Wednesday, July 2, 2014

"ONE(s)" and "ZERO(s)"??

The BIBLE "Warned" ...??
Yesterday, Belgium ("The Heart of Darkness"; "Rwanda"??); defeated the United States in The World Cup of Soccer.  The "ONES(s)" prevailed??  The BIBLE warned that the existence of Mankind would be "reduced" to numbers"??  The Native Americans (see Diaries of Lewis & Clark), and Native Africans (see history of Rhodesia) "fell" for the European trick of making darker-skinned peoples believe that their Powers came from that book.  How could they know that the Europeans didn't get their chance to Re-Write the BIBLE, until 1611; eight years before the first African Slaves reached what is today the United States of America.

ONE(s) are those among the world population who benefit from a belief that the two pillars of Power in the World are: Money (or monetary Wealth); and Skin Color (Montesquieu).  That belief system prevails today -- but it is increasingly being challenged by persons who have "had enough" of the Wars and Mayhem that belief system has produced!  Pope Too has recently been brought on board; to "slow the progress" of those who are, or descend from those who were; Terrorized, oppressed, cheated, or murdered by practitioners in this belief system.  Soccer, today, as a sport, has to fight effects of this belief system, across our Planet.  The growth of that sport may be hampered by this fact. 
ZERO(s), are those who are fighting to escape from the clutches of this old belief system.  Many of us are "born" ZERO(s) -- by "Christian" decree; and, as Phyllis Wheatley purported in her poetry in the 1700s; must be "refin'd"! 

Boehner and his fellow "Rebels" believe that the President of the United States is a ZERO, obviously!.  The Rebels, and their "dirty-money" backers, don't care who knows or sees what they're up to.  POWER is their game and they don't intend to Share Power with anyone who is not White!  Those ZEO(s) who have money will find that their Money won't "free" them, because the ONES(s) can limit how it "spends".  The ONE(S) create and control MARKETS throughout the world.  They doggedly pursue their goal into extremes that threaten the Constitution of the United States, and, maybe the survival of the nation?

It was thought, for a while, that KNOWLEDGE Workers would break this old system -- but that failed! That's because MONEY was able to discount "experience", and to overpower the most technically gifted "creators" among.  MONEY, like the blind pig is represents, knows, and only cares about MONEY: it cannot create!  It must trick the "creators" into giving up their creations  -- for little on no return!  So, far, they're winning.  "Send Us Your Ideas!" ??

Stay Vigilant!  "This ain't OVER, 'til its OVER!!

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