Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Last night's interview of  John Lewis, House Member and Civil Rights Leader, by Bill Moyers brought back memories of The March on Washington and the Church Bombing in Birmingham, both of which occurred 50 years ago.  The bombing, which murdered 4 black girls attending Sunday School, was assumed to be a white response to the March, which occurred only weeks before.  I lived in the Washington area   then, but did not attend the March (not suitable for a months-old baby).  My wife and I got a baby sitter and attended the March on the White House to protest the Bombing. 
I was struck by the interview, and by the fact that Civil Rights "leaders" are planning a march in August of this year to commemorate the March 50 years ago; only weeks after a heinous jury verdict acquitted a murderer of an unarmed black teenager.  Are we going in circles?  Is there something important that was "missed" by Doctor King, A. Phillip Randolph, Bayard Rustin, and other key organizers of the March?
A couple of years earlier, debates raged on-campus at San Francisco State College, and across the Bay on Berkley's Campus concerning the competing tactics of Martin King and Malcolm X.  The major question was how best to strategize against Segregation and Jim Crow.  I was disturbed by the tactics proposed by both men.  The White Media railed against both, but subtly favored King.  Within a decade of those debates, both King and Malcolm X were assassinated under circumstances that implicated the FBI. 
Looking back 50 years, serious questions face us over key issues like: the ability of non-white males to legally defend themselves; the quality of the education non-whites receive in an "integrated" system controlled by whites; why non-whites are even more doggedly denied access to the protections of our Constitution or access to the "Democracy" we proclaim so proudly.  Voting rights (traceable back to the 15th Amendment) are under attack by the Supreme Court.  Economically, draconian steps are being taken by Republicans to bring back Jim Crow, and extend its coverage to include poor people of all colors.  Laws favoring Corporate power can act in place of old Jim Crow legislation.
Whites claim to be, or have, a "mighty fortress" to protect them.  The Ghandian tactics chosen by Civil Rights Leaders 50 years ago should be critically examined before we blindly march again in that direction.  There is clearly a serious asymmetry involved here.  Macro changes have clearly occurred over the past 50 years; however, a close examination of the micro results show serious flaws in areas like personal and economic security.  Clarksville, Arkansas is arming all teachers and all students in their school.  Guns are their "mighty fortress", I guess.
Stay Vigilant!  Don't just ridicule these folk.  Figure out their ultimate objectives! 
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Tuesday, July 30, 2013


What is YOURS ??
If you (in the U.S.) are still focused on what your City Council-Person, Mayor, County Commissioner, State Legislator, Governor, House Member, Senator, or President is "up to"; you have a low, or, failing  level of "E-Q".  This is my term for "Economics Quotient", as opposed to "I-Q" (Intelligence Quotient).  For example, you will have to question the sanity (and the I-Q) of some one who takes a loan on his or her home to pay on a College Degree, where the degree earned   is not capable of producing a "job", leading to a promising "career".  In fact, many current college grads are returning home to live in the basement of those "hocked homes"; because they are unable to earn rent.
Do you know that we have janitors in this country that die with more "net worth" than some millionaires??  Do you know how that is possible?  If you do, you have high E-Q.  Are you focused on the fact that we all live in a global economy now (no going back)?  If you are not, you have a low E-Q.  Your city, county, state, or nation, are only cogs in a big money wheel in this 21st Century.  Everyone must embrace this fact and learn how to navigate their lives accordingly.  This is especially true if you are below the age of 40!  If you're older than 40, and have not taken care of your financial future, or benefit from what someone else did for you in this regard, you can bend over and kiss your ass goodbye, economically!  Your time window for making meaningful repairs has virtually closed.
Neither your politician, nor your preacher, is likely to tell you these facts (if they know them).  These facts have been known, however, to many of our "leaders" for 50 yearsTake a quiz:
What is the unemployment rate; and, who or what "regulates" it?
Why do bankers LOVE the rich and HATE the poor?  Where do bankers get their money?
Why can't poor people get loans?
What is the minimum wage; and who, or what "regulates" it?
Why don't rich (or many white) people go to jail?
Why should you read Barron's each week, instead of what you're reading now?  (The more of it you understand, the higher your "E-Q").
Why did we stop "making things" (manufacturing) in this country?  What did that have to do with our ability to feed our families?
Stay Vigilant: God helps those who are not stupid!!
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Monday, July 29, 2013


A Tale of Two Attorneys-General?
In the mid-80's, Peter Drucker warned his students that 401K funds were not "protected money".
The warning did little good for me, because I retired in 2000, at too young an age to take personal charge of my retirement funds; under the law.  I had to roll-them-over to "financial professionals".  A "reputable financial service company" clipped me for a couple hundred thousands of dollars in that year's Dot.Com Crash.  Congress designed that fiasco, along with NAFTA, and the laws establishing Multi-National Corporations.  Our "Legislators" were the real criminals in those deals, it turns out.  A wise old gentlemen I worked with in my corporate career said once that "when Congress is in session, no one in the country is safe".  He was Right-On!
Now we learn that they don't write our laws -- the Lobbyists Do!
The Red Necks in Congress (read: Repoobs), HATE Eric Holder, our current Top Cop (Attorney-General).  They LOVED Alberto Gonzales, "Dubbya's" Top Cop.  What a Contrast!  From Enron, to the Melt-Down, one could argue that there were no "Cops" on the beat between the years of 2000 and 2008.  In fact, during the entire 8-year run of Dubbya's tenure, NOTHING seemed to work.  All of our safeguards failed COMPLETELY!  How curious!
Hapless (helpless?) Alberto didn't make it all the way though.  He was pressured to resign  in August of 2007.  At least he got out before the crash! 
Citizens of this country have a peculiar view of MONEY.  If you can amass a great deal of it, they don't care how you get it.  They LOATHE a petty thief, however.  Our jails are full of poor white, black, and brown petty thieves.  Steal millions of dollars and you become a celebrity; steal a loaf of bread because your children are hungry and you'll wind up "under the jail"!
From stealing electric power (ENRON); to gun-running (Fast & Furious); to rippin'-off the entire economy; the Repoob boys were busy during Dubbya's days.  After a long struggle, former House Majority Leader, Tom Delay, finally went to jail in 2013 (he resigned in 2005, and was sentenced in 2011), and  This morning, Holder's FBI announced rescuing more than 100 young children who were kidnapped into human sex trafficking.  Let's hope he gets around to some bankers or Hedge Fund boys before his tenure is ended.  Its not really funny, is it? 
Starting with the smaller housing bubbles of the late 1980s, and lasting until the late days (2006) of Dubbya's tenure, we had just one Fed Chairman -- Alan Greenspan!  Whether you are an adherent of Financial Libertarianism, or De-regulation, you HAVE to think the years from 2000 to 2008 were significantly, and peculiarly, PECUNIARY and LARCENOUS! 
Stay Vigilant!  Protect yourselves!
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Thursday, July 25, 2013

CAN'T "GET AWAY" from "GOD" ??

The "Non-White" Juror Speaks
The lone, "non-white" female juror in the Trayvon Martin Trial has come forward, saying her "heart" voted "guilty"; but "the law" caused her to vote to acquit.  She then said "Zimmerman got away with murder; but he can't get away from God".  How do we wrap our minds around this?
Perhaps in the same way we all wrapped our minds around "Jonestown" in 1978?  Does the mind "break down" in situations where God, and Race, and the worship of "whiteness" and/or the "power" of "whiteness" intersect?  The non-white juror has been described as a "dark Latina".  The "Pope-Too" is busy, as I write, trying to shore up the mind-sets of Brazilians and other Latin-Americans, in his effort to halt the erosion of his "faithful". 
Where do we get a handle on this poisonous "Kool-Aid"?  When do we begin to adhere to the teachings against worshipping "false Gods"?  Is the God that condones and supports the likes of Jim Jones, and Mark O'Mara, and Zimmerman, a God worthy of our support?  Or, is the God of Trayvon's mother a different God from that of the white women of the Jury?  If so, which God should command our allegiance?
We know from our history that Slave Owners would not permit blacks to assemble in numbers greater than three -- except in Church!  Otherwise, they meted out death to blacks on the spot.  Our dead Presidents routinely used black preachers in the same way as Slave Masters; to "police" and maintain control over black congregations and communities.
These are tough issues that persons of all colors must resolve as they proceed through this new century.  The psychological "split" between our "beliefs" and our behaviors must be healed, somehow, or we all risk death and/or madness. 
Stay Vigilant! Seek Sanity!
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My "LIFETIME" and the "FED"

A "Different" View??
Just for fun, and a birthday present to myself, I'll take a look back (in this blog), 74 years, at those "Fed" Chairmen who have impacted my life; and the Presidents they "served".  For an old black guy who blogs, this should offer a highly unique "view" of our Federal Reserve System.  We're approaching the end of the term for Ben Bernanke ("Uncle" Ben, "Helicopter" Ben).  From the hub-bub in the media over his possible successor, it looks like we can't keep him in the job.  I couldn't wait for "Mumbles" (Greenspan) to get the Hell out of that job; but I sure would like to keep Ben.  Why? For the first time in my long life, a Fed Chairman, simply by doing his job well, has assisted an historic President in rescuing our economy from an attack (internal, self-inflicted) unlike any other in our history.
Everyone points to the similarities between the damage the Repoobs inflicted on our economy in 2008, and that of the Great Depression.  We're told that Ben is an "expert" on the Great Depression.
I was born in the waning years of the Great Depression, and, from what my family history relates, this is no Great Depression.  A great THEFT, maybe?
To start, Roosevelt, (the good one) was President when I was born.  His Fed Chair was Marriner S. Eccles (term end: Jan 31, 1948).  He also served Harry Truman.  He was succeeded by Thomas McCabe (term end: Mar 31, 1951), who served Truman (only).  William McChesney Martin, Jr. (term end: Jan 31, 1970) served Eisenhower, Kennedy, "Lyddy Biddy", and "Tricky Dick".   Then came Arthur Burns (term end: Jan 31, 1978), who covered the Watergate years  of Nixon/Ford, and the early Carter years.  The rest of  "J.C.'s" years were covered by G. William Miller (term end: Aug 6, 1979) and Paul Volcker (term end: Aug 11, 1987).  Remember the "J.C. Can Save America" posters?  Well, he really did with the Volcker appointment.  Mad Ronnie gets the credit for Volcker's brilliance,  though.  In August of 1987, "Ronnie" replaced Volcker with Alan Greenspan; ushering in what became the darkest period in our economic history since Hoover (before my time).
Greenspan (term end: Jan 31, 2006) carried "Daddy Bush", Bill Clinton, and "W"; getting the "Hell out of Dodge" before "All Hell" descended on the rest of us.  That brings us back to Uncle Ben, who is slated to leave us in January of 2014.  His singular, heroic, ability to do his job well under spectacularly bad economic conditions in this country; made it possible for the first black President to wake up a stupid, and supremely ignorant populace, and just maybe, save the country from itself?
This country really is all about money, and Ben has known money better than most who came before.  Thanks, Ben!
Stay Vigilant!  Flush the Crap in the HOUSE in 2014??
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Wednesday, July 24, 2013


"Education" and the Economy -- 74 Year Overview 
Thirty miles to the east; and a bus ride every day to school.  That was the "education opportunity" for black children of Warrensburg, Missouri in the 1940s and 1950s.  At the end of their bus ride was C.C. Hubbard Elementary and High School, where those children received an education that, time has shown, was well above average for the state of Missouri and for much of our country at that time.  It was the same circumstance for every black ("Colored" in those days) child for tens of miles in every direction from our school.  They were my classmates between 1945 and 1957.
Toward the end of that period, "Integration" began to impact the younger children, at first, and, eventually destroyed C. C. Hubbard School.  C.C. Hubbard, my next door neighbor, did not live to see that destruction, however; he died in 1947 -- well before the school began its decline.  Generations of "Colored People" were educated there. 
Now Warrensburg, a town that did not offer education decades ago to children of color (neither did any of the other towns within a 60-mile radius of C.C. Hubbard); is featured nationally by our first black President as an "innovator" in education.  The education quest today is for a path to quality, affordable, and efficient education for youth of all colors.  The country is in dire need of it.   In my lifetime, education was not highly valued by the whites who controlled every aspect of our lives.  Farmers, in general, did not see much value in education for any children; and certainly not for children of color.  Remember, Missouri was a slave state, and vestiges of that history are still visible in 2013.  Racial attitudes toward providing health care were far worse, then.  Health care was deliberately denied to people of color, regardless of their ability to pay.  "Colored" providers were the only option; wherever accessible.

The intrinsic racism of this country has sought to destroy chances for development of talent and creativity in poor and minority youth, for fear that white control could not  be maintained.  Policing is much easier for populations that are not "too smart".  The pity is that whites have limited opportunities for their own youth, in the process.  Not many of them are prepared adequately to compete in our global economy.   Most prominent in the former-slave states; its impact can be seen in all parts of the country; even after decades of "integration" and internal migration.
This nation has burned through its post-war "fat", and infrastructure neglect in the areas of education and health have been laid bare.  The Republicans seem to relish this circumstance.  Their answer is to do nothing; let things fester.  Austerity is their true religion.  The old "social contracts" were burned in 1980 with the Rise of Reagan.  Their unwillingness to see "the other" rise to its potential, for fear that the "overlords" may lose their ill-conceived "controls"; is a specter that has haunted this nation for centuries.  Its still here among the monied classes; who are choking what life we have left in this economy.
Stay Vigilant!  When is "Progress", not "Progress"??  When "Change" is illusory. 
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"O'Reilly & Rep. King come "out-front" ?
The Race vitriol from the Repoobs and their FOX lackeys is heating up.  Steve King, Representative from IA, and Bill O'Reilly from FOX-Land, are hitting the air and video waves blasting Blacks and Hispanics, full-bore.  It's great to see and hear what the White Right Wing 'R-e-a-l-l-y' thinks of their fellow citizens.  They're no longer hiding behind their trash talkers of the past; like Atwater and Rove.
This murdered black teenager from Florida has poked a hole in the "bubble" white citizens have used to shield them from having to confront their racial attitudes.  Lancing a tumor can sometimes prove healthy, I guess.
All of this should help minorities of all colors, and fair-minded whites, to see that we really live in a country divided into thirds:  the wealthy, male WASP part, of our Founders; the poorer male white ethnics (and Jews) who washed up on our shores before the Civil War; and everyone else (non-white immigrants, descendants of black slaves, and descendants of Natives).  After showing their asses to our first Black President, (for kicking their asses -- twice); they've decided to go full-out and run on white skin for 2014 and 2016.  The Republicans are placing their bets on the middle-third (white ethnics like O'Reilly and Mark O'Mara).
It was that middle-third that formed the new union between Northern Whites and Southern Whites after our Civil War; setting the stage for Jim Crow Laws and the exclusion of all non-whites from the "Democracy" built, from the beginning, for whites.  Read your "dead-presidents"; especially the OHIO presidents, like Taft.

Stay Vigilant!  Get your popcorn, enjoy the show!  Flush this crap in 2014?
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Will TRAYVON, or the ROYAL BABY PINCE "Define" the 21st Century??
The juxtaposition of the "Royal Birth", with the aftermath of the murder trial of TRAYVON, provides an opportunity to examine closely how we "value" children (and, thereby, all persons) in our "Western Culture" -- in these early days of the 21st century.  It occurs to me that we have two very different "uses" for these individuals.
One will be used to continue the practice of "subjugation" by certain humans over all others; while the other, simply served as representative of the "other"; those persons assigned to absorb all of the world's abuses and scorn.
Even a casual contrast of the performance of our Media in relation to these events, occurring almost simultaneously, should keep us from continuing to ignore this scary reflection of who we are.
One mother will be pampered and praised, while the other must continue her heroic fight to protect the image of her son, while the Media relentlessly strives to denigrate the child, even in death.  The bravery of that murdered child is beyond question.  The behavior of the "justice system" and mass society can only be described as "reprehensible"; although not unexpected.
From the scenes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (where are the Angelitos Negros ??) to the events in Florida, the picture is consistent.  Zimmerman was part of this fabric.  His lineage predetermined his actions; as theirs did, for those attorneys (on both sides) in the trial, the judge, and the women of the jury.  Our cruel beliefs and practices echo down through time; within the "users", and the innards of the people who are "used" or "abused".  We are programmed to "set upon" one another in various ways.
I don't believe this world will continue to suffer these "uses" for our children; who come to us without any of these burdens.  We place them upon our children, and we must stop it before its too late!  Technology (nuclear and microelectronic) has produced the "firepower" for our total destruction!  Time is short.
Stay Vigilant!  "Celebrate" ALL Children, with respect.  Demand accountability from all persons!
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Monday, July 22, 2013

From "BLACK & WHITE" to "GREEN" ??

Is This Where TRAYVON "Leads" Us ?? 
On a dark, rainy, night, a teenage boy goes against a loaded gun with his fists; screaming for help (for what seems like minutes).  We hear a gunshot, and the screams stop!.  We all heard it; we all know it!  Many whites will deny it, for reasons that are many and varied.  But how does that matter? 
Trayvon is telling us all, that whites cannot control our futures anymore; unless we allow it!  In my two years studying the plight of non-whites (economically and socially) in South Florida, I was appalled to find that in the 21st century, the poor, (of all colors down there) are still "stuck on the Plantation"!  The wealthy whites and Latin Oligarchy "cast offs" are only slightly better off.  The place is a psychological and sociological "cuckoo's nest"!  A very dangerous one, in fact.
The "Bushes" were busy mining the place at that time (one in the Governor's chair, the other in the White House).  The Gods were kind, with hurricanes and FEMA money.  And everyone in the pecking order was busy trying to get rich, while trying to screw everyone else.  That was also true for the small and micro minority business "entrepreneurs".  They were being "advised" by members of  SCORE to engage in "flipping" houses.  We all saw how that worked out for minorities.
That's the past!  2008 descends FOR ALL OF US like a veil; dividing our future from our past.  People like me, with little future left, are able to see it a lot sooner than the young, who, (nature's way) are most often trapped into following blindly those around them.  But if you know someone Trayvon's age (regardless of color or gender) please find a way to get this message to them:  THE FUTURE IS GREEN -- FOR EVERYONE!  Some, like the royal baby, will be immune from the coarser aspects of our future; but even they will have to "serve" within the "traps" they inherit;  until they find the key to "break out".
The path to freedom lies in the mind.  In the willingness to not follow the crowd.  To turn off the T.V.  No religion works anymore; especially for non-whites in this world.  Read, meditate, think, and then follow what works for YOU!  Life is extending longer and longer for everyone; the sooner the young realize this and plan to grow stronger and wealthier EVERY DAY, the better off they will be; and they may survive Trayvon's fate.  We each have the (computing) power at our finger-tips to accomplish our individual freedom.  Discipline and Patience are essential!
Today's example:  DETROIT!  People have made their fortunes there, and then abandoned the place.  Smart (mostly white) money is in the process of "flipping" the city.  They are using a "smart black" (the way the racist Defense used their white and female "back-up" as a jury in the trial) to do the dirty work of confiscating properties formerly held by blacks.  Poor blacks will be cast out of Detroit; while richer, and whiter new residents descend on what is a "jewel" of real estate.
Stay Vigilant!  Find a better, more rewarding way to  "integrate"! 
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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Does "WHITE" plus MALE equal "GOD" ??

Time to "End" this MYTH??
An enduring MYTH, created in the ashes of the Roman Empire, reared its ugly head again in the Trayvon Martin Trial.  That myth holds that white males are "Gods".  A Chinese friend once told me what he learned as a child about the "process" used by Roman Christians to fashion a "white" Jesus from remnants of earlier gods and religions.
That religion later appeared on the shores of what is now the Americas in military paraphernalia sufficient to convince Montezuma and the natives of the day that they were "Gods".  After the Cortes invasion of Mexico, when the natives proved to not be sturdy enough to produce the precious metals at the desired rate, a Catholic Bishop petitioned the Pope to establish the African Slave Trade.  Europe "flourished" as a result.
From Cortes and Las Casas, to Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn,  to "royal" babies;  the superiority of the white male has become a religion of its own.  The diaries of Lewis and Clark, and the stories of African tribesmen, reveal how The Bible was used to soften up the natives for the Holocausts that followed.  We know how our African slave ancestors were convinced to endure life-long torture  for "rewards" after they "crossed over Jordan".  When will we learn that our children will not be safe, or we will never be "free", until we end this madness.  The cure is in our own minds.  Stop buying the crap -- it clearly does not work for non-whites, or for most women. 

How is all of this different from other religions promising "virgins" in the after-life?, or letting "priests" cut out your heart while it is still beating?    Come on!!  Its the 21st century, by God! (oops).  We have to learn to counter the continuing uses of the Bible to pursue murder, theft, imprisonment, and all manner of discrimination against persons of color; and women!  Martyrdom is no longer an option!

In the face of declining numbers (non-white babies will out-number white babies in the United States within this decade)," near-whites" from Latin America  (Zimmerman) or Eastern Europe (Tsarnaevs) are making bids to enter the "white and male club".

We simply have to say "NO!!" -- at the ballot box, in the church, and in every aspect of  life that requires you to genuflect to white males (O'mara asserted that  Trayvon should have "Obeyed").

Stay Vigilant!  100% voter turn-out for women and non-whites in 2014!!

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Saturday, July 20, 2013


Time to Break The "Cycle" ??
President Obama's "Conversation" with the nation yesterday could mark the start of a very important and historic change; in the way people with any amount of African heritage are perceived in this nation, and in the world.  It makes it unmistakably clear that there is something, that, up to now, has been permanent; but has to change.  It has to do with our mass social view of race in this country; but, precisely what that is, he did not say.
Let's take a trip back to the 1760(s); before the Constitution and before the Declaration of Independence, to read a very famous (for my generation of African-Americans) poem.  It was written by a 12-year-old black girl, named Phyllis Wheatley:
T'was mercy brought me from my Pagan Land,
Taught my benighted soul to understand
That there's a God, that there's a savior too:
Once I redemption neither sought nor knew,
Some view our sable race with scornful eye,
"Their colour is a diabolic die."
Remember, Christians, Negroes, black as Cain,
May be refin'd, and join th' angelic train.
For more than 250 years, these ideas and beliefs, instituted and perpetuated by Christians against Africans, and, subsequently, all persons who have dark skins, lie at the root of the wealth accumulated by persons who are white; and perpetual economic disadvantages for persons of color.
This yoke must be broken in the minds of all persons!  Christianity has shrewdly found ways to keep these teachings alive.  The teachings lie at the root of European wealth and Culture.  In the wake of the economic impacts, lie a permanent designation of persons of color as "the other" in law, education, religion, and virtually all aspects of social interaction.  They imprison everyone!
Either all persons are "born free", or none are! No religion has the authority to claim otherwise.  The Founders, and their European mentors were absolutely wrong in these beliefs and their insistence that persons of color were less than human.  The blood and pain from this still flows.  We must break the grip of religion and its role in driving our racial beliefs.
Stay Vigilant!  If what happened to Trayvon can bring us to this realization, we all will "get free"!
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Friday, July 19, 2013


"Race" runs back to "Church"??
Having determined in Court that, in Florida, "Equality Before The Law" does NOT extend across their "color line";  their Governor, Rick Scott has decided that he will NOT honor the call for a Special Legislative Session to review Florida's "Stand Your Ground" Law.  He WILL support a Day of Prayer in Florida, instead.  Anybody who knows the history of this country should not be surprised.  This is, perhaps, the oldest trick in the book, used by "Slavers" to get the slaves back under control.  He expects it to work in the 21st century, the way it worked centuries back under the Black Codes.
Last night, Piers Morgan hosted a panel of three black citizens, two Christian "Reverends"; one female, one male, and a young black male wrongfully accused,  found guilty, and sent to jail for a crime he did not commit (later exonerated).  The black male "Reverend" was Jesse Lee Peterson.
If you would like a "litmus test" for your racial leanings, this guy has to be it!  Regardless of your race, nationality, or religion, you have to decide where you stand relative to this Christian "Minister".  He harks all the way back, past the plantation, to the days of the slave trade, when Phyllis Wheatley, a teen-age black poet brought here, a slave,  in 1761, wrote about blacks being "refin'd".    We're becoming a "laughing stock"!
Zimmerman is reported to have said the shooting of Trayvon Martin was "God's Plan".  Taking the issue to "church", I guess, is also??
Stay Vigilant!  Choose your God carefully!
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Thursday, July 18, 2013


21st Century Media & Race
To better understand the "miscarriage"(?) of Justice that occurred in the Trayvon Martin case, we all must recognize the emergence of a new "tool" to keep racism alive in a way that will continue to benefit those citizens who consider themselves to be "white".  It was deftly employed by the "Defense" in the murder case.  The exploitation of media for months before the trial, and in numerous instances during the trial, is what we all saw.  What, exactly?  Racially-coded language, racially inequitable juxtapositions of imaginary events, racial inferences relating to language  .. ; if you were paying attention to the trial, you can add many examples from your own experiences.
Both Talk, and Televised Media have played prominent roles in spreading this new phenomenon.  We were childish and naïve to expect hundreds of years of vile racial language and practices to suddenly "disappear".  We must not persist in our naivety, after we are confronted by such blatant application of this technique during the recent trial.  The entire world witnessed it!  The female jury has been so traumatized by their role in this "process", they require "counseling".
In this age when Media dominates every aspect of our lives, we have to be more vigilant and protest against the almost complete use of this technique for "content" programming by the entertainment industry: from Hollywood to writers for Television programs.   Every time we see a "token" non-white stuck in a social situation in a sitcom, in ways  that have nothing to do with the plot, we see the technique being employed.  The impact on the continuation of racialized thought in our society is immense!  This technique is masked by the on-going mass "ban" on racial epithets.
PR; public relations techniques have been placed on steroids through applications of  technological advances in communication.  It underpins everything from advertising to, now, murder trials!  Can "Justice" survive?
Stay Vigilant!  Look for uses of visual cues for purposes of psychological manipulation.
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Why No One is "Safe" Now ? 
As we "digest" the outcomes of the Trayvon Trial, many new pictures emerge (all of them "ugly").
No one in the trial played fair, it seems; from the slippery female judge; to the "Pontius Pilate" Prosecution; the sleazy Defense; and the all-female and non-non-white jury, whose hands were "tied" by the judge -- they all took turns TRYIN' an already dead, defenseless, (maybe, not-so-much), unarmed black teenager!  Such a spectacle!   Whipped to a frenzy by a complicit MEDIA.
Bottom line: anybody can shoot and kill anybody, now, and claim their own "fear" as their defense!  It will definitely work for you IF: you're white and male, can afford or have access to very high-priced lawyering, and you do it in the South, or someplace where people live, who think like the folk down there.  Is this the real aftermath of 9/11?   
Welcome to the new American Frontier.  Replace John Wayne with slick lawyers; his firearm with the Media, and LAWS that work one way for the Rich and White, and the opposite way for all others.
"Integration" was also on trial in this case.  From the "gated community" to the segregated minds of the whites who participated in this fiasco, the absurdity of pursuing "integration" (black mind-set); or "race-mixing" (white mind-set), in the manner it has been pursued since the 1930s, becomes clear.  The Roberts Court, apparently sees it this way, as it beats a hasty retreat back to the Taney Court and the beginnings of JIM CROW.  The Trayvon jury also shows why "white women" were inserted into 1960s Civil Rights Legislation as a "minority" (Southern math?).
If you believe "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves", put down your Bible and pick up DE Tocqueville's  Democracy In America.  Every non-white citizen must know in detail, how this web of "laws" were crafted to bring us our present sorry state of affairs; so, along-side DE Tocqueville, place
Ira Katznelson's  Fear Itself.  Read especially President Taft's rationale for enabling the South to construct the web of laws used to put JIM CROW into effect.  The Republican Party (Ohio variety; note Ohio is our only state that connects the deep South to Canada) has a great deal of blood on its hands in creating our current twisted view of "justice" and Race.  The 15th Amendment appears, only to be gutted, then, and again, now?
Black readers who are parents should pay close attention to Taft's arguments about "education"; and then review our rationale for letting persons with dangerous mind-sets control what our children learn.  Protection of our children begins with what they are taught at home, and then patrolled in the "community".
Stay Vigilant!  Arm your mind, protect your children!
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013


The "Boxes"
Most of us are familiar by now with Nixon's OMB "Boxes".  They marked a re-visit (in the 1970's) to this nation's interminable obsession with "defining" who we are by Race.  From Plessy's "one-drop" ruling more than 100 years ago, to Zimmerman and O'Mara's "production" that played out on T.V., posing as a "Defense" in a murder trial; we haven't firmly decided this question.  Whites, of course, insist on being the "deciders".
Appearing in the Sunday, (7/14/13),  New York Times is Margaret Sullivan's editorial: "Making Sense of a Sensational Case".
The NYTimes edition I read probably went to press before the verdict in the Trayvon Murder Trial was rendered.  The demonstrations the verdict sparked, nationwide, are building in intensity.  I think this might be different from the legion of "racial crimes" that have traipsed through our "legal" system throughout our history.  This one gets at the heart of the question: "who are we?" 
The Editorial chronicles the many conflicting versions of Zimmerman's ethnicity that appeared in The Times' coverage of these events.  Young white demonstrators carried signs stating: "We are all Trayvon".
Are we?  Draw two Boxes.  Divide each into quadrants.  Across the first (top) write: White/Black.  Down the side: Wannabe/Don't Wannabe.  With the second box (top): Rich/Poor.  Down the side: Wannabe/Don't Wannabe.  These boxes will describe for all of us, the identity crises we face in 2013.  If you thought the first black (or; black/white; or; white/black) President would settle this issue in any serious way; Trayvon may get the last word??
Try it! Put yourself in the boxes.  Realize that most of these "identities" are shaped by birth circumstances.  See if you can determine which ones are not, and what "factions" in our society drive these issues.  Where would Trayvon place?  Zimmerman?  Is the racial "divide" clear?  What difference would generational considerations make?  Regional variations?
Stay Vigilant!  These are "our" genes!
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Monday, July 15, 2013


Still Searchin'  .. will Whites "Decide"?
Over the weekend, demonstrations against the jury decision in Sanford, Florida, have taken place across the length and breadth of this nation.  The remarkable thing we see is the rising percentage of whites taking part in protests of this kind.  Most of them are young, but that is consistent with voting results in 2012.  It may be that Trayvon Martin may have provided us the best measure of racial "progress" this country has made over the past centuries.
Whether or not they have demonstrated, spoken out, or even reached a definitive conclusion on the matter; no white, anywhere, can think they are not impacted by it.  Newt Gengrich, and others of similar character, have been quick to seize the political opportunity these events present, but wiser, more honest, whites have to know better.  The attorneys for the Defense have shown clearly in post-trial interviews that they harbor racial sentiments that are not "professional".  The press utterances by and on the behalf of the Prosecution seem to be more political than "professional".
Perhaps we will know in the next national election whether enough white citizens have "had enough" of this Old-South "Justice".  Nothing will change until the politico's who have been riding these sentiments to wealth and power "get the message"!!
Stay Vigilant!  Untangle this Gordian Knot of God, Law, and Guns!
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Sunday, July 14, 2013


YOUR "Legal" "I.Q." ??
Before we wade into the coming discussions of the "Trayvon" Trial; we should first check out our  "Legal I.Q." ?  Remember when Defense Attorney O'Mara pleaded with the all-white (one "near-white") female jury to "disregard their common sense"?  Why did he do that?
He knew that members of juries (and, especially THIS jury) rarely have legal training.
For instance, he probably knew that words like PROOF,  have strict legal definitions that change with  varying facts of a case.  But, for most juries, PROOF boils down to whatever A member will ACCEPT as "proof".  It depends on what lies deep in the recesses of a juror's mind.
He also knows, I'm sure, that INTENT, similarly has many and varying legal definitions.  To determine what Zimmerman's intent was in the case, we would have to probe deeply into his mind; into his state-of-mind.  O'mara did everything the law allowed to deny us from getting a glimpse of Zimmerman's  "Intent" in this case.  He did so by keeping Zimmerman off the Witness Stand, and, thereby, avoiding his cross-examination by the Prosecution.
When jurors are carefully selected, a good attorney can virtually guarantee that certain "facts" and "evidence" will, (or will not), pervade the thinking of the juror, to gain fair consideration.  Religious beliefs, and racial beliefs, are examples of the kind of forces within an individual's mind that will work in predictable ways -- thereby making it impossible to "prove" anything!  Playing consciously or sub-consciously to a juror's prejudices becomes crucial to the desired outcome.  We saw a lot of that in this case.
These factors have to be taken into account whenever judicial trial is chosen  to seek "justice". "
Truth remains elusive.  Lying under oath was rampant in the trial.  Both parents claimed it was their son screaming for HELP!
Stay Vigilant!  Don't trip over your own thought processes. 
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White "Finger-Pointing" Begins?? 
The mayor of Sanford, Florida, came on "Meet The Press" this morning, and claimed for Sanford: "We don't have a dog in this fight" !!  Who the hell is "WE"??; the white citizens of Sanford (more than 70%)?; the "Hispanic" citizens of Sanford (less than 20%)?; the black citizens of Sanford (slightly more than 10%?).  He is supposed to be the mayor for ALL Sanford citizens!
If "WE" are not "in the fight", who the hell is??  The Defense Lawyers?  The Prosecution Lawyers? The State of Florida (less: "WE" in Sanford)?  Where do Trayvon and his family reside? (On the MOON, I guess).  This jerk who "serves" Sanford is, sadly, typical of urban leadership in this country; but he fails ALL of his citizens; just as those carefully selected women who formed that jury did.  This is what lynching looks like in the 21st century in these United States.
Insofar as the non-white citizenry of Sanford, and the nation, are concerned; I'm afraid the same old rickety machinery of "Civil" Rights will be rolled out to "fix" our problems.  That is "so 20th Century"!  The youth of this nation (of ALL COLORS) will be betrayed, unforgivably, if we do that!
The United States Senate, for more than a generation, led by the likes of Senator Hatch of Utah, has been very carefully "packing" courts all over this country with "their kind" of federal judges.  The late Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, who was a national expert on this topic, warned us about "White Robes" being swapped in favor of "Black Robes".  The Defense Team, in the Martin Case, did a brilliant job of using the "law" to subvert Justice.
This event in Sanford is simply the "Cherry" atop a "crap-cake" that the Republican Party began cooking up for us since the administration of Richard Nixon.  A great deal of money has been invested, and the corruption is clearly visible in all branches of our federal government, as well as in our state governments.  Nothing less that hands-on involvement by all citizens, at all levels, is required.
I spent two years (2003-2005) living in Miami, working through the Miami-Dade Chamber of Commerce to get an in-depth look at that city and its several "communities" for an evaluation of small and mini-sized businesses owned by non-whites.  One thing I learned in those two years, was that the state of Florida plans its construction of "prison-beds", based upon the number of black males who fail basic reading tests in THIRD GRADE!  Who "governed" that state when I was there?  Jeb Bush!  He was our "Benefactor" for "Florida-2000" and all of our "horrors" in the wake of 2000.
Stay Vigilant!  Trayvon has "outed" all of us.
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Saturday, July 13, 2013


Using "The Law" to make Murder "Legal"!!
Whether or not you have legal training; a blind man could see this coming!  As signaled in my July 12, 2013 Blog: Riding "THE ELEPHANT" to "INNOCENCE" ??;  "Justice" from the " Hell Hole" still has that familiar foul smell.  This nation's vaunted "justice system" is, once again, crapped on by its own.  This time, the deed was aided by white women!  That must be the "improvements" we got from being "color blind" and "post-racial"!
Whites in this country know better than to believe, in any way, that justice was done today; for anybody!  The problem is that the "good" whites do too little to make any significant change.
For non-whites in this gun-totin' country, its long past time to return to the practices of my parents and theirs before them.  Take charge of raising and educating your children in ways that they can protect themselves and prosper in this society!!  For Pete's Sake!; the slaves did a better job at that than we're doing!!  The slaves taught their children to read, when they, themselves, could not.  The slaves taught their children how to survive the kind of crap we're seeing paraded before us, (and the world), over the past several years.
We've enriched a Media, and a Political Party, both of which have gorged themselves on Race, and now we're on the verge of seeing our country turned into something none of us will recognize (unless you lived in Germany in the 1930s).
Vigilance is the price of Liberty!  Action, at all levels, is long overdue!  Time for THINKING, NOT "FEELING", or praying!   The Angel is dead.  The Devil goes free.
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Are We Headed for "Romney-Land"??
As the United States Senate escapes from the T.V. cameras to contemplate its bowels, we continue to feel the water rise, and our sense of "drowning" as a nation increases.  For some of us, since the 1980 election of "Ronnie"; and for everyone else, after 9/11; a sense that something is seriously and fundamentally wrong in our nation; has been with us.
After losing his bid for the Presidency in 2012, Mitt Romney appeared before CPAC, and told the following to continue their assault on government from our state-government level.  Last week, the 50th state passed "concealed-carry" gun laws.  The Congress recently defied more than 90% of the people and refused to deal with gun control.  You don't have to be paranoid to suspect that there is a stealthy coup underway in this country today.  The U. S. Senate is beginning to look like the "Alamo"! 
If we dig deeply, we will find the "root" that runs back to the old, southern, white "gentlemen" who dominated our government since our founding.  Power and assertiveness of blacks and Hispanics, is growing.  Curiously, those two groups were the people hated most by those combatants in the Alamo.  As for the Senate; the Senators from the South (Graham's "Hell Hole"), cannot be considered "gentlemen".
Senator McConnell laments that these are "dark days" for the Senate.  We can wonder if he is taking credit for that condition, or complaining that, unlike the House, the Senate still functions.
In Romney-world, the "53%" would rule over women and minorities, while making dissent impossible.  From gun laws, to women's health, to voter suppression; we can no longer deny that we are in the grip of a nation-wide movement. 
Unlike the shooter in Connecticut, the shooter in Florida, after being allowed to walk free by local police, has appeared before the nation and the world in a jury trial.  The trial proceedings, thanks to the individuals who fashioned and conducted his defense, took us all deep into the psyche and mind-set of our white citizens, emphasizing their fear of black males.  The picture painted is both pathetic and despicable!  It does not portend a very peaceful future ahead for the citizens of this country.
Media and Politics are twin forces that continue to "torque" our society to its breaking point.
Stay Vigilant!  Romney-Land; Do we need to "go there" ?
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Friday, July 12, 2013


The "Original Sin" -- New View!
At this point in the Trayvon Martin murder trial, Mark O'Mara, defense attorney, is making his summary to the all-female jury.  After taking great pains to exclude blacks from the jury, the attorneys are tip-toeing around the central element in the case -- racial beliefs and attitudes in this country.  O'mara, in his summary defense of Zimmerman, invokes the Constitution of the United States; which not only excludes blacks from the benefits of the Constitution; it excludes blacks from the human race!  (The Roberts Court is taking us back to Taney; and beyond?)
Everyone  (who has an I.Q. above 10) knows that this case revolves around race.  The facts that Trayvon is dead, and that Zimmerman shot him, are not in dispute.  What is in dispute is whether Zimmerman is guilty of Murder-Two!  O'Mara applies tortuous reasoning, mixed with gender condescension, in his "conversation" with the women on the jury.  It is consistent with the air of condescension exhibited by the Defense toward the female judge in the case.
Although the judge is allowing the jury to consider a lesser charge of Manslaughter: O'Mara is basing his pitch to this jury as if the only charge they will consider is Murder Two.  That is because the "beyond a reasonable doubt" factor applies in the Murder Two charge.  So far, the Prosecution has left the door wide open for "doubt"  in the testimony they have presented.
By excluding anyone who can speak legitimately regarding racial beliefs and attitudes toward criminals and "justice" in this society, O'Mara has created a huge elephant to "ride" toward "innocence" or "acquittal".  (Johnny Cochran with a twist??)  As with Cochran, O'Mara is staying within his racial "comfort zone", hoping the jury shares that zone.
To encapsulate his odds, O'Mara has taken multiple opportunities to go with Zimmerman before the most racist televised media we have;  and has said nothing while his client lied and contradicted himself in regard to the facts of the case.  This way, he poisons the public's mind by appealing to prevailing prejudices. 
Over the past year and eight months, we've seen this national view of race play out in the public's response to the Republican's (the other riders of "elephants") staunch refusal to comply with the results of the 2012 election.  These events should make it plain to everyone, regardless of race, (with an I.Q above 10), exactly where we're headed as a nation and as a society! 
Stay Vigilant! What did the Constitution have to say about Mexicans? About Latinos?  Stay tuned.
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013


The "Struggle" Continues
Frontline's airing last night of their documentary showing the economic plight of Two American Families, , should tie together, for all citizens of this country, and the world, exactly what is happening, economically, to ALL of us!
Following the financial struggles of two families, one black, and one white, as they raised their children over a period of 20 years; they paint a grim picture of what lies ahead for this nation, and this planet -- unless we change our ways. 
We have entered a phase of "individualism" in the "developed" nations, that pit race against race, wealthy against poor (within all races),  husbands against wives, and children against everybody!  In the "developing" nations, incomes were rising slightly (until recently-- they are beginning to slow and plateau); we're seeing this phenomenon played out in tribal and religious strife.  This type of rabid individual and social behavior will, eventually, consume everything!  There will be no "dream" (American, or otherwise) for anyone to pursue.
We've been here before!  Read David Kennedy's "tome", Freedom From Fear,, and you will get the full picture.  The "rabid individualism" of the 1920s produced the social and economic devastation of the 1930s.  The cure, then, for those economic and social ills, was the establishment of "stakes" in our economy for all classes and races, and a "Social Contract".   That solution held until 1980.  With the election of "Mad Ronnie" and the rise of the extreme right, those social stakes began to be destroyed; resulting in the economic rot we see rising in our country today.
From the founding of this nation, we have worshipped the "individual", (think explorer, conquistador, pioneer, cowboy, mountain man), while ignoring the cooperation and community they required to produce every "achievement" we now point to as a nation.  From the beginning, the black slave and the native peoples were excluded from humanity, and from history, in the minds and the belief systems of the encroaching whites.  That way of life is playing out under the demographic impacts of ageing and declining birth rates.
At the same time, we're busily destroying the Federal Government's powers that produced the cure to our economic ills in the 1930s.  Get the picture??
Stay Vigilant!  Let's get back to "basics"??
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Tuesday, July 9, 2013


"Non-White" ECONOMICS?? (About: Money & Choice)
A "special blessing" from a long life, is "Grand-Children".  As a grandfather,  I often reflect on my own; one I knew well, learning a lot of my life skills; the other, stayed in the "shadows", appearing at times like some "phantom" , and seen by few.
Both were born in the late Nineteenth Century; both were businessmen.  One provided well for his wife and children; the other did not.  My father had to quit school at the age of 12 to become the "man of the house", in 1918.  His father deserted the farm that year to take up a life made possible by the Volstead Act  What money he made (it was rumored to be substantial) did not flow down to any of us.
My mother's father opened his Haberdashery and Dry Cleaning business in 1907, on the side of Main Street reserved for "Negro" businesses in a rigidly segregated town.  He struggled, battling both black and white enemies, to stay in business for 50 years.  His sister, Mattie Bridgewater, and her husband, Tyler, were key participants in the "Black Wall Street" phenomenon that occurred in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the 1920s.  
My mother, along with her sister and brother, lived privileged lives in the 1920s, that included college educations.  I learned my work habits and my financial management skills from those grandfathers: directly from my mother's father, and indirectly (through my father) from his dad.
Our national economy (and global economy in many ways) is passing through a phase unlike any we've seen before.  We all may have to study closely what my parents and all citizens in this nation did to survive the Great Depression.  Community, in many manifestations, served them all well, regardless of race.  We won't be that fortunate.  The pernicious social and political conditions today result from deliberate assaults on the concept of "community" in any form except "financial".  Religion has abandoned its historical role in the lives of the citizens of this nation; preferring to follow the politicians as they grub for money and power.
All the more reason to re-visit tried-and-true methods of attaining economic security.  Those economic methods may become more important now than ever before.  Things like: not funding your enemies, know where your money goes, manage your money closely, delay material consumption.
Above all, know who you can trust to be honest, and who can be trusted to handle money well.
Stay Vigilant!  Know who gets "paid" for what you "watch"!!
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Monday, July 8, 2013


The "Experiments"
In 1939, the year of my birth, Adolf Hitler and his Nazis initiated World War II.  That War dominated my consciousness for the next six years, as it did every citizen; especially after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.  The level of tensions were so strong, until this day, I have clear and vivid pictures in my mind of  daily events like convoys, black-outs, etc.  Mother died the year the War ended, searing those memories forever.
We fought that war to defeat the Nazis, and, (after Pearl Harbor), the Japanese.  The Communist Russians were our ally in that war.  We quickly forgot these facts, and swept them out of consciousness in favor of mounting tensions and a Cold War against the Communists and the Russians.  Baby-boomers grew up learning very little about Hitler and his Nazis, as a result.  Except for Holocaust stories and children's stories about Ann Frank, very little emphasis in our education systems was placed on the events from 1939 to 1945.
That protracted "silence" masked critical knowledge, for our citizenry today, of  Nazis "scientific" and "medical" experiments.  I was privileged to meet and learn from several World War II veterans (both black and white) who were present and personally witnessed the evidence of Nazi atrocities.  One veteran told me about an experiment performed on mother-and-child pairs.  In the "experiment" the mother was subjected to steadily increasing levels of pain; to a point where she would destroy her own child to relieve the pain.  The Nazis wanted to measure the "limits" of instinctual human bonds between mother and child.  The Nazis learned from a long history of Eugenics (much of it from the Americas) and acted to perfect their theories of a Master, (Super-human) Race. 
I remembered that story as I watched Trayvon Martin's mother being very skillfully manipulated, through her pain, by the Defense Attorney, to get her to blame her son for his own death.  Most citizens will not recognize a connection, here, to Nazi "research".  The Attorney then contrasted Trayvon's mother (the Sub-Human?) to Zimmerman's mother (of higher "status") providing her the opportunity to "save" her son from the consequences of his crime.
There are several, more serious, consequences to our failure to learn adequately from our World War II experiences with Naziism.  At a time when Media dominates every aspect of our lives, it would serve us all well to review the techniques the Nazis perfected to propagandize the public.  It might be argued that their Media efforts enabled them to take over Europe so rapidly.
Stay Vigilant!  Discover what lurks in "silence"?
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Sunday, July 7, 2013


The REAL "Survival" Issue ??
Chakrabarti's  new book, A Country of Cities,  covers a topic that our Media shuns, but should be on the tip of the tongue for  all of us!  We all need to "survive", and we need two things to do that: water, and energy.  We all live on a planet where the population has grown from 1.6B in 1900, to a projected 7.0B in this century!  Regardless of our skin color, or birth circumstances, we all need clean water  to survive!  Next, comes energy, if we continue to base our global economy on our ability to "plug in" to power.  These tribal wars that are springing up around the planet are wrong-headed, and stupidly focused.
In 1965, while I was still stationed at Fort Meade, my brother, an Army Officer, asked me to find a place for him and his family in the Washington, D.C. area.  He was returning from his 2nd tour in Vietnam, and needed a place to live while he attended graduate school at George Washington University.  The District was almost completely segregated, then, and under the strict control of Southern Rednecks (jobs on the D.C. police force were "patronage" handed out to their fellow rednecks).  There was no place to rent or buy in the District if you were not white.
In less than five years, the District was "flipped" from white to black!  It remained under the control of a mostly Redneck Congress; it was called "The Plantation" by my black friends there.  The whites fled the city for residences in the all-white suburbs.  They kept their city jobs, however; commuting back into the city daily, putting heavy financial burdens on the District government; for which they paid little or nothing.
Fast forward to 2013.  We have massive crime and gun-violence in all of our major cities; they also have almost solidly black inner-cores.  From gun deaths to school-to-prison factories, the "dysfunction" of our cities has been socially engineered by white citizens, and their racial beliefs. 
Yet, another "flippin' may be in our near future.  Energy costs and the availability of clean water are emerging as prime concerns for the survival of our "way(s) of life".  But whites don't live where they can't be "safe"; so, I guess, the blacks will be moving again?
Stay Vigilant!  Think about the real issues??
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Saturday, July 6, 2013


"Fair-Play" and, NOW "Democracy" TRASHED !!
As the world "turns" through 2013, its becoming clearer that, perhaps, the world DID end in 2012!
The financial, white, and male interests in the United States have shown that "Democracy" here does not mean sharing power with non-whites; even when they have the "votes".  Now, we learn that those same interests, on the world stage, have come to that conclusion concerning Egypt.  This may boggle some minds.  Didn't "European" education go to great lengths to separate the African Continent in such a way that Egyptians could be declared "white"?  Well, yes; and no: apparently!  (Why are the "noses" missing from all those Egyptian statues in European museums?)
After driving the North Africans out of Spain, the Papal interests turned toward exploration, and the spread of their version of "civilization" to lands, in what became, the Americas.  The combination of three interests (Missionary, Mercenary, and Military) ruled the events from that time until 2012.  (Those Mayans were pretty smart, after all).
Two forces: "demographics" and a technology-driven explosion in "awareness" have invaded the planet and Europeans cannot survive under their original 3-M model.  So, they have erected a new one: (Media, Money, and Munitions).  Under the original 3-M model, the Missionary, or "religious" element, proved to be the most powerful.  The Catholic original "morphed" into multiple sects (all of which retained the Euro-focus).  The Europeanization of Christianity seeped into the psyches of the "conquered", and serves, to this day, to keep them "in their places".  That is rapidly waning under the influence of the revolutionary "awareness" sweeping the planet.
Media is emerging as the ultimate weapon in the new world order (oops!).  The mind "blowing" (not the best word) power of the Media is limitless.  Fueled by Money and backed up, when necessary, by Military forces (or other Cold War weaponry); the new model is ready for action.
It works on the "excuse for a trial" taking place in Sanford, FL (and on T.V. everywhere else).
It works for the "overthrow" of a fairly-elected President in Cairo.  It works for an end to legitimately-elected Presidents in the United States.  Having failed to hold power when they were "granted" control of the Executive Branch of our Federal Government; and, failing again in 2012 to install a cult-leader as their "Man on a White Horse"; the white, male element within this society is reverting-to-type by returning to methods of the past: to "simulate" majority rule, when they clearly don't have the "votes".  Got it??  Get Busy!!
Stay Vigilant!  Free your mind! Read, don't just Watch!
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Friday, July 5, 2013


"Who is? .. Who ain't" ??
While viewing the Autopsy Testimony, given in the Trayvon Martin trial today, I was struck by the varied responses of media talking heads, and different elements of our society.  Most were highly judgmental and critical in terms that denote class, racial, and regional differences.  The world is engaged, in a similar way, in its media responses to events in Cairo.  In both places, the people judging are mostly white and those judged are not. 
As Europeans have roamed the world, racking up conquests over the past 500 years, a consistent theme to their activities has been one of regarding those who were conquered as "subhuman".  Over that period, they have driven that attitude and value template deep into their psyche and into their institutions.
The writings of Thomas Jefferson, the teachings, and "governance" of the Catholic Church in its dealings with "the conquered";  show their strong convictions as to who was "human" and who was "not human".  It shows today in the structure of their laws and their "judicial" institutions in the "conquered" territories.  The roots of this kind of thinking are "tribal"; many tribes have thought of their own people as "human"; while thinking of others as not human.  That makes warfare possible.  It is also a root of never-ending racism.
Over the years, these values have been targeted against the children of the conquered; often stealing them, selling them, or forcing them in to special "schools".  We see vestiges of that today in our educational institutions; which insist that only whites have ultimate control over what is taught to children of non-whites.  As the witness who performed the autopsy on Trayvon Martin described, in detail, the brutal damages to his young body;  Zimmerman's attorneys strove to belittle that testimony;  knowing that, as a non-white "expert", with English language difficulties, the white, and all female jury would find it difficult to "hear" or "feel" that testimony.  This trial is taking place in separate "bubbles".
The ultimate tragedy is that non-whites have also been infected with those values.  They have a difficult time seeing themselves as "human".  For the past century they have fought, in this country, for Civil Rights, not Human Rights!
Stay Vigilant!  Open your eyes. We are witnessing a Revolution.
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Thursday, July 4, 2013


"Ain't Nuthin' but a Reality Show" ??
As we celebrate our "Freedoms" here, on this 4th of July, we've received a "gift" from the Land of the Pharaohs.  It seems that a duly, and fairly, and "Democratically" elected, leader in Egypt has been overthrown in a move that none dare call a "coup".  We seemed to have learned, here, in 2000, that we should be careful, when calling a "coup, a coup"!
But, who really cares! It was live on T.V. -- that's what matters.  We just want to be entertained.  "Let's YOU and HIM Fight!"; is the business model of all media, these days.  There's lots of filthy lucre in "them thar'  hills".  We also got to see, yesterday, Zimmerman and his lawyer on FOX; telling a blatant lie to the viewing public.  It's not enough to taint a jury; with T.V., you can taint an entire country, and much of the remaining planet.  Who still believes in the fairness of "Trial by Jury"??  I've got  a bridge ...!
For those of us who are fortunate enough to peek below the surface of media reporting, we learn that "Democracy" can be claimed by all competing factions within a given political body.  Because they often can't, or won't agree; or, God forbid, COMPROMISE; Democracy, as a form of government, is doomed.  Just as our Republican Party carries on as if the 2012 election never happened, so, too, have the factions in Egypt proceeded as if their election never happened.
I spent more than 50 years of my adult life developing and applying advanced technologies to our efforts to win the Cold War.  Those technologies are all around us, today, in hi-tech gadgets and facilities, like the Internet.  Some of them have been applied to old applications, such as Dr. Goebbels's media propaganda techniques, and, Voila!, a new and much more virulent type of propaganda machine operates in our midst.  Democracy, as a form of self-government becomes a casualty, again, as it did in Germany in the 1930s.
Eisenhower warned us of the threat of a "military-industrial complex".  Egypt has one on steroids.
Ours is extremely powerful, but the industry part is separate (nominally).  In Egypt, industry, and big money, appear to be in the hands of the military.  With no middle class (note: ours is being whittled away swiftly) Democracy becomes a vague concept at best.  Elections, alone, cannot substitute.
Stay Vigilant!  Peek beneath the "covers"!
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013


2013 Update
Happy 4th of July!  Last night, PBS ran Ken Burn's recount of the building of the Statue of Liberty.  The statue is of "The Lady With The Lamp", in New York Harbor,  searching for "tired" and "wretched" outcasts from Europe.  The base of the statue holds more symbolic meaning for my forebears (Native, African, European) than does the statue itself.  The late James Baldwin describes the statue in Burns' documentary as a "cruel joke" for black folk.  I'm sure it the ultimate cruel joke for the descendants of the few Native populations who have survived hundreds of years of slaughter, decimation, and genocide.
Johnny Depp was interviewed by Charlie Rose last night, touting Disney's "centuries-late" attempt to admit the "error of its ways" in their demeaning and stereotyping of Natives and all peoples of color; over the past 100 years.  He said he wants to save at least "10 Indian" males, who languish today on Reservations, with no future.  Unfortunate phrasing, I'm sure!
The base of the statue (as large as the statue, itself) is double-leveled:  the first level signifies, for me, the tremendous advantage in firepower held by the European as he engaged in wanton, mass slaughter.  The next level signifies what my Grandfather told me in the 50's about this country at its inception:
          To "make it" in this country, at its beginning, the immigrant had to be
                   WHITE,   MALE,  OWN AT LEAST ONE WHITE SHIRT,
                   AND LEARN ONE ENGLISH WORD: "N*GG*R!!
All around us, today, we see white males turning every trick in their book to hang on to the power and wealth they have amassed in their pursuit of dominance in this country.  They have taken, lately, to a turn against white women, in order to boost birth rates for white babies.  In order to maintain their firepower advantage, they've employed the Media, racial exclusion, and gender exclusion as their weapons; as evidenced in "Florida on Trial" now taking place.
Immigration is also a "thorn in the side" of white &male politics, today.  What if the non-white immigrants that flood to these shores today, modified the old rules to suit their situation??
Perhaps now you can recognize the smell of "desperation" so prominent in our air today?
Stay Vigilant!  The "ball" is bouncing faster and faster!
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