Tangled Roots
In the year I was born, Russia, (led by Stalin), the world's leading Communist country, and Germany (led by Hitler), the world's leading Fascist country, signed a Pact of non-agression; freeing Germany to attack Poland. Britain acquiesced (Chamberlain). Hitler later attacked Russia, driving Stalin into the arms of Churchill (Britain) and Roosevelt (United States). My earliest memories are of the days of what followed: World War II.
In the year of my 6th birthday, that war ended and, two years later, the Cold War began. The Cold War pitted Stalin against Churchill and Truman (Roosevelt died in the year WW II ended). The Fascists waged war based on their beliefs of Race; based in biology. Biology-based racism was unique to the European approach to world conquest; which included chattel slavery and, later, colonialism. Roosevelt worked hard to get Churchill and the French to abandon colonialism and to base their post-war world order on freedom for all. The French and British ignored Roosevelt and returned to race-based colonialism - in the Middle East, and in Vietnam.
The United States adopted a policy of educating its citizens to the horrors of Communism while ignoring the horrors of Fascism. Race-based beliefs derived from Catholic (later Protestant) teachings and doctrines. We were taught that we opposed Communism, because it was "God-less".
Physics (the atomic bomb), and the Industrial Might of the United States, combined to enable Britain, the U.S., and Russia to win World War II. It was physics (again) and weapons engineering that enabled the United States to prevail over Russia and the Soviet Union to "win" the Cold War; while simultaneously rebuilding the economies of Europe and Japan. The "end" of the Cold War also produced the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Race-based colonialism also came under pressure during this period, leading to the freeing of India in 1947, and the formation of the "Bandung" (non-aligned) nations - India, China, and the African nations. This part of the Cold War is still on-going. The world's largest Communist country, China, is now our biggest trading partner; and Russia, the former Cold War foe, plays a role only in terms of its lingering nuclear threat.
In the Americas, the Catholic Church dominates today, as it has since the days of Columbus. It has divided the people into Red, White, and Black races (they symbolize this in their dress). The white races are held supreme. It has defined the after-life in terms of race (their all-white view of Heaven, is depicted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel). The Spanish-heritage parts of the Americas operate under the belief that there are sixteen races, based on the mixtures of red, white, and black.
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