Thursday, July 17, 2014

"KILLING (undesirable?) KIDS" ... Still "Necessary"??

Israel in need of "Update"?

Four kids, collecting scrap metal on a beach to support their families in Gaza, were "blown away"; reportedly by the Israeli Navy.  It brings back the ghosts of the "Liberty", and strikes a nerve among those of us who, during World War II, also collected scrap metal, as kids.

We were warned by our parents, as kids, to be careful in our searching, because the Crackers who "occupied" and "circumscribed" every aspect of our lives, could shoot us on the spot for stepping on their property.  There would be no consequences.  At least we were close enough to see the enemy in those days.

In 2014; Crackers in the U.S. are much more sophisticated in expressing their feelings about our "undesirables"; on venues like Mourning Joe, where we get daily doses of bile from the Hard-Right and their supporters.  They are into heavy and constant mourning of their losses of white privilege under President Obama.  Their antics are growing more and more bizarre, as very little seems to work for them.  Maybe the Israelis can learn new methods from these Crackers, and more of the Palestinian children might stay alive?  (Of course, they're all over our Media, feigning "surprise" that there would be children on the beach in Gaza)!!

Newtown, CT;  Sanford, Florida; our Southern Border with Mexico; the young father who "cooked" his baby in a car in Georgia;  it's becoming more and more hazardous for children.  Everybody in the Media is finding some way to "excuse" or "explain" the killings, and threats of death to children; as "necessary"!

Why have we come to this?  Economic pressures!  In the global squeeze that has followed the debt caused by Right-Wing Wars and Tax theft, the stresses are popping out in ways that are most dangerous to the vulnerable.  Kids are always vulnerable!

Stay Vigilant!  Vote out any Republican!  Even YOU can become "undesirable" in this Social-Economic and Darwinian form of Government that is evolving!

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