Saturday, March 16, 2013

HAVE "BLACKs" & "LATINOs" LOST Thier Way??

"REAL" Leadership!!
John Kenneth Galbraith taught us that "real" power consists, at minimum, of money, charismatic leadership, and organization.  Under Segregation, black citizens were "contained" in such a way that the power of smaller, less wealthy, and less coordinated/focused organizations achieved enhanced power.  Integration removed that effect upon the ability of blacks to resist white supremacy in this country.
Having lost, resoundingly, the 2012 election, Romney told CPAC yesterday that they should stand their ground in the nation's state legislatures and governorships to maintain the hold of white supremacy in this country.  The governor of Michigan is doing exactly that by disenfranchising the voting citizens of the city of Detroit and thereby, seizing the city.  What this does for the voting power of black citizens in the state of Michigan is something every citizen of this country should be alarmed by!  We're focused on voting rights, but, more importantly, we should be concerned with what happens to their property rights??
In the Jan/Feb 2013 issue of The American Prospect, in response to the poll question: "Racism in the United States is by and large a thing of the past.", 58% of Blacks, 34% of Whites, and 32% of Latinos AGREED!!  This response should scare Hell out of ALL voting citizens.  The late Senator Moynihan warned white citizens decades ago to pay attention to what happens to our black citizens because the same fate will befall white citizens within 10 years time.
Whatever forces have lulled black citizens into such a stupor (mis-education, "sports", "entertainment", "religion", "first black President") the impact for our future could be devastating.
The black voters of Michigan are witnessing that future NOW!

While the nation is lucky enough to have a charismatic leader and the Republicans are still scrounging for one; we must find a way to strengthen the organizational impact of all who want to end our racial, and supremacist ways of the past.  We could all, for example, become "citizens of Detroit by buying property there; and then defy the state government to take away our property rights!.  That property must be dirt cheap right now.

Stay Vigilant! "Buy" Detroit!!

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