Friday, July 12, 2013


The "Original Sin" -- New View!
At this point in the Trayvon Martin murder trial, Mark O'Mara, defense attorney, is making his summary to the all-female jury.  After taking great pains to exclude blacks from the jury, the attorneys are tip-toeing around the central element in the case -- racial beliefs and attitudes in this country.  O'mara, in his summary defense of Zimmerman, invokes the Constitution of the United States; which not only excludes blacks from the benefits of the Constitution; it excludes blacks from the human race!  (The Roberts Court is taking us back to Taney; and beyond?)
Everyone  (who has an I.Q. above 10) knows that this case revolves around race.  The facts that Trayvon is dead, and that Zimmerman shot him, are not in dispute.  What is in dispute is whether Zimmerman is guilty of Murder-Two!  O'Mara applies tortuous reasoning, mixed with gender condescension, in his "conversation" with the women on the jury.  It is consistent with the air of condescension exhibited by the Defense toward the female judge in the case.
Although the judge is allowing the jury to consider a lesser charge of Manslaughter: O'Mara is basing his pitch to this jury as if the only charge they will consider is Murder Two.  That is because the "beyond a reasonable doubt" factor applies in the Murder Two charge.  So far, the Prosecution has left the door wide open for "doubt"  in the testimony they have presented.
By excluding anyone who can speak legitimately regarding racial beliefs and attitudes toward criminals and "justice" in this society, O'Mara has created a huge elephant to "ride" toward "innocence" or "acquittal".  (Johnny Cochran with a twist??)  As with Cochran, O'Mara is staying within his racial "comfort zone", hoping the jury shares that zone.
To encapsulate his odds, O'Mara has taken multiple opportunities to go with Zimmerman before the most racist televised media we have;  and has said nothing while his client lied and contradicted himself in regard to the facts of the case.  This way, he poisons the public's mind by appealing to prevailing prejudices. 
Over the past year and eight months, we've seen this national view of race play out in the public's response to the Republican's (the other riders of "elephants") staunch refusal to comply with the results of the 2012 election.  These events should make it plain to everyone, regardless of race, (with an I.Q above 10), exactly where we're headed as a nation and as a society! 
Stay Vigilant! What did the Constitution have to say about Mexicans? About Latinos?  Stay tuned.
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