Thursday, July 4, 2013


"Ain't Nuthin' but a Reality Show" ??
As we celebrate our "Freedoms" here, on this 4th of July, we've received a "gift" from the Land of the Pharaohs.  It seems that a duly, and fairly, and "Democratically" elected, leader in Egypt has been overthrown in a move that none dare call a "coup".  We seemed to have learned, here, in 2000, that we should be careful, when calling a "coup, a coup"!
But, who really cares! It was live on T.V. -- that's what matters.  We just want to be entertained.  "Let's YOU and HIM Fight!"; is the business model of all media, these days.  There's lots of filthy lucre in "them thar'  hills".  We also got to see, yesterday, Zimmerman and his lawyer on FOX; telling a blatant lie to the viewing public.  It's not enough to taint a jury; with T.V., you can taint an entire country, and much of the remaining planet.  Who still believes in the fairness of "Trial by Jury"??  I've got  a bridge ...!
For those of us who are fortunate enough to peek below the surface of media reporting, we learn that "Democracy" can be claimed by all competing factions within a given political body.  Because they often can't, or won't agree; or, God forbid, COMPROMISE; Democracy, as a form of government, is doomed.  Just as our Republican Party carries on as if the 2012 election never happened, so, too, have the factions in Egypt proceeded as if their election never happened.
I spent more than 50 years of my adult life developing and applying advanced technologies to our efforts to win the Cold War.  Those technologies are all around us, today, in hi-tech gadgets and facilities, like the Internet.  Some of them have been applied to old applications, such as Dr. Goebbels's media propaganda techniques, and, Voila!, a new and much more virulent type of propaganda machine operates in our midst.  Democracy, as a form of self-government becomes a casualty, again, as it did in Germany in the 1930s.
Eisenhower warned us of the threat of a "military-industrial complex".  Egypt has one on steroids.
Ours is extremely powerful, but the industry part is separate (nominally).  In Egypt, industry, and big money, appear to be in the hands of the military.  With no middle class (note: ours is being whittled away swiftly) Democracy becomes a vague concept at best.  Elections, alone, cannot substitute.
Stay Vigilant!  Peek beneath the "covers"!
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