Conservative "Ingredient"?
Welcome to Romneyworld!
CPAC, , the "embryo" of Republican "leadership" is displaying a curious crack. Crack; a crevice, an opening, something to smoke, seems in evidence at the top of CPAC, and the Republican Party. In their up-coming session, those Republican candidates who lost the 2012 election will headline CPAC. Their best candidate for winning a national election in the future is not invited!
Not since Papal Schisms in the Catholic Church, have we had more than one Pope at a time. We have two Popes now. Another crack appears; this time at the top of the Christian religion. Since the rise of CPAC in the 1970's, religion has played a strong role in our Conservative Politics. From Fallwell until today, a blend of right-wing religious fundamentals have provided the base of the Republican party. The Catholic Church has moved into a prominent position within CPAC, in opposition to the Obama administration. The 2012 election results show that they no longer are supported by the majority of voters.
Due to some substance they seem to share, CPAC members don"t seem to care about not having the support of the majority of the voters in this country. They could be heading into a future wherein they act as a permanent "drag" on our national economy and politics. A series of "manufactured" crises looms ahead.
Following the 2012 election, the first crisis they presented was the Fiscal Cliff. Losing the showdown on that, they have next presented us with Sequestration. It will take months to determine how this country and the Republican Party fare in this caper. Using the filibuster rules in the Senate and the "power of the purse" in the house, the Republicans can hamper the political function and the personal finances of many citizens. Continuing Resolution, and Debt Ceiling crises lie ahead. Many of those who will be hurt can not afford to support the Party financially. If, over the long road ahead, they withdraw their support, we may snap back to some type of normalcy.
The Catholic Church is also a nation-state that intervenes in politics and personal lives all over the world. This split signifies difficulties for the Church as they confront their history. Centuries of deception and cover-up have been recently revealed. It is questionable where this "crack" leads.
It should be no surprise that confusion and harm reign whenever and wherever religion invades politics.
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