Does "PR" (propaganda) Stifle Curiosity?
Yesterday (July 17, 2014) will go down in history as the date of two major events that signaled the face of the world's future: A Malaysian Airlines (again) flight full of passengers was destroyed (everybody dead) by a Surface to Air Missile. This time, whoever did the deed, did not care whether we saw the wreckage -- it happened in a "War-Zone"). Gaza was invaded (again) by Israel. This time, all stops are pulled to cover their actions with propaganda. This morning, Mourning Joe "changed" the reporting of the deaths of the four boys in Gaza to "Playing" on the Beach. Yesterday, the reporters on the spot, and the film footage, showed them collecting scrap metal. The images are EXTREMELY different!
Key Players: Netanyahu and Putin. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1989. Israel absorbed 784 thousand Russian Jews after 1989.
Take Syria into the picture, and Putin's imprint on the region is not insignificant!
The Propaganda (echoed in our Media) cites "Defense" of course. The old OFFENSE of naked aggression appears to be changed to a mixture of incitements, and limited aggression covered by what one East Ukrainian cited as "professional" propaganda!
What each of these leaders have chosen to "defend" is their economies -- not their People (certainly not those targeted peoples, and nobody else is safe from them, either! Such is the face of the world's future? Has our tolerance for mega-death grown with our "need" for economic prosperity? Keep an eye on that! See what the Israelis and the Russians DO in the days ahead; ignore their propaganda!
The Hard-Right in both countries are aided and abetted by the Hard Right in this country, as it struggles mightily to stifle President Obama's efforts to turn this nation away from our recent aggression in the Middle East and toward the repair of our economy; and, a realization that there is no "Military" answer to the problems we face ahead.
Stay Vigilant! See how much PROPAGANDA you can detect in what our MEDIA feeds us, minute-by-minute! Watch closely to see if Europe (Germany and the Netherlands in particular) SWALLOW the latest murder of masses of their own people as a "cost of doing business".
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