Tuesday, July 1, 2014


"Clarence" STRIKES (again)!

At the time Congress passed the 14th Amendment to our Constitution; Corporations Existed!  They were first established under ancient Roman Law. Corporations did not assume their current modern structure until Queen.Elizabeth.-I granted a Charter to the East India Company in1600.   http://history.howstuffworks.com/historical-events/east-india-company-influence1.htm/printable.

The 14th Amendment to our Constitution, ratified in 1886, did NOT mention CORPORATIONS in its descriptions of who were granted Rights, and who were NOT!  It referenced "Persons", "Citizens" -- not CORPORATIONS!  Yet, after more than 100 years of "finagling", we have a ruling by the "Supremes" that recognizes CORPORATIONS, not only as "Persons", but superior persons with "religious" qualities!

This step by SCOTUS brings our nation into a space where two of the three (co-equal?) Branches of our Federal Government the Founders designed into our Constitution, are in REBELLION against the Executive Branch!  Its their desperate attempt to continue the "Marginalization" of non-whites in this economy (and abroad?).  Race, Gender, "Fiscal" -crocodile-tears, "Terrorism" (both Domestic and Foreign); economic-strangulation; -- all of these tactics are "in play", both in Congress and, in the Supreme Court.  This is uncharted Constitutional Territory for this country, perhaps, since our Civil War!

Will Women "strike back" against Republicans, Tea Party, and "Cracker"-government in our Southern States?  That depends on what happens to the "Terror Tactics" employed by our Malignant White Right, since the days of Mad Ronnie.

The Financial Markets are in record-high territory!  Its the "losers" among poorer whites who are "in-play"!! They are being victimized; both in Congress and in the Supreme Court.  The limits of anti-white hatreds are being tested, like never before, in this country.  Terror on the Job; Terror in the Media; Terror in Foreign Affairs;  Discrimination against non-whites; Discrimination against poor whites; Discrimination against most women (all colors), Discrimination against Older Workers --All of these tactics are being used, to amazing effects, since the days of Daddy Bush!  It represents our present state in the "White Backlash" that has raged in this country for more than 40 years!

Will whites (all income classes, all "shades") FINALLY realize that CLARENCE (and Scalia?) can be Impeached for possible crimes--(bribes?); or for undermining the state?

We now see the limits they are willing to push; in order to continue WHITE-MALE-CRETIN control of the levers of our various Governments.  What is happening in the various states, is another, more scary, chapter of the same syndrome.  Boehner said it:  "The American (white) People don/t trust this President ...".  Obviously Boehner thinks their coordinated campaign to "sow distrust", and scare Hell out of his fellow "knuckle draggers" since 1980;  is "working"??

Stay Vigilant!  Are we beyond the point where we can still "pick-up-the pieces"?  Will this malignant group of Hard-Right-Whites, using "Religions as "packaging", succeed in starting a racial/religious "foreign war"?  Will the effective "shut down" of our Congress continue??
Are we headed for a Corporate-Theology model for this country; like the one in Israel?

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