Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The "ROT at the "ROOT" of U.S. "Hi-TECH"

"Blooms" in San Francisco??

In a recently-televised Celebration of Poet, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, he confirmed what I had written in my earlier blogs:  Hi-Tech invasion of San Francisco has destroyed the essence of that grand City!
In the City that I was introduced to in 1959, I could take a round-trip from 15th Ave and Lake, downtown to Market Street on a single $0.15 bus ticket!  The Charm of the City was not the Rich, although they were there; it was the grandeur of its its Average Citizens; living in their unique, egalitarian, communities, and generously contributing to what we all came to enjoy and love!  I was invited to a wondrous night in which I learned to Polka, at a Yugoslavian Community Pub.  Ferlinghetti tells us, that is all gone, now; thanks to the invasion of the Google-Niks, and their wannabees!

This probably could have been predicted.   To look deeper into the causes for the rise of this bunch of people with lots of money, no culture, and no Soul;  come with me, back to my high school days and to Sputnik.  Our Congress was so spooked that the Russians were ahead of us in Space, they did what Congress does; they threw money at the problem!  They created Engineering Schools and Programs across the country for WHITE MALES, only!  In those "schools", no "Humanities" were taught.  Voila!, we got products like Gates and Jobs, as a result!  Having spent my entire adult life in Aerospace, to include the early days of Silicon Valley, I saw this phenomenon play out; "up-close" and "personally"!

My Dad told me stories about his trip to Jefferson Barracks in Saint Louis, in 1944.  He was astonished to learn that the overwhelming majority of the white boys there could not read!  They read Comic Books, a 1930's invention by American Jews, to capitalize on black-white racism.  Dad threatened to "kill us", if he caught us reading Comics.  Whites used the Public Schools to smooth over the edges of our various ethnic whites, and to produce a single "white tribe".  The schools have been used for non-whites, since 1954, to further alienate them from their own; ensuring they will not aspire to power.

It was President Kennedy who "shamed" Industry to hire Blacks with College Degrees.  Before 1963, most Blacks with Degrees were Doctors, Lawyers, Preachers, Teachers, or Government Workers!

Stay Vigilant!  We reap what we sow!  The "Grand Old Lady With the Dirty Skirts" has finally met her mtach, it seems.  Even the earthquake and fires of 1904 could not do what these Google-Niks have done.

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