Sunday, March 3, 2013

WAR: In this AGE of MEDIA

We Make War the Way we Make Money?? 
It is somewhat true, as the Wag said, we make war, based on the same economy we have at the time.  During the Agricultural Period, people packed picnic baskets and went out to "watch" the war.  During the Industrial Period into which I was born 73 years ago, the factory produced the ways and means of war.  Today, the media is the weapon.  From the Arab Spring to Syria, we should all sit up and take notice.
We've been absorbed in the past year or two with the drama unfolding in our national politics and economy; and rightly so.  We've dodged a "bullet"; this time from domestic enemies.  But their prime weapon was media.  They inhabit that portion of the media I call "Cracker Media".  It is driven by people who are racist, overly "religious", hateful against women, and so ignorant it would make your head spin (if the brain in that head has not been "zombiefied").
The Cracker Media sprang from the political base fashioned  by the Republican Party under President Nixon.  Over the many years since, they've taken over our government, while preaching their hatred for "government".  They say it's "too big".  They're too stupid to realize that the population at the time of Nixon had grown by more than 100 million people by the time "W" and the Supremes set upon us in 2000 (a 50% increase).  These media operatives are found even in "respected"  networks;  fed  also by talk-radio.
The "war" in Syria is the one we should pay most attention to.  The future wars may look like this.
As the skullduggery of religions over centuries comes undone, people set upon each other, fed by religious lies and tribal wounds.  Reason and knowledge seem to be helpless in the face of it.  That should scare the crap out of all of us.
Be aware, it was technology, not some hack actor from Hollywood playing the role of President, that "won" the Cold War.  As someone on the front-lines as those technological breakthroughs were made, I know for a fact that the Cold War was "done-for" before 1980.  It was known in government circles in the 70's, that the Soviet Union could not "keep-up" and was on the verge of collapse.  That same technology advance brought us the Media Age.
But, guess what?  Those wise heads who designed this government are getting the last laugh.  Even against big Media.  After 5 years of throwing everything  -- all the king's horses and Queen Ann too -- the Cracker Media has been bested by a wiser President.  The Republican Party is staggering toward oblivion! 
Stay Vigilant!  Get Involved!
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