Thursday, March 21, 2013


Let's Consider the "Definitions"
Never before has the phrase "consider the source" been more appropriate than when this term is used.  In our post-Orwellian "Media" world, the word "racism" shifts meaning incessantly.  These four months since the election of 2012 should erase all doubt that the GOP is "doubling down" on its stance on race -- it opposes anyone who is not white, for any reason! --  unless that person embraces their "principles".  In their trip to Israel, Mitt and Adelson applied the GOP concept of race to the Palestinians, declaring them to be inferior to the Israelis.
The term, when applied to Jews, Jewish History, or the Jewish Religion, becomes Anti-Semitism.  That brand of racism is studiously avoided by the GOP.  Wikipedia lists historical race concepts, dating as far back as the ancient Egyptians.
The Americas became plagued with the most malignant forms of racist belief systems when Chattel Slavery, introduced by Catholicism, adopted  biology-based racism linked to the Bible.  Since then, every form of this plague has infiltrated our laws and institutions.  The skillful introduction into our politics began with the Black Codes, the Klan and, through many "distillations", Republican politics.  Goldwater began the trend, Nixon overhauled it, Reagan blew new life into it aided by  Lee Atwater, and "The Master" Karl perfected it for the Bush family of politicians.
Fueled by unlimited funding by corporate interests, our politicians now have to fear organizations like the NRA, which have distilled the powers of race-based fear mongering even further; imprisoning the politicians themselves!  This latest stage explains why not only gun legislation, but our "education" problems, our "Obamacare" health issues, law enforcement, -- all are tainted and bedeviled by the power this force wields.  We wonder why nobody seems to act "rationally" anymore?  Well. DUH!!
It the embrace of  young politicians that is most unsettling.  Rubio and Cruz should cause us all to wonder where this is ultimately heading.  Forget the "old" practitioners like McCain, Palin, and Graham.  Don't be misled by those black adherents, like Condi, and Clarence, who have no problem embracing Republican "principles".
Stay Vigilant!
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