Read the news today and you have to do some serious research to understand the "real" story that is unfolding before you. Just as most opera-goers rely on the their programs to tell them the story (because they don't "speak the language"); most consumers of today's "news" have to work hard to avoid being "mushroomed" by what they're being told.
Check out Machiavelli:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niccol%C3%B2_Machiavelli , and the history of the Jews in Spain:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Spain, and you're returned to 1492.
You find Popes involved in the budding Atlantic Slave Trade; Queen Isabella in Spain cleansing Christianity of Muslims and Jews; and the earliest days of Europeans in the Americas. A great starting point for understanding what's unfolding (or unraveling) before us today. Major, time-worn, stories are "cracking" in many ways that foreshadow a very different future for us all. Could we be approaching a new "Enlightenment"? Is the White Supremacist world, that began forming then, finally approaching its end? Will we emerge with new world religions? Or any religions at all?
We're taught that "truth, crushed, shall rise". Is now the time we all have to face some stark, uncomfortable, and revolutionary "truths"? Could we have spared ourselves a great deal of grief if we read, and took seriously, The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio , written in the 1300's?
Machiavelli reveals the source of the morals, politics, and economics that prevail today. Boccaccio connects that to early Christianity. Syria shows the stresses, or cracks, within the third Abrahamic Religion: the Moslem faith. Israel shows us the stresses, or cracks, within the Abrahamic Religions.
The Protestant off-shoots from early Christianity profitted mightily from chattel slavery and the re-ordering of world affairs along color and racial lines. The cracks within the Protestant faiths of the world, and the realignment of those U.S., fundamentalist, deep-South, Protestants, with the politics of Israel; complete the circle of woe.
Stay Vigilant! Stay Involved!
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