Beyond Our "Limits"
On this "St. Pattie"s Day"; Congratulations to my long-distant "cousins"; whether they would recognize their "kin" or not. After 500 years of "bed-swapping" on this side of our planet, European "immigrants" to the Americas will simply "have to" acknowledge all their progeny! In these days of DNA and Mormon "research", anything less is ludicrous!
My story began on the Prairie, led to the Ocean, and I now reside in the Mountains, in that part of the Americas known as the United States. Our town contained a College for "Negroes", founded in 1882. This was 43 years after the state University was founded (for whites only); and 16 years after the Land-Grant state University was founded (for blacks only). The Klan burned down our college in 1925. The ignorant and rabidly racist whites who ruled our town, and, until today, the state, had no use for formal education -- for anyone, especially the segregated blacks.
In search of an answer to the question: "how did the ignorant whites gain so much power over people of color?", I researched a Master's Thesis in 1972. That research led me back to Zoroaster, prior to 6000 BC. It was introduced into what is our current religion, politics, and economics in the United States by Julian the Apostate, a Roman emperor in the 4th Century. The Romans borrowed their ideas on race and skin color from the Egyptians. The Catholic Popes introduced to the Americas and brought us Chattel Slavery.
To confront any aspect of racism in the United States today on any level inside the religious teachings of Christianity is absurd. Our unwillingness or inability to embrace our future from a level unfettered by religion explains the insanity we are currently pursuing in our politics, in our social lives, and our ability to acurately identify who we are. We simply keep re-arranging the deck chairs!
Inside the United States, our founders created the game of deciding who was "human", and thereby entitled to Human Rights or Natural Rights. All others are "civilized" lesser peoples who deserve Civil Rights that are issued by whites and contain "expiration dates".
These classic, self-imposed "Limits" of race, religion, nationality, East/West cultures, and "human status", must be overcome! Our Problem is in our Heads!
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