Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Check-Out "YOUR" Circadian Rhythms
As governments continue to weaken and crumble under the forces of global corporatism, we all need to review the bidding, so to speak.  Whatever we were taught as children was "right", "normal", or somehow to be expected, is being up-ended everywhere these days -- in so many ways.
In Black Voices From Reconstruction mentioned in yesterday's blog, the New York Daily Tribune reports a meeting in 1865, in Savannah, Georgia, of "black leaders" with Secretary of War, Stanton, and General Sherman.  Their Spokesman, a 67-year-old Baptist preacher named Garrison Frazier, told them that blacks believed that: "slavery is, receiving by irresistable power the work of another man, and not by his consent." 
One explanation we're given for the soaring stock market, while unemployment remains high, and wages are stagnant; is that productivity gains are huge!
As the Republican Party, shock troops for corporate interests, continue to press austerity onto the workers and house-holds of this country, we should all be able to resonante with the good Reverend Frazier.  Productivity Gains will continue to mount as we work longer hours, on multiple jobs,  under steadily worsening conditions.
Your Circadian Rhythms are probably suffering mightily under these forces.  Are you anxious a lot lately?  Do you get restful sleep?  Do you get any sleep?  Right behind sleeping problems lie eating problems.  As a single parent, I had to invent ways of appearing to be in two places at once.  Now, all parents face this problem;  due to insufficient hours in a day!
We can no longer afford to separate our politics from our economics, or from our health concerns.
Stay Vigilant!  Get Some Sleep!
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