Tuesday, March 12, 2013


"PRIVILEGE":  "in Extremis" ?? 
What if, by magic, we could "paint" a portrait of our present, and project from such a painting, our future?  If that were so, and I could choose from current events to "paint"; I would choose the following events:  The Papal Conclave; The Death of Chavez, The Trial of Pistorius, and the Struggle Against Gun Violence in the United States.
I would start with the Papacy, and end with Pistorius, because the "Portrait" would have closure -- from the beginning to what may harbinger "the end".
It began several hundreds of years ago when Europe's Crowned Heads, under leadership of the Popes, marched across our planet inflicting a "Cross" on all encountered, at a point of steel, and the gun.  That cross, used as a tool to sort the peoples of the world, was composed of two members; a short one denoting Color (skin, eyes, hair) and the other denoting Wealth.  The world has languished under the yoke of these actions for more than half a Millenium.  Offered conversion or death; those who chose conversion found death by slower and crueler means.
Having exhausted their methods of extorting wealth from the darkest of peoples, the process now is applied to those of lighter hue.  Only the whitest of whites, and the most wealthy, rule in this global economy.  Those whites without money are now feeling "the heat".  Witness their reaction to the (second)  election of the first black President in the United States, and you can get the "picture".  We learn that gun ownership by household is at an all-time high in the United States, while the number of households owning guns is steadily declining.
Nowhere on Earth, outside of Europe, is the power of the Popes more in evidence than in South America.  The death, and recent memorial ceremonies, for Hugo Chavez, reveal an "awakening" in South America, that signals rough days ahead for Catholicism and its historic rule.  Given the changes in Brazil, Bolivia, and other countries surrounding Venezuela; the "past" cannot be restored.
Fast forward to the end of this story, which may be signalled by the "laager mentality" of white South Africans. 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaagerTIME Magazine (March 11, 2013) describes in detail that mentality.  It also shows the desperation of those who hoard all of the wealth, and then try to live safely behind a wall of guns and other firepower.  (Where is the power of the Pope, when the wealthy really need it?)  A similar story could be told when we examine closely what the wealthy are doing to their societies and economies in the United States and Europe as they cling to wealth and privilege; to the detriment of all else.  What happens when Mandela passes on?   Maybe the world's terrified, white, male "shooters" are not so "crazy", after all?
Stay Vigilant!  Stay Informed!
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