Is This Where TRAYVON "Leads" Us ??
On a dark, rainy, night, a teenage boy goes against a loaded gun with his fists; screaming for help (for what seems like minutes). We hear a gunshot, and the screams stop!. We all heard it; we all know it! Many whites will deny it, for reasons that are many and varied. But how does that matter?
Trayvon is telling us all, that whites cannot control our futures anymore; unless we allow it! In my two years studying the plight of non-whites (economically and socially) in South Florida, I was appalled to find that in the 21st century, the poor, (of all colors down there) are still "stuck on the Plantation"! The wealthy whites and Latin Oligarchy "cast offs" are only slightly better off. The place is a psychological and sociological "cuckoo's nest"! A very dangerous one, in fact.
The "Bushes" were busy mining the place at that time (one in the Governor's chair, the other in the White House). The Gods were kind, with hurricanes and FEMA money. And everyone in the pecking order was busy trying to get rich, while trying to screw everyone else. That was also true for the small and micro minority business "entrepreneurs". They were being "advised" by members of SCORE to engage in "flipping" houses. We all saw how that worked out for minorities.
That's the past! 2008 descends FOR ALL OF US like a veil; dividing our future from our past. People like me, with little future left, are able to see it a lot sooner than the young, who, (nature's way) are most often trapped into following blindly those around them. But if you know someone Trayvon's age (regardless of color or gender) please find a way to get this message to them: THE FUTURE IS GREEN -- FOR EVERYONE! Some, like the royal baby, will be immune from the coarser aspects of our future; but even they will have to "serve" within the "traps" they inherit; until they find the key to "break out".
The path to freedom lies in the mind. In the willingness to not follow the crowd. To turn off the T.V. No religion works anymore; especially for non-whites in this world. Read, meditate, think, and then follow what works for YOU! Life is extending longer and longer for everyone; the sooner the young realize this and plan to grow stronger and wealthier EVERY DAY, the better off they will be; and they may survive Trayvon's fate. We each have the (computing) power at our finger-tips to accomplish our individual freedom. Discipline and Patience are essential!
Today's example: DETROIT! People have made their fortunes there, and then abandoned the place. Smart (mostly white) money is in the process of "flipping" the city. They are using a "smart black" (the way the racist Defense used their white and female "back-up" as a jury in the trial) to do the dirty work of confiscating properties formerly held by blacks. Poor blacks will be cast out of Detroit; while richer, and whiter new residents descend on what is a "jewel" of real estate.
Stay Vigilant! Find a better, more rewarding way to "integrate"!
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