Monday, July 29, 2013


A Tale of Two Attorneys-General?
In the mid-80's, Peter Drucker warned his students that 401K funds were not "protected money".
The warning did little good for me, because I retired in 2000, at too young an age to take personal charge of my retirement funds; under the law.  I had to roll-them-over to "financial professionals".  A "reputable financial service company" clipped me for a couple hundred thousands of dollars in that year's Dot.Com Crash.  Congress designed that fiasco, along with NAFTA, and the laws establishing Multi-National Corporations.  Our "Legislators" were the real criminals in those deals, it turns out.  A wise old gentlemen I worked with in my corporate career said once that "when Congress is in session, no one in the country is safe".  He was Right-On!
Now we learn that they don't write our laws -- the Lobbyists Do!
The Red Necks in Congress (read: Repoobs), HATE Eric Holder, our current Top Cop (Attorney-General).  They LOVED Alberto Gonzales, "Dubbya's" Top Cop.  What a Contrast!  From Enron, to the Melt-Down, one could argue that there were no "Cops" on the beat between the years of 2000 and 2008.  In fact, during the entire 8-year run of Dubbya's tenure, NOTHING seemed to work.  All of our safeguards failed COMPLETELY!  How curious!
Hapless (helpless?) Alberto didn't make it all the way though.  He was pressured to resign  in August of 2007.  At least he got out before the crash! 
Citizens of this country have a peculiar view of MONEY.  If you can amass a great deal of it, they don't care how you get it.  They LOATHE a petty thief, however.  Our jails are full of poor white, black, and brown petty thieves.  Steal millions of dollars and you become a celebrity; steal a loaf of bread because your children are hungry and you'll wind up "under the jail"!
From stealing electric power (ENRON); to gun-running (Fast & Furious); to rippin'-off the entire economy; the Repoob boys were busy during Dubbya's days.  After a long struggle, former House Majority Leader, Tom Delay, finally went to jail in 2013 (he resigned in 2005, and was sentenced in 2011), and  This morning, Holder's FBI announced rescuing more than 100 young children who were kidnapped into human sex trafficking.  Let's hope he gets around to some bankers or Hedge Fund boys before his tenure is ended.  Its not really funny, is it? 
Starting with the smaller housing bubbles of the late 1980s, and lasting until the late days (2006) of Dubbya's tenure, we had just one Fed Chairman -- Alan Greenspan!  Whether you are an adherent of Financial Libertarianism, or De-regulation, you HAVE to think the years from 2000 to 2008 were significantly, and peculiarly, PECUNIARY and LARCENOUS! 
Stay Vigilant!  Protect yourselves!
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