Sunday, July 14, 2013


White "Finger-Pointing" Begins?? 
The mayor of Sanford, Florida, came on "Meet The Press" this morning, and claimed for Sanford: "We don't have a dog in this fight" !!  Who the hell is "WE"??; the white citizens of Sanford (more than 70%)?; the "Hispanic" citizens of Sanford (less than 20%)?; the black citizens of Sanford (slightly more than 10%?).  He is supposed to be the mayor for ALL Sanford citizens!
If "WE" are not "in the fight", who the hell is??  The Defense Lawyers?  The Prosecution Lawyers? The State of Florida (less: "WE" in Sanford)?  Where do Trayvon and his family reside? (On the MOON, I guess).  This jerk who "serves" Sanford is, sadly, typical of urban leadership in this country; but he fails ALL of his citizens; just as those carefully selected women who formed that jury did.  This is what lynching looks like in the 21st century in these United States.
Insofar as the non-white citizenry of Sanford, and the nation, are concerned; I'm afraid the same old rickety machinery of "Civil" Rights will be rolled out to "fix" our problems.  That is "so 20th Century"!  The youth of this nation (of ALL COLORS) will be betrayed, unforgivably, if we do that!
The United States Senate, for more than a generation, led by the likes of Senator Hatch of Utah, has been very carefully "packing" courts all over this country with "their kind" of federal judges.  The late Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, who was a national expert on this topic, warned us about "White Robes" being swapped in favor of "Black Robes".  The Defense Team, in the Martin Case, did a brilliant job of using the "law" to subvert Justice.
This event in Sanford is simply the "Cherry" atop a "crap-cake" that the Republican Party began cooking up for us since the administration of Richard Nixon.  A great deal of money has been invested, and the corruption is clearly visible in all branches of our federal government, as well as in our state governments.  Nothing less that hands-on involvement by all citizens, at all levels, is required.
I spent two years (2003-2005) living in Miami, working through the Miami-Dade Chamber of Commerce to get an in-depth look at that city and its several "communities" for an evaluation of small and mini-sized businesses owned by non-whites.  One thing I learned in those two years, was that the state of Florida plans its construction of "prison-beds", based upon the number of black males who fail basic reading tests in THIRD GRADE!  Who "governed" that state when I was there?  Jeb Bush!  He was our "Benefactor" for "Florida-2000" and all of our "horrors" in the wake of 2000.
Stay Vigilant!  Trayvon has "outed" all of us.
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