Sunday, March 24, 2013


Bring Back The Whigs ??
You believe that the future of your grand-children is threatened.  Well, so do I; because it includes  the future of my grand-children.  We differ sharply over what threatens their future!  Why should I be concerned about Mayor Bloomberg's Stop and Frisk, and you're not?  Why should I be concerned about the prison-industrial movement, and you're not?  Why should I be concerned by the escalation of  discrimination based on biology (race and gender), and you continue to back that discrimination; regarding marriage, access to education, the continued racialization of poverty and health care??
Before they became the Republican Party, they were the Whigs.  The Whigs were the real "party of Lincoln", these current imposters have committed suicide as a legitimate political party by ignoring the will of the people in favor of their corporate sponsors.  They need to go!  Soon!  We need to examine the original transition of the Whigs into Republicans, and determine whether reversal in feasible; or, whether a new, fresh, fair and open Party should be the answer.
You pretend that your concern is the Federal Budget.  We all know that is not true, based on your silence, lack of concern, and cheer-leading of the Cheney/Bush crowd as they imploded our economy and loaded us down with war debt.
Its not hard to imagine the plight of your grand-children and mine if we don't act, quickly, to put an end to the madness the current Republicans are spreading (even in the face of losing elections).  Moving into "red" states; our version of the South African "Laager", will not change the outcomes you fear.  It simply makes those outcomes more serious.  Think Syria, where biology-based conflict rages.  You almost certainly will have to confront your religion to save your grand-children, and mine, but they are worth whatever that entails.
Kishore Mahbubani' new book: Asia, the West and the Logic of One World,  warns the entire Western World of the need to change fundamentally and embrace all of the world's people on the basis of legal and cultural equality.  Our Republicans are doing your grand-children no favor by leading them into the Laager!
We old folk don't have a lot of time.  We have to work fast to undo the crap we see all around us!
Stay Vigilant!  Face the "Truth"!!
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