7, 2015

RELIGIONs/RACE/Slavery, Colonialism: (tribe, family, "country", "community"): IDENTITY??

Obama on Religions
"Mote" and "Beam"

Both; white Liberal, and white Conservative, "Elites" Be-moan their "conviction" that President Obama hasn't "done enough" to help "solve" our problems with RACE in the United States.  The "Conservative" RIGHT, (and some "conservative Dems") are howling about the President's speech at the Annual Prayer Breakfast, a few days ago.  Almost in the same breath, they exaggerate the "giant strides" that have been made in this country; entitling them to "point fingers" when-ever and where-ever they choose.  What they never seem to "choose", is to utter the words "Abu-Ghraib".  If they did that more often, then PERHAPS the world would "get serious" about the extremism based in religion that is spreading like the plague around the world.

I propose two things:
     (1) those, so proud of their "Christianity", should "re-visit" the New Testament Text of the Sermon on the Mount; Gospel of Matthew, chapter 7, verses 1 to 5.
     (2) Consider: we cannot have a serious Dialog on Race, when we can't bear to mention "Abu-Ghraib".  THAT was an offense to ALL MUSLIMS and ALL CHRISTIANS -- and we can't talk about it.  Perhaps, if we did, George W. and Dick Chaney would face TRIAL?  The Republican Party would be ABOLISHED!  Could those be the reasons we won't bring it up;  ANYWHERE?  Is it because that was "yesterday", not 500 years ago (for slavery), or 800 years ago (for Crusades).  Remember, George W was first to utter the "Crusades" connection, following 9/11.  Blaming what happened in Iraq on a few poor, white, ignorant "products" from our Sewer States, simply won't "cut-it"!!  First the Government "covered-up" the event; then, when it was "leaked" into the Press, we were assured we were'nt "mature" enough, therefore, it was not "safe" ot release all of the pictures for public viewing.  Given this, what exactly CAN we believe, ABOUT ANYTHING??

Stay Vigilant!  Be aware that our current attitudes and practices regarding Religions and Race are contaminating yet another generation of our citizens.

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Friday, February 6, 2015

Why "Continue" to "Advertise" ONLY to WHITES???

Time for ADVERTISERS to "Get a Grip"

Okay!  We "get-it"!  In the last century, when Whites thought they would  "always rule"; before Tom Delay had to "gerrymander whites" in grotesque ways; and, white politicians could even pretend that non-whites had a "fair chance" of Representation through the Ballot Box (after 1965); it made sense that all ADVERTISING would be directed to WHITES!  But, in 2015, when even the dullest of white politicians know that Whites are losing the "Numbers" to rule fairly; the past six years have shown us that the REPUBLICANs "Get-It"  -- They know that All Politics, for them, is both LOCAL and WHITE!!

ADVERTISERS are STILL "discriminating" the old-fashioned way, however!  Whether its a TV Ad, where blacks are "made fun of" to entertain whites (the Stupid Black "Jock" dancing in the supermarket for "Cold-Cuts"), or just about any other topic or thrust; that industry is still producing "messages" that are "about-whites, for-whites, and to-whites"!!  At a time when our entire domestic economy depends on "Advertising"; you might think that industry would "get a grip";  and realize that they're pitching to the "shrinking" audience -- not the "growing" audience??

Obviously, they still think we're too stupid to notice!  Granted, the younger, "integrated" generation, ALL see themselves as "white" regardless of their skin tone, but they don't HAVE THE MONEY the advertisers seek!  The rest of us (Who DO have money), just get more and more "pissed"!!  When the time comes that we realize we don't have to "accept, or comply" with this; it may be TOO LATE for those companies who still prefer to speak to "whites-only"!  New ways of reaching non-whites with MONEY have to be found!!

You might protest that you see more "Non-whites" in advertising (and in television shows); but a closer look will reveal that they are not relevant to the plot -- they're simply "contrast", or "spots on the wall"!!

Advertising had better stop taking us for granted??  Dont'cha THINK??

Stay Vigilant!  Old Dogs; New Tricks!  or,  New Dogs; Old Tricks!  ??  This doesn't seem like a smart way to produce "revenue" from a population that is rapidly turning NON-WHITE!!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

(He A'int) "PAUL HARVEY" !!

On the ROAD

One day, in the mid-90's, I was "flyin'-low" in my BMW 635 Csi; driving from Seattle to Albuquerque.  To keep awake, I listened to radio, and my CDs.  Tired of changing CDs one at a time, (this was before Sirius, Radio), I avoided that "waillin' -Western" music by listening to Talk Jocks, who covered the airwaves in those days.  Guess who popped-up!   The Malignant Rush!  Dialing furiously to find anyone else, I thought, "He Ain't Paul Harvey"!!   Paul Harvey saved my life, many-a-day; when I had to drive from Lawrence, KS to far-away places like Russell,KS; Lodgepole, NE, and Chadron, NE.  Sometimes referred to as "windshield-time"; traveling salesmen, and college recruiters (my job, then) know it well!.

Paul Harvey could keep me from falling asleep!  He never made me want to "throw up" the way Limbaugh does.  Born in 1918, Harvey was in his late-50's when I listened to him on the road.
That was before Rush cursed us with his foul air.  Both Harvey and Limbaugh were happy with the "Conservative" label.  Both were white.  In spite of those draw-backs, Harvey was a human being!  He was against those who cheated on welfare, not those who qualified for welfare.  The common sense he exhibited and championed, was exactly the quality that Rush lacks!

The key difference, I see, looking back four decades, lies in the fact that the Social Compact, widely accepted in the United States at the time, embodied a sense of fairness for everyone; it was win/win; and even most Conservative Whites believed in that!  Not so, today!
The "Winner-take-All", "Devil-take the Hindmost" , and "win/lose" philosophythat descended on this country after 9/11, served to enrich the top 1%, while leaving everyone else "eatin' dirt"!  As we unravel the Mortgage-Financing Crimes, it becomes clear how BIG MONEY raped un-suspecting, poor, and non-white citizens.  That bunch now controls our Congress, again.

Stay Vigilant!   The ones who preach about "takin' the Country Back" are the precise ones we need to make GIVE  us, our Country BACK!!

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015


U.S. Citizens May Come to Regret NOT VOTING in 2014!

In his book, Profit With Honor, The New Stage of Market Capitalism, (2006), Daniel Yankelovich bemoans the departure of ethics from Corporate Businesses.

Enlightened self-interest ,  practiced widely by Corporations during the first 50 years of my lifetime, DIED in 1989; with the rise to power of the MONEY and FINANCE Boys!  Yankelovich says an UN-enlightened self-interest  arose to replace it.  Win/win, was replaced with win/lose!  He cites Enron, and the entire gaggle of activities undertaken, when our politicians on the Right "ran-amuck" in their new-found, de-regulated ,world!!  Ironic; that the book was published two years before that bunch "exploded" our Global Economy.

Losing office in large numbers, those politicians that brought on such horror, consistently, for six years, undermined the President who was elected to "fix" their mess. The fact that the new President was also the first Black President, made it easy for them.   In so doing, they moved the unenlighted self-interest principle, openly,  to their politics.  Winning the Senate in a No-Show-Election in 2014, we now have a Congress controlled by a racial-based entourage that is more Loyal to its Political Base, than it is to our Nation!  Is this a re-run of our Civil War??  It's the same Sewer State Players!

This cancerous spread of unenlightened self-interest is weakening Governments all over the planet!   A new form of fighting WARs is emerging from the incorporation of this principle.  The be-headings and most recent burning-alive of hostages are committed by metastasizing groups (the names change monthly, it seems) who are in possession of enough MONEY and modern IT Technology to grow; in spite of the best efforts of traditional war-fighting means to stop it.  It may be that our SAFETY on this planet, is more important than our MONEY; and, will depend on achieving an effective GLOBAL POLICE-FORCE!  With heads of state like Putin and Netanyahu employing the new unenlightened self-interest principle to gain territory and strike Terror; it may be more difficult, today, to form an effective world-coalition to confront this newEvil, than it was for Churchill and Roosevelt found it to be, around the time I wa born.

The unlightened sefl-interest has invaded Policing in the United States.  800 years after the Magna Carta proclaimed no man to be above the Law, Crooked Lawyers and Politicians have managed to placate their racial base, by placing Murdering Policemen, and killers of black youth, ABOVE the Law!  On hundred years after Birth of a Nation, Jim Crow returns in full force!

MEDIA is focusing, foolishly, on the day-to-day antics of Republicans in Congress, who are led by former Senator DeMint, from South Carolina, and the Heritage Foundation.  The Repoobs seem to be playing a long game, targeted to whomever the Democrats choose to follow Obama.

Stay Vigilant!  We're living in a time of Business, War, and Politics, With DISHONOR!  Save Your Country!  NO REPUBLICAN should be elected in 2016!!  Ballots before Bullets!

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Monday, February 2, 2015

'SUPER'-BOWL-2015 ... what a THRILL'Ah !! (Too Bad our POLITICS Cain't Be)

A Contest of "Champions"

I always used to watch the Super-Bowl with the Old Buffalo Soldier!  Commissioned in the U.S.Army "Black" Calvary, in 1941, he was a fanatic for Sports (with Black Players).  He and I both remembered when Sports were Segregated in this country, and what a Travesty resulted after they were "Integrated".  The NFL version of Integration, under autocratic "owners", is reflective of the old Plantation System in our Old South (Sewer Region).

Havig no children of his own; he and his wife adopted and raised a German Brown Baby.  He felt like EVERY black player in football, or basketball, or baseball, was his own SON!  He knew their life histories, and many stories about  their relatives.  That was easy in the beginning (after 1948 for baseball, and after 1957 for the rest of the sports).  I was later amazed at his ability to "keep up" as the Latin Players came in, and the numbers became so large.  He died in his early eighties, a retired Army Colonel.  Too bad he didn't live long enough to see Russell Wilson play!

After yesterday, it should be clear to all who are not blind that the SeaHawks are a TEAM (almost like a family) -- the Patriots are not.  LUCK reared its ugly head at the very end of Superbowl 2015; punishing Wilson and his Seahawks, and rewarding the bad playing of the Patriot gaggle.  Coaching on both sides can be questioned, as I see it.  I don't think any of us will live long enough to see back-to-back "flukey" plays like the two that ended yesterday's game.

Following the GAME, I saw the interviews of Mitch and John; followed by the Black Chief of Police for Cleveland, on SIXTY MINUTES.  I was already in a sour mood, but those two interviewes really "pissed me off"!!  Why do we put up with losers like these three; as our "Leaders"??  Lest anyone doubt it, Black enablers WITHIN the Policing Industry, are as much, or more, to blame for the crap we face in Law Enforcement!  White Racists will always flock to "Police" people who don' t look like them, or live among them!  The Christopher Commission (in L.A.), told us that putting Blacks on the Force would NOT solve the problem!  The Black Chief of Cleveland showed us all what a disgrace he is to HUMANITY!  He is far more dangerous to this country, and to non-whites, than Condi and Clarence, combined!  He is carefully chosen by whites to "cover" for them.  There may be hundreds like him!

John and Mitch (Boehner and McConnell) made it clear that they are entrenched in their Tribal and Racial leanings, learned down South along the Ohio River.  They signal that we can expect two more years of "We Hate Obama", and any dirty tricks (Netanyahu??) they can dream up.  Too bad we can't be led by Wilson and Brady??

Stay Vigilant!  We may learn that  Racism in the USA is too deeply entrenched (within ALL of us) to be significantly changed by changing the color of the  President.  Changing the Gender may be even more disappointing.

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

"TROLLS" ARISE (on our Hard Right)

"TROLLING" for Dollars??

As Presidential Election Campaigns start to warm up, "Trolling" for Dollars becomes important again.  Our Hard Right is "hard" at-it, as the same quackery stirs, and a few new hats join the ones we've become tired of, already!  One such "troll", returns, with gravy!  The Most Hollow Troll came back with a splash! ... and then quickly fizziled!

The most dangerous and evil of Hard Right Trolls, (Cheney) has favored us with his absence from the limelight, while he runs his new heart through its paces.  Good for him: Good for US!  I guess, when you think about it, more Right Wingers became Dads following World War II than Left Wingers; or more returned from the War, or both.  We've had three Baby-Boomers, back-to-back, and only the last one was an Adult!  We've got another fourteen years before the last of that horde of 76 million passes the age of 65!  Their infantilism was clearly shown, to the detriment of us all, in our Politicians.  EXCEPT for Obama!!

We learned this morning, in his hour-long interview with Fareed Zakara, that Obama has, within the  past six years, with the most odorous and infantile politicians in opposition, (1) rebuilt the U.S. economy, so horribly wrecked by the Repoobs in 2008; (2) Cut the costs of our two Wars, by bringing home the troops; (3) Cut soaring Health Care Costs with historic legislation, and (4) Brought better health to millions of our citizens by establishing universal health-care in our country FOR THE FIRST TIME.

The odor of diapers needing change grows as the lesser half of the Katzenjammers annouced his candidacy.  Born in 1955, he is a young Boomer, and certainly not an Adult!  He's addicted to War Toys.  Another Boomer returns, offering us Sewer State Gravy.  Are we still in some kinda DARK AGE, where only the Black Guy is SANE??  Take a look and listen to the Fareed Zakara interview with Obama if you want to know what a sound strategy sounds like; re: ISIS or ISIL; Israel (include Palestinians, and Netanyahu), Iran, Russia, China, India, Mexico, China, and the United States of America!

Stay Vigilant!  "Trolling" on our horizon is another diabolical BUSH!!

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