Why No One is "Safe" Now ?
As we "digest" the outcomes of the Trayvon Trial, many new pictures emerge (all of them "ugly").
No one in the trial played fair, it seems; from the slippery female judge; to the "Pontius Pilate" Prosecution; the sleazy Defense; and the all-female and non-non-white jury, whose hands were "tied" by the judge -- they all took turns TRYIN' an already dead, defenseless, (maybe, not-so-much), unarmed black teenager! Such a spectacle! Whipped to a frenzy by a complicit MEDIA.
Bottom line: anybody can shoot and kill anybody, now, and claim their own "fear" as their defense! It will definitely work for you IF: you're white and male, can afford or have access to very high-priced lawyering, and you do it in the South, or someplace where people live, who think like the folk down there. Is this the real aftermath of 9/11?
Welcome to the new American Frontier. Replace John Wayne with slick lawyers; his firearm with the Media, and LAWS that work one way for the Rich and White, and the opposite way for all others.
"Integration" was also on trial in this case. From the "gated community" to the segregated minds of the whites who participated in this fiasco, the absurdity of pursuing "integration" (black mind-set); or "race-mixing" (white mind-set), in the manner it has been pursued since the 1930s, becomes clear. The Roberts Court, apparently sees it this way, as it beats a hasty retreat back to the Taney Court and the beginnings of JIM CROW. The Trayvon jury also shows why "white women" were inserted into 1960s Civil Rights Legislation as a "minority" (Southern math?).
If you believe "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves", put down your Bible and pick up DE Tocqueville's Democracy In America. Every non-white citizen must know in detail, how this web of "laws" were crafted to bring us our present sorry state of affairs; so, along-side DE Tocqueville, place
Ira Katznelson's Fear Itself. Read especially President Taft's rationale for enabling the South to construct the web of laws used to put JIM CROW into effect. The Republican Party (Ohio variety; note Ohio is our only state that connects the deep South to Canada) has a great deal of blood on its hands in creating our current twisted view of "justice" and Race. The 15th Amendment appears, only to be gutted, then, and again, now?
Black readers who are parents should pay close attention to Taft's arguments about "education"; and then review our rationale for letting persons with dangerous mind-sets control what our children learn. Protection of our children begins with what they are taught at home, and then patrolled in the "community".
Stay Vigilant! Arm your mind, protect your children!
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