Sunday, July 21, 2013

Does "WHITE" plus MALE equal "GOD" ??

Time to "End" this MYTH??
An enduring MYTH, created in the ashes of the Roman Empire, reared its ugly head again in the Trayvon Martin Trial.  That myth holds that white males are "Gods".  A Chinese friend once told me what he learned as a child about the "process" used by Roman Christians to fashion a "white" Jesus from remnants of earlier gods and religions.
That religion later appeared on the shores of what is now the Americas in military paraphernalia sufficient to convince Montezuma and the natives of the day that they were "Gods".  After the Cortes invasion of Mexico, when the natives proved to not be sturdy enough to produce the precious metals at the desired rate, a Catholic Bishop petitioned the Pope to establish the African Slave Trade.  Europe "flourished" as a result.
From Cortes and Las Casas, to Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn,  to "royal" babies;  the superiority of the white male has become a religion of its own.  The diaries of Lewis and Clark, and the stories of African tribesmen, reveal how The Bible was used to soften up the natives for the Holocausts that followed.  We know how our African slave ancestors were convinced to endure life-long torture  for "rewards" after they "crossed over Jordan".  When will we learn that our children will not be safe, or we will never be "free", until we end this madness.  The cure is in our own minds.  Stop buying the crap -- it clearly does not work for non-whites, or for most women. 

How is all of this different from other religions promising "virgins" in the after-life?, or letting "priests" cut out your heart while it is still beating?    Come on!!  Its the 21st century, by God! (oops).  We have to learn to counter the continuing uses of the Bible to pursue murder, theft, imprisonment, and all manner of discrimination against persons of color; and women!  Martyrdom is no longer an option!

In the face of declining numbers (non-white babies will out-number white babies in the United States within this decade)," near-whites" from Latin America  (Zimmerman) or Eastern Europe (Tsarnaevs) are making bids to enter the "white and male club".

We simply have to say "NO!!" -- at the ballot box, in the church, and in every aspect of  life that requires you to genuflect to white males (O'mara asserted that  Trayvon should have "Obeyed").

Stay Vigilant!  100% voter turn-out for women and non-whites in 2014!!

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