Tuesday, July 15, 2014

the "Biggest" GUNS; THE "Largest" POCKETBOOK: the "Weakest" MINDS??

USA: (1945-2008) ??

In the 75 years that I've been alive;  Fascism  (on the rampage across Europe when I was born),; through World-War-II; through the Cold War; Korea; Vietnam; the Gulf Wars; (minor incursions into Central and Caribbean); the Collapse of Communism and the Soviet Union, and the Collapse of Private Capitalism in 2008; have occurred!!  From both inside and outside the United States, others of my age and longevity might see quite differing pictures.  If you consider yourself "white" and live in the United States, you will see a starkly different picture than those who are non-white, because of the amazing success, "whites" have had maintaining their race-based privileges, and keeping non-white citizens out of the economy. Presidents, from LBJ through Cheney/Bush, have played their roles.  

Communism is sometimes termed: "Socialism for the Poor", while Fascism is termed: Socialism for the Rich!  Of course, Corporate America is now in the driver's seat in the Governments of the United States (Federal and State).  Only the top 1% of U.S. citizens are managing to maintain and/or grow their incomes and assets. In the face of the collapse of private capital, the "Crackers" who have gained a "choke-hold" on Governments in the United States have managed also to "Kill" Fiscal Policy, leaving only Monetary Policy to keep the economy going.  Sorry, and Scary state of affairs!  The Rich hate Taxes, and they have ALWAYS hated FDR and his programs (those Fiscal Policies that got us out of the Great Depression of the 1930s).

My thirty-eight years in Research, Development, Testing, Engineering, and High-Tech Marketing kept me in key places and key events during just about all what unfolded after 1945.  My Advanced Degrees in Finance, Marketing, Banking, and Public Administration provided great teaching from some of the nation's best, brightest, and most experienced Professors.  Readers of this Blog (williamsllc.com) can see over seven hundred articles covering most of my learning and experiences.  The Blog is intended to help those Blacks and Browns who are victims of the "selective ignorance" meted out to them by our 'Education" Institutions.

Black and Brown citizens of this country have been forced to become the nations "natural" innovators, due to their exclusion from most benefits of the U. S. economy; since the beginning of the country.  That is more true today, with the 1% in charge, than ever before.  In spite of it all, they've managed to survive and thrive.  So much so, foreign non-whites from places like Cuba, Mexico, Africa, and India are coming here to "cash-in"??  Their "value-added" appears to lie in their ability to acts as "Tweeners", or buffers, to keep whites in power for as long as possible. Avaricious and "confused" black and brown "Millenials" are being groomed as Drones for the future economy.

In the meantime, Europe and the "West/-leaning" countries realize that the days have come to an end where they can continue to "suck the blood" of the United States.  After 2008, our "blood-supply" has run out!  Our corporations are moving to Europe and taking their money with them!  Rich whites have taken to sucking the blood of poor whites, for the first time in my years here.

We became, over the years, blind and stupid "Consumers" -- running a "Consumer Economy" to the delight of the nations we rebuilt; in Europe,  Japan,  and South Korea.  We also mis-spent our Firepower (big Guns)!  What comes next, nobody seems to know, except, maybe, Netanyahu??

Stay Vigilant!  This nation has run on a toxic stew of racism, color-based-hatreds, and economic jealousy, held together with the implied terror of the lash, guns, ropes, theft, and LAW.  The "special sauce" that is stirred into that mix is this nation's obsession with a curious brand of  "Christianity"!  So go figure!  The Obama Years have allowed every Cracker Element hiding under their sheets to "Out" themselves; at home, and to the world!  They're paraded every day on "Mourning Joe"!

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