Thursday, March 19, 2015

"THE" CONVERSATION ... (regarding RACE in Americas)

"reckonin" Time?

A Black Student who attends U. of Va, got his head whup'd, to a bloody mess by white cops, both female and male, outside an Irish Bar, we're told.  It seems he was denied entry.  The story re-awakens images of  "sit-ins" of my generation.  I am disturbed by the fact that much of the activism of young Blacks today, is simply a REPEAT of activities that took place a half-century ago!  It is proclaimed that we've had Civil Rights Leaders for all of that time.  If THIS is where those leaders led us, they were, and some still are, seriously INCOMPETENT!  Most of those "leaders" of old were called "Reverend".  Many today are those same Cats, joined by new "Reverends"  There is something seriously wrong with this picture!

As the movie "Lincoln", like so much of Spielberg's work, showed how black human status is denied under Law; we've come to witness that phenomenon, more and more, each day, across this nation.  That denial is very real in 2015!  There must be "something" that Blacks are doing, or fail to do, that contributes to this constant condition that threads our history.

In the mid-70s, I was a College Admissions Counselor in the states of Kansas and Nebraska.  I also traveled the country in search of gifted Black Students identified by the ETS (Educational Testing Service).  Two things stood out:  Black Students were admitted to prestigious schools, and then "flunked out", after the first year. (Great grades in High School -- in "soft" courses).  None of the gifted students I found were interested in Science or Economics.  

Many white students also fell into this pattern (except for the "flunking" part), but they came from wealthier familes, and were assured of good jobs through  "connections".  When I met those white parents, they were interested only in getting the lowest cost "deal" they could find for their children; from scholarships, or Government Programs.

It is extremely critical, today, that ALL students, especially Blacks and Browns, take the hard math and science courses, in High School!  They must learn Business and Marketing basics, and learnhow to fight their instructors to obtain "fair" grading for their work.  This will empower them to strategize more effectively and "get ahead" in their later careers; both as individuals, and as a group.  They will also match, or exceed, the "statistics" of whites and other students.  The days of getting a degree, and, then "peddling" that degree for a job; are LONG GONE!  Everyone must become "competitive" on a Global basis.  It is questionable whether white employers can continue to "carry" those whites who also lack rigorous educational foundations.  Global competition forbids "carrying" anyone who cannot compete!

Stay Vigilant!  EMOTIONS are no substitute for clear THINKING!!

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