2013 Update
Happy 4th of July! Last night, PBS ran Ken Burn's recount of the building of the Statue of Liberty. The statue is of "The Lady With The Lamp", in New York Harbor, searching for "tired" and "wretched" outcasts from Europe. The base of the statue holds more symbolic meaning for my forebears (Native, African, European) than does the statue itself. The late James Baldwin describes the statue in Burns' documentary as a "cruel joke" for black folk. I'm sure it the ultimate cruel joke for the descendants of the few Native populations who have survived hundreds of years of slaughter, decimation, and genocide.
Johnny Depp was interviewed by Charlie Rose last night, touting Disney's "centuries-late" attempt to admit the "error of its ways" in their demeaning and stereotyping of Natives and all peoples of color; over the past 100 years. He said he wants to save at least "10 Indian" males, who languish today on Reservations, with no future. Unfortunate phrasing, I'm sure!
The base of the statue (as large as the statue, itself) is double-leveled: the first level signifies, for me, the tremendous advantage in firepower held by the European as he engaged in wanton, mass slaughter. The next level signifies what my Grandfather told me in the 50's about this country at its inception:
To "make it" in this country, at its beginning, the immigrant had to be
All around us, today, we see white males turning every trick in their book to hang on to the power and wealth they have amassed in their pursuit of dominance in this country. They have taken, lately, to a turn against white women, in order to boost birth rates for white babies. In order to maintain their firepower advantage, they've employed the Media, racial exclusion, and gender exclusion as their weapons; as evidenced in "Florida on Trial" now taking place.
Immigration is also a "thorn in the side" of white &male politics, today. What if the non-white immigrants that flood to these shores today, modified the old rules to suit their situation??
Perhaps now you can recognize the smell of "desperation" so prominent in our air today?
Stay Vigilant! The "ball" is bouncing faster and faster!
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