"Who" and/or "What" is it? "Really"??
Looking for a real "thriller" for your summer reading? One that will explain a lot of what is troubling all of us; regardless of our station in life, or circumstances of our birth? I suggest George Packer's book The Unwinding. Begin with the story of the life of Newt Gingrich, and then skip to the story of Tammy, the mulatto woman, through whose eyes Packer tells the story of the decline and collapse of Youngstown, Ohio. If you have the stomach to continue to the stories of Oprah Winfrey, Colin Powell, and other stories of all types and stripes of people produced by this "cauldron" a.k.a., the Untied States of America, there are more thrills awaiting; I'm sure! (I'm still reading it).
Begin wherever you like, your personal relationships with lovers, children, family; or, public relationships on your job, in your "community" (however you define it; or whether you feel you still have one), with your government/politics; whatever! I'm willing to bet you are concerned; maybe a little, maybe a lot; depends on whether you can, or, are willing to "engage" with your life.
If you are female in this country today, you have no choice: those who want to vitally constrict your life choices are seeking you out. Persons of color, even the "millennial" ones, should know they still have to be constantly on guard in their daily activities; at many levels and simultaneously.
The incipience of the forces surrounding us, and the global scope of their monotonic effect on our lives, point to one thing: Capital has reverted to its original rapacious form, while simultaneously disappearing, in access, from people's lives. It is rapidly collecting in fewer and fewer hands. No nation, or race, or organization (criminal or otherwise) seems to have an "edge" in determining how capital will ultimately determine our lives. Whoever or whatever is funding those attorneys defending George Zimmerman can be viewed as an example of the maleficent, malignant, or malevolent form that concentrated capital can ultimately take. There may be no defense against it. It is not clear yet who are the ultimate competitors for dominance over the "whip hand" of concentrated capital; which once was the sole possession of European peoples.
The role religions and "technology" play in this struggle will determine whether "ordinary" people will ever again see the level of control over their own lives that was achieved by their forbears.
Stay Vigilant! Newt's "clones" are everywhere, and look like everyone of us!
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