Thursday, February 28, 2013


.. and the “Opportunists” who lie “Between”
I was in college in San Francisco in 1961 when the black students on our campus debated the black students from “the university across the bay”.  The topic: the competing philosophies of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.   C. Eric Lincoln’s book,  The Black Muslims in America  was released, and some of us were worried about having to embrace “bean pies” in order to escape “Booker T”.  Martin’s challenge provided an alternative to “Booker T.”, but it lacked the “independence” that Malcolm promised.  We lived inside the “Black” bubble provided by Jim Crow.
The white students on campus were indifferent to both Martin and Malcolm; more-or-less comfortable inside their “White” bubble.  Their concerns centered on the Draft, and whether they would have to face bullets in Viet Nam.
Fast-forward more than 50 years, and both Martin and Malcolm lie murdered, under circumstances that show fingerprints of our federal government.  Laws were passed that destroyed the physical “Black” bubble; scattering the inhabitants.  The Laws, passed by citizens who inhabit the “White” bubble, provided the clear right to vote, among other things, to Blacks.  Today, our Supreme Court is poised to scuttle the laws guaranteeing Blacks the right to vote.
Why??  Because the 2012 election showed that white voters face a permanent minority status in this country; due to the fact that they are a dwindling portion of the electorate.  They have to find a way to rule with a minority portion of the national vote.  If the Whites succeed in building a 21st century version of Jim Crow, the “non-white opportunists” mostly of Asian origin, and the rest: of Latin-American heritage along with women of all backgrounds, can be driven back into their historic “place”.  They also may manage to stymie the push of Gay citizens for equal status under our laws.
I hope this makes clear who the stakeholders are in the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on Voting Rights.
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