Does "Trayvon" provide a "Special Filter"??
Our Visual Media (so crucial to Television and Hollywood Films) "succeeds" in tricking us by playing with the way light falls upon objects. It has been that way since the "picture-flipping" books of the pre-War years, I guess. The technique has become very useful in other areas of our daily lives, also; principally, in the way "JUSTICE" has changed its face and practices as we enter the 21st Century.
In recent rulings involving Race, the "naivety" of our Chief Justice, on matters of RACE is trotted out by his defenders. Of Course! That's what none of our Senators could see when they CONFIRMED that guy! Never in our history have we been told that our Senate seeks "naive" candidates to rule over our High Court! How stupid of us, and them, NOT TO SEE that! No sooner did the Roberts Court follow the beliefs of their leader: that this country is beyond RACE; and set aside protections for voting; than an avalanche of legal actions start spewing form our "sewer states" to restrict voting for Blacks, the Young, the Old (did you get missed? - that's probably on its way)!! What a "Joke" this Court has become; when five "Justices", all of the religion that invented White Supremacy; "voted" the way they did! Their Robes ("Klan robes"!) that is; were "invisible" and so were their motives. Post-Nixon and Watergate, Young Journalists began learning in school how to manipulate language to obscure TRUTH; they stopped pursuing Facts! Lawyers learned in school how to break the LAW, while operating WITHIN the LAW (N.J. Bridge, for example)! Do we have to rely on lucrative legal fees, and greedy lawyers for any hope of finding real JUSTICE in the 21st Century??
Their timing is also worthy of note. When our Legislatures in states and at the federal level are gridlocked over race and class, the High Court delivers the "coupe de grace"!! They know in their wicked little hearts what they have done!
A year (to date) has passed since the Zimmerman acquittal. Look as closely as you can and will NOT see the Grand Kleagle robes worn by O'Mara (another member of "the faith") as he conducted his "defense' of
Zimmerman; egregiously based on the oldest of racial stereotypes. The "Prosecution" threw the case! It IS Florida, after all! You have to spend a couple of years, as I did, to detect how deeply racism buried in the Mass Psyche of that historic "malarial swamp"!
So, welcome to the 21st century, with five racial troglodytes on our Supreme Court serving as the gate-keepers for White Supremacy. If the blacks in the old South EVER get as close, again, as they were to Voting Freely, they'd better be more organized and on OFFENSE -- not DEFENSE. Anyone can "see"
once things become obvious!
Stay Vigilant! Once Politicians can successfully manipulate Institutions in Free Societies to remove Rights from the citizens, NO ONE IS SAFE!
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