Will the "Smart" Whites "Wake-Up" (in-time)??
If your are being driven "crazy" by the crap emanating from our Congress; from the suicidal behavior of the Israelis; or, by the future direction of capitalist "markets"; Google: http://www.chicagofed.org/webpages/publications/speeches/2014/02_04_14_detroit_economic_club_monetary_policy_macroprudential_safeguards.cfm
Ever since 2008, when the "Smart" Money Boys killed DEMAND in our Capitalist Economy, our economic survival has depended on the FEDERAL Reserve; and the INTELLIGENCE of Barack Obama! "Keep em Barefoot and Ignorant" has been the "First Commandment" of white rule, here in the United States, and around the world, since 1492?? This "Commandment" stopped working after 1960s in the U.S.; so, "work-arounds" using the Supreme Court, have been slowly put into place; starting with the DRED "Clarence" in 1991. Ignorance policy paid off for them "in spades" for Clarence and Condi! From the days of the "Lash and Bible", whites could not abide a non-white who could read one one letter of the English alphabet! Instant DEATH was summarily decreed by white men, women, and children, as their remedy!
We were ALL lucky to get a Presidential Candidate, uniquely suited, intellectually, to handle the mess of Cheney/Bush -- but. "Crackers" choose to Destroy our Government, rather than to work with him! It is the lack of an "educated" and skilled work-force (around the Globe) that is placing the future of Capitalism in Question!! The over-arching policy is Global -- driven by Christian Churches!
We were ALL lucky to get a Presidential Candidate, uniquely suited, intellectually, to handle the mess of Cheney/Bush -- but. "Crackers" choose to Destroy our Government, rather than to work with him! It is the lack of an "educated" and skilled work-force (around the Globe) that is placing the future of Capitalism in Question!! The over-arching policy is Global -- driven by Christian Churches!
I turned away from "Mourning Joe and his Sidekick" this morning, just as they were "cheering" the fact that the SAT and ACT will no longer be "required" by our nation's Institutes of Higher Learning ("Colleges")! Having given up, long ago, on meaningful "education" and "enlightenment", in favor of "Networking" (led by the "Ivies"); our "higher" learning is following the race to the sewer route, that the rest of Public Education has taken since 1954!
NOTE: Joe and his "other" were "bragging" about their difficulties scoring a requisite "1000" score on the SAT: ALL of my children did BETTER than that! It may buttress the point that, in order to be a "succcess" in the United States, its better to be "White", than "Bright??
NOTE: Joe and his "other" were "bragging" about their difficulties scoring a requisite "1000" score on the SAT: ALL of my children did BETTER than that! It may buttress the point that, in order to be a "succcess" in the United States, its better to be "White", than "Bright??
I learned more in the next 15 minutes from Mohamed El-Erian, and Art Cashin, on another network, than from all the white "glitterati" on Joe's network. Beware, there are "T-Poop, Obama-Hatin' plants" everywhere: ("Sick-Rant-Telly) comes quickly to mind. As the Market decides what to do next, its best to keep your eye on your MONEY, rather than the likes of "Romney-alias, Ted Nugent! ( "They are in "Cookin" unsuspecting "Frogs" in warm tubs)??
Since the 1960s; the "Crackers" among us have added a number of woes to their long worry list: "Women", Gays, Hispanics, Poor Whites -- the "Muslims", of course! The harder they take swings at us, the 2000 market crash; two wars in the Middle East; the "Housing" Bubble; and, 2008; the worse off their condition gets! Even MISSISSIPPI has put a limit on this crap!
Stay Vigilant! Are we reduced to relying on the "Informed Greed" of "White Wealth" to save us from our Past Sins; both at home and abroad?? Check Out: "Macroprudential Policy"!! WATCH YOUR MONEY!
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