Friday, July 18, 2014

HOW "INTELLIGENT" R WE, (under O'bama)??

What 9/11 (should have) Told Us??

Our MEDIA reported, yesterday, that President Obama learn,(first)?) about the Malaysia "Crash"
from President Putin, in a phone call our President made to Putin.  Shades of "9/11"??, when our "Intelligence" was caught "flat-footed" (with the assistance of Condi; our National Security Adviser)?.  The flurry of finger-pointing and resignations, and promotions, then Awards, for "service"; all followed -- remember?

Then, as we geared up to invade Iraq, the "Intelligence" apparatus went in a "Tizzy", with Cheney, DOD elements, Congressional "experts", etc., all stirring the Pot.  Remember?  

We know that during World War II, our "Intelligence" kept the Manhattan Project a secret from President
Roosevelt, for a while  (they didn't "trust" him).   We also know that President Truman, after the Bay of Pigs, editorialized to get rid of the CIA.  Did our "Intelligence" morph into multiple Shadow Governments, at war with each other?  What's the condition now??

Did the Russians learn, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, just how much power our "Intelligence" apparatus had?  What did they do about it?  When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989, did only their KGB survive?
SOMEONE should tell the truth about all of this Hay to the voting citizens of this country?? -- Don'cha THINK!!  We shouldn't have to listen to empty wagons like the Katzenjammers! (McCain and Graham), from our Sewer States.  Remember, its that same low-intelligence, low-life that is in charge of our House of Representatives!.  They're also taking over domestic police forces; perhaps in your town??  If you can still sleep well in the face of what is happening to us; then, IGNORANCE IS TRULY BLISS!!

Stay Vigilant! Is INTELLIGENCE Putin's Trump Card?

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