What is YOURS ??
If you (in the U.S.) are still focused on what your City Council-Person, Mayor, County Commissioner, State Legislator, Governor, House Member, Senator, or President is "up to"; you have a low, or, failing level of "E-Q". This is my term for "Economics Quotient", as opposed to "I-Q" (Intelligence Quotient). For example, you will have to question the sanity (and the I-Q) of some one who takes a loan on his or her home to pay on a College Degree, where the degree earned is not capable of producing a "job", leading to a promising "career". In fact, many current college grads are returning home to live in the basement of those "hocked homes"; because they are unable to earn rent.
Do you know that we have janitors in this country that die with more "net worth" than some millionaires?? Do you know how that is possible? If you do, you have high E-Q. Are you focused on the fact that we all live in a global economy now (no going back)? If you are not, you have a low E-Q. Your city, county, state, or nation, are only cogs in a big money wheel in this 21st Century. Everyone must embrace this fact and learn how to navigate their lives accordingly. This is especially true if you are below the age of 40! If you're older than 40, and have not taken care of your financial future, or benefit from what someone else did for you in this regard, you can bend over and kiss your ass goodbye, economically! Your time window for making meaningful repairs has virtually closed.
Neither your politician, nor your preacher, is likely to tell you these facts (if they know them). These facts have been known, however, to many of our "leaders" for 50 years! Take a quiz:
What is the unemployment rate; and, who or what "regulates" it?
Why do bankers LOVE the rich and HATE the poor? Where do bankers get their money?
Why can't poor people get loans?
What is the minimum wage; and who, or what "regulates" it?
Why don't rich (or many white) people go to jail?
Why should you read Barron's each week, instead of what you're reading now? (The more of it you understand, the higher your "E-Q").
Why did we stop "making things" (manufacturing) in this country? What did that have to do with our ability to feed our families?
Stay Vigilant: God helps those who are not stupid!!
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