Non-Whites Must "UP" their Game!!
Whites "Know" Blacks; and Blacks "Know" Whites in very different ways!! Blacks have "survived", for centuries; by "compartmentalizing" themselves; since the darkest days of the European Brand of Slavery that was created on the shores of the Americas. Whites, and, even "Old-World-Indians" are BETTER at the race game that Blacks, it appears. Cops are not "hunting" them on the streets the way they seem to be "hunting" Blacks. "Old-World-Indians" have "hired-out" to whites in places like LA and SC, to fill the shortage of "Home-Bred-Blacks" like Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Senator Scott, It also could be because of the "unthinkable" -- a Black Southern Governor. The VA case, some years back, was a "death scare"?? The Whites are "experts" at springing these creatures on us when they need to "correct" their Race Models. Hard Right Politicians are more comfortable exposing their racism, as practiced by Romney, Clint Eastwood, and Donald Trump. Former Senator Santorum of PA, was caught "biting his tongue" once during the 2012 campaigns. The current crop of candidates on the RIGHT, to include the "almost-whites" like Rubio and Cruz, are veery careful to not step over still invisible "lines". Remember Whites control the Media, to include writing the scripts for non-white "talking heads".
Any citizen who is sincere about "Ending Racism" in the United States, has to get some serious LIES of History corrected. Begin with Hitler and his "Aryan" movement. World War II was a struggle between three Nations in Europe claiming Aryan lineage: the Gauls of France, the Anglo-Saxon of Britain, and, of course the followers of Hitler in Germany. A blonde, blue-eyed, Exchange Student from Madrid, claimed that, in his experience, the British were the most racist people in Europe. All citizens should read and understand RACE and Manifest Destiny, 1981, by Reginald Horsman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Without full knowledge and understanding of the clear facts presented therein, they WILL NOT know what they're talking about when they "Converse" about RACE!
The most tragically ignorant citizens are those with the darkest skin tones. The lighter-toned and better educated Blacks and Browns have an easier time (Its the old "Chalk-to Charcoal" syndrome, that never died in the U.S.). Even "Mourning Joe prefers the "lighter" Blacks for his television show. Close scrutiny will show that few non-whites vary from their "Scripts", however.
Stay Vigilant! Be able to hold your own in Race Conversations! Arm-up with Race Facts -- get to know the truth, and "un-learn" what you've been taught by white curricula, teachers, and administrators!
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