Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The 'FOX" and the "MORSEL(s)" -- "Putin" as "COLUMBUS" -- (2014)??

""Rupert" Poised to Pounce??
At the turn of the last Century, we had Hearst and his "Yellow Journalism".  Today, we have Rupert and FOX!!  He is getting ready to swallow Time Warner and put us all "in a trick"!

Last night, Charlie Rose interviewed Ian Bremmer of the Eurasia Group, and David Remmick of the New Yorker Magazine.  Both had intimate details of what is going on inside Russia, and how Putin has used Television, and his abilities to "squash" all Media that does not serve his purposes.  His purposes??  To Rule The World, of course!  Didn't you READ his Speech, delivered several months back!! SHAME ON YOU, if you didn't.  Even a seventh-grader (12 years old) could understand that speech!

Columbus is Back!  Not from that old 15th Century Kleptocracy of Spain, but from the new Kleptocracy of Putin's Russia.  His drive is the same:  Empire, Riches, Subjugation, Murder and Mayhem -- writ larger than 1492.  He has a "handle" on the latest in technology and can apply it more shrewdly than most of his victims realize (and more than his sympathizers realize)!  He understands Asymmetry better than most World Leaders; and, especially, the understanding of his not-so-silent supporters in the Republican Party and Tea Party.  Those interviewed last night expressed astonishment at how Putin used Russian Television has managed to wake up the darkest, most virulent,  Nativist strains among the Russian People.  They mentioned that some of this is spreading to Germany.  Anti-Americanism, and hatred of Western Leadership is growing in Russia, they say.  Under the cover of the Maylasian Airline Crime, an announcement concerning the status of Snowden; that he seeks to stay in Russia; came out.  Chumps who believed the Snowden Propaganda have another "think" to do, I guess??  http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/17/edward-snowden-professionals-encrypt-client-communications-nsa-spy   

Having subdued the British Government, Rupert has moved on to the United States and may do the same here.  He is an American Citizen now (amazing what BIG MONEY can accomplish)!  He has plenty to work with here: The Sewer States citizens and their representation; the TOK  (Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas) state citizens and their representation; Arizona and Utah, both of them "flashing" Ethnocentrism and virulent anti-Mexican, and anti-Gay-isms.  Across the northern tier, there is much less concern with Borders (Canadians are white, after all), but still, states like Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Minnesota are beset by the Loony Religious Nuts that are busy pushing the RED-Tide in the United States.

Beware Propaganda regarding the "DIVIDE" in the United States.  Yesterday's Choke-Hold murder by Cops in New York, reveal "Birmingham" on the Hudson; long after the likes of Juliani and Bloomberg have departed.  So much for the hopes of "Progressive" leadership!  In a nation that has "MARGINALIZED" the poor and the non-white, since it was founded;  The MARGIN is, and always has been the DIVIDE!

Stay Vigilant!  The TWIN TYRANNIES of Big MEDIA and Big MONEY are upon us all!

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