Can We all "HOPE"??
The last of the Baby-Boomers of the U.S. pass the age of 50 this year. Born nine years before the first of them; I've witnessed in my lifetime the total saga of the sojourn of this staggeringly-huge, and "impact-ridden" bunch of "youth"! It is fiercely fighting nature's attempt to "mature" them, and, not doing it well. Following the "leadership" of some of the "worst" of that cohort, in governments, industry, warfare; it's amazing that we are still able to function -- even at this pitiful level we all decry!
It is expected that as a person "ages"; they learn from their mistakes and become Healthier, Wealthier, and Wiser! The Jury is still out! Clinton was our first "Boomer" President. By 2016, the "youngest Boomer" will be 52, and the oldest will be 68. Of all the crap they've presented to us, and to the world, it can be hoped that the "Body and Bones" will "speak" to this cohort in ways that, so far, their "Brain" has not. To me, it seems they have been "stuck" in that youthful rebellion that surfaced in 1968. Blame it on the "Devil's Music" aka "Rock & Roll"?? Racism haunts the entire saga.
Every generation passes through a "rebellious" phase in the maturing process. This group, perhaps because of its size, and the events that were "handed" to them (Cold War, Vietnam, and other "Colonial"/"Race" Wars), they got "stuck" in "denials of reality" and retreated so massively into drug-taking, and other types of "dissipation". Their example seems to be followed by a later generation that wants to "convert" our economy to one driven by "POT"-smokers! What's Up With That? Never acquired the taste or interest! 1939 can be blamed, I guess!
After 2008, however, the last two Presidents (book-ends? -- one born in 1948, the other in 1961), have had a hand in causing, exacerbating, or "fixing" -- take your pick -- the economic mess that now grips the world. Its beginning to look like there is no "fix" for this economy. It has been changed permanently! It may take years before we can all see clearly what derives from the melt-down. The explosion of technological change brought on since 1939 has impacted events in ways that are still in early stages of "unfolding". The pace of meaningful "integration" of technology into our methods for producing wealth seems to have slowed , and become more difficult ( Wall-Street-Collapse, for example). Societal changes in every culture in the world show a trait of REGRESSION toward their Darker social behavior in their past.
It's interesting that retreat into more primitive religious beliefs appear to be driving the behavior of groups
AND individuals. Struggles to obtain income, at the levels taken for granted in our recent past, are issues for just about every individual and group. Its a struggle that does not seem to get better; as "hierarchical" institutions and economic units weaken. In spite of technological innovation, the ability to form and retain useful human relations continues to weaken, as old skills are lost or discarded. So much for successful "networking"!
Stay Vigilant! TECHNOLOGY ani't GOD! For many; even GOD is no longer GOD!
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