Wednesday, July 24, 2013


"O'Reilly & Rep. King come "out-front" ?
The Race vitriol from the Repoobs and their FOX lackeys is heating up.  Steve King, Representative from IA, and Bill O'Reilly from FOX-Land, are hitting the air and video waves blasting Blacks and Hispanics, full-bore.  It's great to see and hear what the White Right Wing 'R-e-a-l-l-y' thinks of their fellow citizens.  They're no longer hiding behind their trash talkers of the past; like Atwater and Rove.
This murdered black teenager from Florida has poked a hole in the "bubble" white citizens have used to shield them from having to confront their racial attitudes.  Lancing a tumor can sometimes prove healthy, I guess.
All of this should help minorities of all colors, and fair-minded whites, to see that we really live in a country divided into thirds:  the wealthy, male WASP part, of our Founders; the poorer male white ethnics (and Jews) who washed up on our shores before the Civil War; and everyone else (non-white immigrants, descendants of black slaves, and descendants of Natives).  After showing their asses to our first Black President, (for kicking their asses -- twice); they've decided to go full-out and run on white skin for 2014 and 2016.  The Republicans are placing their bets on the middle-third (white ethnics like O'Reilly and Mark O'Mara).
It was that middle-third that formed the new union between Northern Whites and Southern Whites after our Civil War; setting the stage for Jim Crow Laws and the exclusion of all non-whites from the "Democracy" built, from the beginning, for whites.  Read your "dead-presidents"; especially the OHIO presidents, like Taft.

Stay Vigilant!  Get your popcorn, enjoy the show!  Flush this crap in 2014?
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