The DEATH of Cooperation??
In his new book: A Troublesome Inheritance, (2014), Nicholas Wade writes:
"Changes in the social behaviors that underlie
a society's institutions
take many generations to accomplish.
It may have been in hunting or scavenging that early humans
first faced strong selective pressure to cooperate."
As we struggle, once again to make Democracy work in this country through the ballot box; having failed in 2008, 2010, AND 2012; we must slog again to the Polls to stamp out individualized attackers of our Rights, our Constitution, and our Laws! Putin seems to have "figured out" Reagan's "magic" to get bottom-feeding whites in this country to vote against their own social and economic interests. First he convinced them to turn on their Unions; silencing the most effective voice the Middle Class had against the Tyranny of Big Money.
The squeeze on wages began among Blacks in the inner cities in the late 1970s. Reagan spread that poverty to the white Middle Class, with their help. He appealed to their "faith-based" fears and hatreds of persons of color. Republicans never let up on that theme. Putin and Netanyahu have adapted the technique to their situations??
No matter the political stripe of the Republican in 2014; they ALL follow the line laid down by Reagan as he played his Siren Songs, convincing the STUPID that he "won" the Cold War by doing so! All the way to the 2008 Collapse, Republicans have vowed to NEVER COOPERATE in governing this country.
We've turned into a "Call-Center" Economy in the wake of it: every-one faces relentless daily pressure to "grovel for peanuts" of our own time, and money, in order to stay EMPLOYED. The panic grows. "Managers" trend toward women who are trained to treat workers like Kindergartners; manipulating their work hours, while the Corporate Heads still their pay to enhance their profits. Now those Corporate Heads are lining up to take these meager jobs "off-shore".
Will the Reagan Syndrome prevail this FALL? You damn-betcha in the Sewer (South and TOK); and RED States! They've invented a new "boogey-man" in the "Mexicans" and the "Southern Border". They will use this to kill off any serious attempt to "fix" our Immigration Problems. They know that most white voters are too stupid to know the difference between "Mexican", "Cuban", "Latino" and "Hispanic"!! DO YOU??
Stay Vigilant! Can U Learn to COOPERATE with the Opposition?? Will U VOTE??
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